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.He seemed about to say something, but she looked away, and he obviously thought better of speaking.Emma was really glad, as at that moment she would have been unable to speak.The pleasure was growing more intense as James skilfully worked her sex with his fingers.How the hell was he managing to do this and look so innocent? He turned towards her, and a small twitch of his lips betrayed him.He looked so gorgeous, Emma wanted to throw any remaining caution to the wind, and kiss him with the passion that was about to explode within her.It was too much to bear; the orgasm took her, and she closed her legs, trapping his fingers; ripples of pleasure rose from her sex, causing a flutter through her stomach.Emma bit her lip, but a small sound escaped her, and to disguise it, she faked a coughing fit.James freed his fingers as he turned to face her, asking her if everything was okay.She spluttered out that she was fine, the urge to laugh growing, which she hid behind her hand.James, with his mock concern, fully aware of the real reason, called for a glass of water.Rick just sat there and watched, sipping his beer, then suddenly realising that he should do something; so as not to be shown up by a stranger, he put a comforting hand on her shoulder.Taking the excuse of water, Emma disentangled herself from Rick and James, and sat on the edge of the Jacuzzi, taking small sips.Putting the glass on the side, Emma made her excuses and left the two men sitting there.Back in the changing room, she allowed herself to relive those moments; she could almost feel his fingers again against her.Getting changed, Emma left the spa, and walked straight into James.He caught her as she bounced back off his chest, his strong hands holding her steady, not letting her step away – not that she wanted to be anywhere but in his arms.He smiled, and suggested that they go for lunch together.James told her of a secluded beach he knew; he suggested hiring a boat there and then.Emma nodded her agreement, and let him lead her to the marina.He chose a sleek looking speed boat for them, and then told her to wait while he set off for supplies.Emma was enjoying the way James had taken control; she just sat in the boat, feeling the gentle sway as the sun bathed her in its warmth.She must have dozed off, and was awoken by the sudden rocking of the boat announcing James had returned.He was laden with bags, and stood looking down at her.Emma straightened her hair, cursing herself for falling asleep; what must she look like? James told her to relax, and set about getting ready for launch.The boat ride was exhilarating, the wind causing her hair to fly out behind her.She laughed as the boat seemed to leap from wave to wave.James smiled at her obvious delight, and pulled her tight against him.Emma snuggled against him, feeling secure in his arms.James tried to tell her something, but the noise of the engine and roar of the wind made it impossible to hear.He pointed ahead, and in the distance she could make out a bay; she smiled and nodded to show her understanding.He throttled down the engine and, as the boat slowed, Emma found she could hear again.James explained he had found this bay a couple of years ago when he had taken some scuba lessons, and had wanted somewhere quiet to practice.With the boat grounded and anchored, James lifted her down to the sand.He led her up the beach, and laid out a blanket in the shade of some trees.Putting the bags down, James lay on the blanket, gesturing to Emma to lie down next to him.She positioned herself on her side, looking up at him.There was a moment of awkward silence; Emma was not sure what to say or do.This man had whisked her off to a secluded beach, after giving her one of the most erotic experiences of her life.James broke the tension, offering her a drink.Then he smiled at her, and started to speak, just as she asked him what was for lunch.They both laughed and settled down for an enjoyable picnic.Emma was not sure when it started to happen, but the conversation began to slow, and an air of anticipation filled the atmosphere.She found herself gazing into James's eyes, and noticing a hunger, one that she was anxious to sate.James had stopped talking now, and was just looking at her.He reached out and brushed her hair away from her face and back over her ear.In a voice barely above a whisper, he told her how beautiful she was, how hard it was for him not to just to give in and kiss her.Emma heard the words, and looking at this dream of a man, she wished he would lose control.There was nothing she wanted more than to feel his lips on hers.His hand was still holding her hair back, and he seemed reluctant to break the moment of physical contact.The silence built, and the anticipation was killing her.James no longer looked hungry, he looked absolutely ravenous.Emma was taken aback by the passion of his kiss as he pulled her tightly against him, and she offered no resistance.His hand moved down to the small of her back, raising goose bumps along her arms.She relaxed in his arms; this was where she was meant to be.James broke the kiss, causing her to gasp in shock.She reached for him, but he told her to wait.Emma felt confused; what had she done? Did he not want her? Then she looked into his eyes and saw the desire, and she felt calmer.James told her to stand up; she did as he asked, looking down at him.He stood and told her they should go for a swim; she shrugged her shoulders and turned towards the water, trying not to let her disappointment show.Emma had only taken a couple of steps when James called out after her, asking what she was up to? Turning to him she stopped in her tracks.He had taken his top off, and was just pulling down his shorts.He stopped when he saw her staring and said, “This is hardly fair, is it? Don't you think you should be getting ready too?” Emma felt herself blush, suddenly self-conscious, but she could not take her eyes from his body.Emma’s eyes tracked his every move as he pulled down his shorts and boxers in one smooth action.He stepped out of them and stood before her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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