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.They stared at each other for a moment.“Regan,” he whispered.“My name’s not Regan,” the brunette said.Dylan stood up unsteadily, his cock still jutting out from his hips.Regan looked him over, said nothing, then turned and walked out.Dylan sat down on the couch, putting his head in his hands and suddenly felt very, very sober.What had he done?“What’s wrong, baby?” the brunette had asked.Turning to her, he saw his future with Regan shatter, and anger ripped through him.He knew it wasn’t the girl’s fault but his own.In his drunken state he’d let bad judgment rule and decided that it would be okay to bring her back to his apartment, yet he took his anger and directed it at her.“Get out,” he said, standing up and collecting her clothes.He tossed them to her, not caring that she was hurt or confused.“You need to leave.Now.”She stared at him a moment, and then hissed, “You bastard!”Dylan went into his room and grabbed a pair of sweats.When he returned to the living room, she was dressed.“Please leave,” he said, trying to keep his voice neutral.“Fuck you, Dylan!” she screamed and slammed the door.“Have you heard one word I’ve said?” Max asked, bringing him back to the present.Dylan focused on the man.At sixty-five years old, he still looked good with his salt and pepper hair, a nose that had been broken a few times, and smart, grey eyes.Yet, Dylan had noticed that Max had slowed down considerably.When Dylan was thirteen, his mom enrolled him in boxing classes in Max’s gym after school to keep him away from the East L.A.gangs while she worked cleaning houses.Dylan had never known his father.Dylan had loved the classes, and spent a good deal of time at the gym.Max not only acted as a coach, but also as a father figure, one who tolerated nothing.Dylan had watched more than one kid get thrown out of the gym for any number of indiscretions: bullying, street fighting, drugs, and weapons.If the offending kid wanted to come back, he got another tongue lashing from Max, but he usually gave them a second chance.There weren’t any third chances though.Max had recognized the core talent that Dylan had and encouraged it.He’d been Dylan’s trainer since those days so many years ago.“Yeah, I hear you.”“Then tell me what I just said.”Dylan tried to recall anything, but nothing came to him.He shrugged his shoulders and gave Max a little smile.“Sorry, man.I guess I’m in my own head.”Max’s eyes narrowed.“Tonight is important for you, boy.You better get focused.”Dylan nodded.“I know.”“How’s the shoulder?”His shoulder had been giving him trouble for a few months now, the same shoulder that Regan had been able to fix five years ago.He’d been to another physical therapist, but the guy couldn’t seem to work the magic that Regan had, and the shoulder was sore.“It’s okay.I’ll be fine.”Max stood and, in a fatherly gesture, put his hand on Dylan’s head and tousled his hair.The guy had been there for Dylan through thick and thin, and Dylan loved, respected, and appreciated Max.“Get yourself warmed up, Dylan.Someone from the commission will be in soon to inspect your hands and gloves, and it’ll be go-time.”Dylan nodded, trying to push thoughts of Regan out of his mind.He couldn’t let her be a distraction.Tonight, it needed to be about him because no matter what he felt about her, five years ago she had disappeared and made it clear to him that she wouldn’t be a part of his future.CHAPTER THREERegan sat ringside, her gaze on the action of the first fight.The overhead fluorescent light gleamed, and the crowd buzzed with excitement.Her thoughts wandered back to five years ago, the pain as fresh as it had been then.The physical therapy training class had been held in San Diego and was supposed to run Friday through Sunday, but the instructor had gotten sick on Saturday and canceled the rest of the seminar.She’d tried to call Dylan numerous times on her way home to Los Angeles, but it always went straight to voicemail.This didn’t concern her because he had told her he’d be going out.She’d gone directly to his apartment in hopes of surprising him when he got in for the night, but instead, she’d been the one stunned.They hadn’t even known she was in the apartment as she watched him lift the brunette up and slam her back down on his lap.Agony ripped through her chest as she watched the betrayal, but she couldn’t take her eyes off them.Bile rose in her throat, and she wanted to scream, but she could barely breathe.Her eyes blurred with tears, and she knew she should leave, but the pain kept her in place.The cries of pleasure as they both orgasmed made her cringe, as if she were listening to nails on a chalkboard.When he saw her and stood up, she looked him over.He had been training hard for months, and was in top form.His wide chest tapered into a hard, ridged stomach, and his large arms, that had always made her feel safe and protected when she was in them, strained from their exertion.She stared at his glistening arousal, then over to the girl who was still unaware Regan was there, and she grabbed the door jamb, certain her knees were going to give out under the monumental weight of the hurt she was experiencing.“Regan,” he whispered.When her gaze met his, she saw surprise and remorse in those bloodshot eyes.Anger flared, and she was finally able to turn and leave.“Oh, man! Did you see that, Regan?” Brett asked, bringing her back to the moment.She had.Her two years in the boxing community had given her the ability to know who might make it in the difficult sport, and who wouldn’t.She could tell the kid in the red trunks had a shot at success.Kids.The boys in the ring were kids.Neither of the guys in the ring were any older than twenty-two, which was the same age Dylan had been when she met him.Dylan had walked into the upper-end physical therapy office when she was twenty-four and he was twenty-two.Regan had been working at the office for about six months.She was fresh out of school and felt confident and secure in a job she loved.Every day brought someone or something new, and she loved watching the progress her patients made.The office specialized in treating professional athletes, so she had the opportunity to work on people from all sports.Dylan had been her first boxer.She pulled the file and called his name.She watched as he stood to his six-foot, three-inch height and came toward her, his thick legs encased in jeans and wearing a red T-shirt, the way he walked reminding her of a slow-moving locomotive.Physical therapy was an intimate job.She touched people on all parts of their body; moving, massaging, and manipulating their arms, legs and back, and sometimes ending up in very close positions.However, she had been trained to keep the intimacy out of it, which usually involved a lot of mindless chatter about her life and what she was up to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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