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.“Annie?” He softened his tone, and the way he said her name sent shivers up her arms.“Yes?”He fixed his deep blue gaze on her again.“It would be a huge help if you could take care of her.I know she’d feel comfortable with you there, not just because you can cook healthy meals, but because she considers you a friend.”Annie’s heart fluttered.Oh, my goodness.Alex Jameson was even more charming than he’d been ten years ago.If she wasn’t careful, she’d find herself right back where she’d been at fifteen—lonely and heartbroken as she watched him walk out the door and leave her behind.She cleared her throat as she took a step back.“I want to help, but I need some more time to think it through before I make a decision.”“Okay.” His shoulders sagged slightly.“But I need to find someone right away, so I’d appreciate you letting me know as soon as possible.”* * *The scent of freshly perked coffee and warm apple-cider doughnuts drifted toward Alex as he stepped into the bakery.His mouth watered, and his empty stomach rumbled.How long had it been since he’d had one of those cinnamon-and-sugar-dusted treats? Too long.“Hey there!” Harry came around the end of the counter and gripped Alex’s hand.“Good to see you, Alex.How’s Irene doing?” The aging baker wore a WWU Vikings baseball cap and long white apron with a few splotches of what looked like chocolate frosting on the bib.“She seems a little stronger each day.The doctor said she might be coming home tomorrow.” He smiled.“And you know she’s happy about that.”Harry chuckled.“I can imagine.”“I really appreciate you taking charge.”“We’re doing our best to keep things going.” Harry glanced around the shop, a concerned look in his eyes.“This place means a lot to Irene.Sure would hate to see it close.”Alex nodded and scanned the shop’s shabby interior.“Looks like the place could use a little TLC to brighten things up.”“Yeah, I suppose so.Maybe you could give us a hand.How long are you going to be in town?”“I’ll be here through Thanksgiving weekend.”“We could get a lot done by then.”Alex frowned at the flickering fluorescent light overhead.He hadn’t done any hands-on repair work since he left Fairhaven, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to spend his vacation fixing up the bakery.“I’ll talk to my grandmother about hiring someone.”Harry clicked his tongue.“I’m not sure she can afford it.”Alex straightened.“Really?”Harry nodded.“Things have changed around here, Alex, especially since your grandpa passed away.”Alex had no idea his grandmother’s business was struggling.“So you don’t think she can afford to pay someone to do the work?”Harry shrugged.“She’s the one paying the bills, but these past few months she’s been cutting Janelle’s and Clyde’s hours and covering the extra shifts herself.” He pushed up the brim of his cap.“Do you think that could’ve caused the heart attack?”Alex clenched his hands in his pockets.“I don’t know, but a woman her age shouldn’t be on her feet all day, trying to run a business like this.”“I’ve been telling her she needs to slow down and let us carry more of the load.But she kept telling me not to worry.”“She’s a hard worker.She always has been.And she doesn’t like to admit she can’t do everything she used to.”“I’m afraid you’re right about that.”Alex crossed his arms and studied the peeling paint around the front windows and the cracked floor tiles.It was time he had a frank discussion with his grandmother about the future of the bakery.He hated to think of closing Jameson’s or putting it up for sale, but what other options did they have?Twenty minutes later Alex drove through town, heading back to his grandmother’s house.The trouble at the bakery and the pressing need to find someone to stay with his grandmother buzzed through his mind.Annie would be perfect for the job.She could cook for Gram and teach her how to make healthy meals.That would be a huge switch for his grandmother.The woman practically had chocolate frosting running through her veins, but that was no longer an option, not if she was going to recover and prevent another heart attack.There must be some way he could convince Annie to say yes.Maybe if he gave her a call and shared the salary he had in mind.He could even up it a few hundred if she was on the fence.Surely his grandmother had savings that would cover the expense.As he pulled in the driveway, his cell phone rang.He took it from his pocket and checked the screen.Tiffany Charles.Why was she calling? Likely some problem at work.Didn’t they realize he was dealing with a family crisis? He stifled an irritated huff and answered the call.“I thought you’d want to hear the latest rumor going around.”“Okay.What’s up?”“Jenifer said she heard Tremont and Sellers talking about a possible merger.”“You’re kidding.”“No.Not this time.”“With who? Hilton? Wyndham?”“They didn’t say [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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