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.He eyed the thin, spidery writing in surprise.“One would think this was your first contract,” he said dryly even as his brows ascended, and his gaze focused on the part of the page where Emilio’s name had appeared.“Information,” was all he said, as if to himself.“This isn’t binding,” I said, feeling quite wary.I felt like I’d just signed a contract with a devil—albeit a handsome one.“I never agreed to any of it.”He actually froze for a few seconds before looking down at me through half-drawn lashes.“Nonbinding in the world of humans, yes,” he replied evenly.“But in the Charmed world, we both know better … do we not?”Charmed world? Is that what they called themselves? Charmed? Why Charmed?He was observing me closely as if documenting my every reaction, and I sensed I was treading on thin ice.But then, that never stopped me before.“Well, in my world, I discuss the details before signing anything,” I forged ahead.“Really? You wrote the details yourself on certified meddle-proof parchment,” his voice softened in a chilling sort of way, and his carved lips crooked into a devastatingly striking smile.“If you think to break this agreement between us, then you’re playing a dangerous game with me, Cassidy Edwards.”“I don’t play games.” Well, those kinds of games, anyway.Letting anger tinge my voice, I added, “Besides, how can I trust you’ll keep your end of the bargain—especially after you entrapped me to begin with?”He tilted his head to one side.“Why are you wasting time with this? If you truly felt that way, we both know that you wouldn’t have been able to pen your own demands in the contract,” he answered, waving the paper between us before his expression hardened and his eyes sliced through me like daggers.“As for trust,” his voice was growing deeper and louder with each word.“My name alone guarantees my word, you foolish, ignorant woman.Surely, even you have heard of the Rowles of Llewellyn?”By the time he’d finished the sentence, he was thundering.Loud voices and angry men didn’t faze me; I wasn’t the kind to get intimidated that easily.And for all his handsomeness, he was irritating me a lot now.I locked gazes with him and said dryly, “The Rowles of Llewellyn Castle? The castle under the protection of the British Government?”My intention was to let him know that I wasn’t foolish or ignorant.Even though this Charmed world was entirely new to me, I’d done some research before the interview, or as much as I could do, anyway.I couldn’t really demonstrate more knowledge than that, when the internet was virtually silent on the subject.His response was nothing like I’d expected.Shocked—he was completely, utterly shocked.Cold fury suffused his face, the kind of fury that can create lifelong enemies and foster feuds that span generations.White with anger and with his jawline so taut that I wondered if it would snap, he replied in a low, guttural tone, “It won’t be for long.”Instinctively, I reached for my knives.He didn’t miss it.Planting his palms flat on the desktop, he informed me in a voice so cold it sent a shiver down my spine, “You’re fortunate we both signed that contract before you dared to utter those words in my presence.Now, get out of my sight.”A New Job?So, what was so special about that castle?Angry myself, I shoved the revolving door of Rowle Industries so forcefully that is was almost enough to shatter the glass.I wasn’t going back; I didn’t care for the working conditions.A werewolf and a dragon for co-workers.A dangerously unhinged warlock for a boss.Did hostile work environment ring a bell?And I didn’t care what kind of contract he’d thought I’d signed.I wasn’t going to honor it.I stomped my way down the sidewalk.I’d splurged on a taxi earlier because I’d foolishly assumed I’d be employed the next day.Crud.It had been a bad move.Directing a few choice curse words Lucian’s way, I bent my back to the heat and headed for the bus stop.I’d just sat down on a graffiti-covered bench when a white lizard zipped out from underneath it.A moment later, Tabitha sat beside me.She wore a simple white dress, and in a fluid motion, placed a well-manicured hand upon my arm in a pleading gesture.“What did you say to him?” she asked me with an unblinking stare.“I haven’t seen him this angry in years.”I wasn’t about to engage in friendly chitchat.And anyway, my bus was approaching.“I’m not interested in discussing it,” I told her bluntly.She didn’t stop me—nor did she blink—as I boarded the bus.And by the time I’d found my seat to glance through the fingerprint-smeared window, she’d already gone.As the bus pulled out onto the street, I inhaled deeply, relishing the various mana scents coalescing around me.So, it was only Lucian and his crew that I couldn’t smell.Relieved, I expelled my breath in a long, drawn-out sigh.I supposed the afternoon hadn’t been a complete waste of time.I’d learned a Charmed world had been hiding right under my nose, a world where I could potentially find allies to aid me on my quest.Chances were that Emilio had made enemies other than myself.I just had to find them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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