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.If you’d like to be informed of future releases and special offers, please sign up:Carina Wilder's Mailing ListThe Wolf Rock Shifters Series is available here:Winning the AlphaBearing Up In Wolf RockNew Release! Carina’s newest New Adult novel, Rome to You ,is available for $0.99.The Billionaires and Curves Series is available here:Billionaires and Curves (Taken With You) TrilogyTaken With YouCrazy About YouThe Way to YouTable of ContentsIntroductionOneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTenElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenIntroductionThe tall, elegant woman known as Annette Barber walked into a bank in the town of Terrence on a busy weekday afternoon, her sleek black hair and large sunglasses giving her an air of quiet mystery.Aside from a glance by the occasional man out running errands and casually interested in attractive women, she remained mostly unnoticed by the locals going about their daily routines.Her flowing dress was cinched at the waist, her lean form evident under the waves of fabric.Over her shoulder was a canvas satchel which contained nothing but some photo identification and a bank card.After sizing up the bank’s employees, she approached the friendliest-looking teller that she saw, a broad, white-toothed smile plastered on her own face.Within minutes she had extracted every cent from an account for which she supplied all necessary paperwork and identification to prove that she was in fact the woman she claimed to be, a woman whose name she’d chosen only a year earlier.The bag she carried as she left the building was suddenly more valuable by far than anything she’d ever owned.As she walked out of the bank, she found herself peering around at passersby, fearful that they would know what she carried.But all seemed fine.No one, she told herself, was out to get her.No one cared where she went.Except for one man, and he wouldn’t be walking down Main Street anytime soon, if ever again.She was free now.A few blocks away, the town’s border greeted her and miles of dense woods began.It was there, concealed among the trees, that she removed her dress and stuffed it into the bag.Her shoes and Annette Barber’s identification were left under a pile of fallen leaves.No one saw the black panther that slipped away, leaving the town and its residents behind forever.One“Bye, Mom.And don’t worry.I won’t end up dead in a ditch,” said Colson, giving the plump woman before him a hug before getting into his immaculate red pickup truck, his luggage on the passenger seat next to him.“Don’t forget to call every week,” she said, “and make sure your cousin pays you properly.”“I will,” he said, grinning.His mother always treated him as though he was still six years old and, while part of him enjoyed it, he always wished he could remind her that he had grown into rather a strong, independent young man.At six-foot-four, Colson found that there was little in the world that threatened him.Add to that the fact that he was a bear shifter and he enjoyed a life mostly devoid of conflict.Mostly.He took off down the road, driving slowly to appease his mother until he was out of sight, and then accelerated to the maximum speed he could sustain without guaranteeing himself a pricey speeding ticket.The truck was Colson’s pride and joy, with its powerful engine and enough upgrades to satisfy any man.It had cost him all his savings and paying for anything outside of gas, food, and possibly the odd beer, wasn’t advisable.So obeying traffic laws seemed like a decent plan, albeit a boring one.The flat landscape of his home state looked more beautiful than usual under the rising sun, but it was the distant mountains that Colson was looking forward to.It had been years since he’d seen them and he’d always felt the most at home among the rocky peaks.He wondered if this had to do with the bear in him, but he knew the answer perfectly well: of course it did.It was his inner animal that craved the outdoors; the smells, the ice cold creeks.And even on the odd occasions when he found himself enjoying a fight, it was his bear that dictated his actions and that gave him strength.Colson drove for several hours, cranking out old-school albums by groups that sang about traveling and being wild, young and free.These were his ideas of the perfect shifter anthems; representations of the dichotomy between animal and human, freedom and duty.The music churned out through the speakers which had been worth every penny he’d paid for them, and he told himself that life couldn’t get much sweeter than this.A solitary ride to begin a new life in a beautiful locale.A solitary life, of course.But he could deal with that later.***Zoe’s breathing grew deep and controlled as she emerged from the woods after her lengthy run.She wrapped the dress’s flowing fabric around her and tied the long belt at her waist, which was now significantly softer and thicker around than it had been a few hours earlier.Regaining her balance after her spring on four paws, she stumbled across the road towards the bar which she’d only spotted a few minutes before, looking back towards the woods for any signs of a pursuer.If she had one, she knew that he’d in all likelihood be far behind her, hunting a taller, thinner woman with black hair.Only the dress she wore, which was a non-descript neutral blue, would be likely to draw any comparisons.But no one would mistake the woman who’d been conducting business at a bank in a town miles away for the curvaceous redhead who was now about to enter a seedy bar, presumably simply looking for an afternoon beer.Even her eyes had changed colour, from a rich chocolate brown to a sort of pale green.Her entire face was now a different shape than it had been; less lean and long, although it was still angular, and striking in its way.Her nose was small and delicate, her cheekbones high, and her upper and lower lips protruded in a manner which made her look slightly pouty.When she smiled, though, she became approachable.The bar was called “O’Flanaghan’s,” although a few errant, missing letters made it look more like “O’Fanaan’s.” It sat in what seemed like the middle of nowhere along a long stretch of country road.No other buildings were in sight in either direction.It seemed like a perfectly stupid location for a drinking establishment, Zoe thought.One could only reach it by driving, which seemed inadvisable at best, or return home by stumbling along for miles in a drunken stupor since taxis were non-existent in this part of the country.But the dozen or so cars in the lot indicated that the clients were of the first sort: slightly irresponsible drivers who were no doubt escaping from some aspect of their mundane lives to spend a few sad hours in an establishment that smelled of liquor and air fresheners.It would be the perfect spot to look for help from a lonely man.Those were always the easiest to manipulate, after all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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