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.She was keeping herself for that ten inch schlong, remember? Remember! Inspiration arrived.“I recently had a bear trap installed.in my inside womanly parts.”The thing stopped probing her.A strange questioning grunt encouraged her to go on.“Yes.I did.And there’s big metal teeth too.Anything that goes in me gets chomped on.”The reply sounded like a man pretending to be a puzzled dog.“It’s true.”She was let down from the wall, released.Her lie had worked.Damn.As she pressed back into the gate, shaking a little, with the metal mesh springing under her palms, there were crackling noises before her.The lights flickered on.Exasperated and horny, Virginia scowled and thought of the author, all snug at her desk.She recalled the previous pages, with their overflowery similes and the almost deflowering by a tentacle thingummy of an innocent maiden, her, Virginia Chaste, and she sighed.Perhaps today was not the best day to be in an erotic story.Chapter 3Karl Thulhu stood before her, his head tilted to the side.“Hello.”“Um.” She made herself step away from the gate, terribly aware that only moments before she’d been imminently about to do something unusual – something that was because a creature had been probing her pussy lips.She’d been about to come, she realized.Surreal.Perhaps Jace had slipped her a drug and she hadn’t noticed? Beneath the dress, her thighs were slippery.“Hello,” she said, and her gaze lowered until she encountered Jace lying a few feet away to the left.He was snoring.As were all the many men lying on the garage floor.Only her, Karl, and Dangerous Bob were standing.And she was shaking.There were odd pinkish circles all over Jace’s neck and arms.They reminded her of something a big suction cup would leave on skin, like perhaps from a.Puzzled, she cast her gaze about the garage, wondering nervously if there was a violent plumber running amok with one of those pipe unblocking plungers.There was no one, only Karl Thulhu, with Dangerous Bob a few feet behind him, and a lot of knocked-out bikers with pink blotchy circles on them.“What’s happened to them?”“I think Dangerous Bob may have hit them a little,” Karl replied.Some knuckle cracking followed from his henchman.“You’d better not have hurt them permanently!” She scowled.“I liked that one.Jace.”“He’ll be perfectly okay when he wakes up.” Karl studied her, as if bemused by her concern.His navy T-shirt, jeans and black leather jacket contrasted with his posh accent, and his black boots looked as if a butler had shone them.But that, or the breadth of his shoulders, did not keep her attention.The crotch bulge was momentous.Ten plus! screamed her early warning schlong alert.No.Impossible.He might be a sock stuffer.She rolled her tongue back in and shook her head.“So all those blows to their skulls won’t cause any neurological problems like concussion, bruising of the brain, blood clots, residual memory loss, or seizures in years to come?”As if bewildered, he scrubbed his hand through his short blond locks.Virginia admired the orange streaks running across his hair.That same orange she’d seen on the monster when lightning had flashed into the room, searing her mind with that incredible scene of violence and long arm thingies.What gorgeous hair.“Absolutely not.They’ll wake up with mild headaches.” He smiled at her while Dangerous Bob sidled away to use a piece of four by two to pummel a biker who was up on his elbows.“Come.You have a dinner date with me at my mansion.”“I do?” Virginia frowned.“I’m sure it’s not in my planner.” He could be right, though.She’d already forgotten her panties, her bra, and what to call long arm thingies on monsters.“Tentacles!” she blurted.“What?” He flinched and looked taken aback and his brows creased as if some terrible thought had crossed his mind, such as murdering her on the spot.“Nothing.I just remembered something.A word that might be important.”“Hmm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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