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.And she’s in one of her moods today, as mad as a hornet.Probably ’cause of the way you treated Edward last night.”Angelina’s temper bubbled up at Jessie’s bossy attitude, especially before she consumed her morning coffee.“Don’t you dare mention Edward today, you hear?”Jessie cocked her head and flashed a sassy smile, chirping like a bird, “Edward, Edward, Edward! Edward, Edward, Edward!”“Oh—”Angelina grabbed one of her toile-covered pillows and tossed it at the door, but Jessie was too quick.It slammed shut and a loud giggle, followed by another round of “Edward, Edward, Edward,” seeped in from the other side.Angelina moaned, thinking of her fiancé and the dead look in his eyes that made her sick to her stomach.Their engagement party was only two weeks away, and everybody in Laurel Grove would be there to celebrate their upcoming nuptials.Everybody, she thought.Including Ben.Ben took his last bite of cheese grits and scrambled eggs and then popped a slice of bacon into his mouth, washing it all down with a gulp of strong, black coffee.Despite his sore cheek, he was able to chew okay, which was a blessing, considering the platters of hotcakes, biscuits, eggs, sausage, and bacon that were strewn across the large pine breakfast table.He remembered Ella and her good cooking from when he was a boy, but he didn’t recall her coffee tasting this good or her biscuits being as tall and flaky.He was sure to put on a few pounds while here at Fairington.He looked around at the farmhouse kitchen, basking in the coziness of the copper pots hanging from the ceiling, the blue china plates from Shropshire England propped up on the shelf over the oak sideboard, and the heavy curtains made of a bright yellow floral chintz—a feminine touch that reminded him of Angelina.He closed his eyes and rubbed his jaw, picturing her angry look and raised hand.She sure did have a temper.Always did.He was going to have to try extra hard to stay out of her way today, if possible.“Eat up, fellas.Then Ben, you can get to those stalls,” Tom said as he stood up and adjusted his silver belt buckle around his full belly.Ben nodded in agreement, not looking forward to spending a morning shoveling manure when he could be riding in the bright sunshine.But the job paid, and he needed the money.“Mitchell, you and Billy hurry it on up and get those horses in the round pen,” Tom continued.“Miss Raeford and I have some business to conduct with Richardson.She’s got a hankerin’ to purchase that wild, black stallion.I’ve told her not to, but you think she’ll listen to a word I say? ’Bout as hardheaded as they come—” Tom wandered outside, still muttering to himself, which was a habit of his, Ben recalled.He felt someone staring at him, and sure enough, it was Billy, who couldn’t be a day over sixteen.He sipped his coffee slowly and gave Ben the eye.“You gotta a problem?” Ben asked.“Huh uh,” Billy answered with a twinge of nervousness.“Well, whatcha staring at?”Billy shrugged his shoulders and set his mug down.“I wasn’t starin’.Just lookin’.Heard a lot about the Cherokee from my pa, but never seen one before.Up this close, that is.”Mitchell picked a speck of bacon out of his teeth and stood to his feet.“Easy, Billy.Be careful what you say, ’less you wanna sleep with one eye open tonight.” He winked at Ben, plopped his Stetson on his head, and shuffled outside.Billy gulped hard and smiled.“He don’t mean nothin’ by that.”“Really?” Ben asked, glad he instilled a bit of fear in the men, despite their friendly jokes.He was used to being mistrusted because of his heritage and knew how to use it to his advantage.“Well, whadda you think? Do I look like someone who might scalp you in your sleep?”“Naw!” Billy said, blushing red.“You look all right.” He fiddled with the handle of his coffee mug.“You look decent.Nice even.Not mean a tall.”Ben smiled big, admiring the boy’s honesty.He’s got a lot to learn.Footsteps clomped down the steps, and suddenly Angelina breezed into the room carrying the scent of linen and jasmine with her—a delicious smell that brought back more memories to Ben.He looked up from his coffee and saw what she was wearing—a pair of tall, black riding boots with beige, canvas breeches tucked in tight and a white riding shirt open at the throat.Wrapped around her slender waist was a wide leather belt that gave no doubt she was a woman.Ben lowered his eyes as his face flushed with heat.Billy stood to his feet and slammed his Stetson on his head.“Miss Raeford.” Then with a nervous nod, he was out the door.Ben sat still, waiting for her to say something, but it was as if he didn’t exist.She plopped a metal mug on the table and poured a full cup of coffee in an exaggerated manner, as if she was taunting him with the hot, steaming liquid.His gaze floated toward the stove where an iron skillet sat warming a cake of cornbread.He wondered if she might grab it by the handle and whop him good on the head.She banged the coffee pot down on the stove, interrupting his thoughts, and popped a biscuit into her mouth, making her cheeks bulge out like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter.Ben tried to hold back a snicker, but he couldn’t stop his shoulders from shaking with laughter.“Girl, what’re you doin’ eatin’ like some field hand?” Ella scolded as she stepped inside with a basket of clean clothes retrieved from the clothesline.She dropped the basket to the floor and gave Angelina a good whack on the back until she regained her composure and was able to gulp down a swig of coffee.“And you’re gonna burn your tongue drinkin’ that fast.Honestly, I don’t know what’s got into you.You better start actin’ like a lady, you here?”Angelina glared at her and popped another biscuit in her mouth so that it bulged even more.Ella clenched her jaw and shook her head.“Humph,” she snorted, picking up her basket and staring at Ben.“And to think, you used to call her ‘Angel’.” Angelina shot her a mean look, but Ella wasn’t the least bit phased by it.She raised an eyebrow which meant “don’t argue with me” and shifted the basket on her hip before disappearing into the next room.Ben watched as Angelina chewed the last of the biscuit and swallowed it with a grimace.He couldn’t help but notice the sheer, flawless skin with a tinge of pink at the cheeks and the thick, soft hair pulled away from her face with a white ribbon, allowing the blonde curls to cascade to her shoulders and down her back.He didn’t care if she did eat like a field hand.She was still an angel to him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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