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.Make sure it’s habitable but don’t break the bank Ok.’He’d had to think on his feet to ensure his home remains a Billy free zone.It was inevitable that one day he may honour them with his presence there but not before he had done all he could to prevent it.Although he had not met him yet, only a brief passing in their joint past, he knew more about him than some who had known him for all of his adult life.And what he knew concluded that he didn’t want a man like that in his life anymore than completely necessary.Slouching across the dance floor Billy had only one thing on his mind and it wasn’t particularly pleasant, with his glass in one hand and the near empty bottle in the other he cared very little that most of the eyes in the room were centered upon him.He had always been the focal point in any room, his sheer presence enough to disperse anyone who found themselves in his path.Even now at nearly 58 years old and if honest a little overweight the dancing few quickly moved out of his way to give him free passage.Either the alcohol was having the intended effect or his eyes were in dire need of a checkup.Unable to focus he sat down at the same fitted booth seat as his youngest daughter who was obviously comfortable with her older man.‘Tina luv, do your old Dad a favour and grab us a couple of cigars from the bar will you?’ He placed the glass and bottle onto the table freeing up his hands.‘Oh for fucks sake cant you do it yourself?’ She was seated with her right leg hanging over the old man’s left leg, his hand resting on her inner thigh that lay exposed by her short skirt.‘I wouldn’t have fuckin asked you if I could would I? Now do as you’re told!’ He glared directly at her waiting for his instructions to be followed.She stood up and composed herself, tugging at the bottom hem of the tight black skirt before storming off in a huff.The man had pushed his luck and now Billy would sort it, a one off warning with the threat of violence should it happen again.It was natural to him, it always had been.Violence had been his bread and butter and he knew how to feed his family well.‘Now you listen to me you fuckin cunt…’‘What’s the problem Billy? Don’t you recognize me?’Billy squinted his eyes as the man interrupted him; a dazed empty expression crept across his face.His mind was churning through the countless people he had met over the years, the associates and friends before he went away and then the fellow prisoners and Guards in his most recent past flashing before his eyes in the hope of finding a match.He had been caught off guard; the amount of spirits he had drunk did nothing to help put a name to the man who had him at an advantage.‘Just think back to 1993 Billy,’ he said helping him with his struggle.‘And how it all began.’ It had gone better than planned so far, he almost talked himself out of gate crashing the party sure that Billy would ID him and make a scene before he laid his cards on the table.It was a surprise that Billy had forgotten the copper who sent him down.Billy’s squint retracted with recognition, his eyes widened to their usual size and bigger ‘You!’ he said.‘And what the fuck are you doing here?’ He immediately forgot the reason he had approached the table in the first place.‘Come to fuckin gloat have you?’‘No Billy, I haven’t,’ replied the moustached man.He sat tieless wearing a black suit with a crisp white shirt.‘Well you aint come to nick me cause I only just got out, I know things have changed since my day but do old bill really check up on newly released cons?’‘Drop the sarcasm Billy, anyway I’m not a copper anymore, I’m retired.’Billy glanced across in the direction of the bar; Tina was on her way back clutching the cigars he requested.‘Then I got fuck all to say to you, now piss off and keep your distance from my girls!’‘Everything alright Dad?’ Hearing his raised voice and feeling the tension in the air; she held a cigar in either hand and offered them to each of the men.Billy lent his body forward and reached out grabbing both from her.‘It isn’t for him, the fuckin prick.’ He put one away in his shirt pocket for later.‘Take it easy will you? You nearly took my hand off!’‘Be a good girl Tina and leave us alone, I need to have a quiet word here!’‘I’m a big girl now I can do what I like,’ she replied and looked toward the man who had offered her comfort for moral support.‘It isn’t all about you luv.Me and this fella got history to resolve.’ He unwrapped the cigar and disposed of the wrapper carelessly tossing it on the floor.‘He only latched onto you to get my attention, he’s the reason I went away isn’t that right Chief Inspector?’The ex copper shifted in his seat as her glare turned to him.‘A fuckin copper! Old bill coming to your get out party Dad? That aint fuckin on.’She turned on the man and leant down to face him.‘Should I get Jack to throw the shit head out on his feet?’Seething on the outside that the man had dared impose, he was curious for the motive and silently proud of his girl’s reactions to his true identity.Smiling inwardly that she either shared his hatred of all things lawful or was just displaying her feelings toward him, whichever was the most truthful he couldn’t complain, although he wasn’t happy about her use of colourful language.The difference in his two daughters were plain for all to see, Suzy had made something of herself, she spoke well and was educated whereas it was easy to see that Tina didn’t know how to make an effort, but maybe in his absence he was to blame for that.‘It’s alright luv, he’ll be leaving by his own accord in a few minutes,’ he said.‘You go have a dance, find some respectable company to hang with!’Tina pulled back and stood up straight, after one last disdain look at the ex copper she walked away leaving Billy to his business.‘Well? What the fuck do you want?’‘I see your time served at HMP hasn’t changed you one bit.’ He leant forward and cupped his two hands together.‘Straight to the point it is then.’Billy drained his bottle empty, tipping what was left into his glass whilst at the same time searching in his trouser pocket for something.‘I couldn’t believe my ears when an old colleague of mine informed me that you were being released, I thought the day would never come.’‘Miss me did you?’ he said.He placed his empty hands on the table and took hold of his cigar.‘You got a light?’‘Didn’t miss you no Billy but I was waiting for the day you came out so I could offer you something.’ Placing his hand in his pocket he took out a lighter and placed it on the table.Billy bit one end off the fat cigar and popped it in his mouth; he took the lighter and lit it taking a deep inhale.‘Nothing you can say is of any interest to me, as of a couple of hours ago I’m a free man, no parole or nothing!’‘That won’t last Billy, people like you never learn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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