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.Entranced by HimBy: Cassandra HarperPublished by Cassandra HarperCopyright 2014 Cassandra HarperSmashwords EditionThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy.Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.BWEEP BWEEP BWEEP BWEEP BWEEP-I jolted awake and nearly fell out of bed rolling over to turn off the alarm.7:49 stared at me in accusing red LED.Shit, I was late for work! I scrambled up and rushed into the bathroom.Eight minutes later I was pulling on clothes while trying to tame my wet hair.Finally I gave up and settled for a slouchy bun.Business casual Friday, right? A pencil skirt, blouse, and flats would have to do.I grimaced.Today I finished an internship at Donovan Enterprises and I originally wanted to go out with a bang.Instead I was going to toe the line of acceptable apparel.No time to dwell on it now.I found my purse and just barely remembered to snatch my keys off the rack on the way out.Today was going to be a rough day.I zoned out to some music on the way to work, trying to settle my nerves.Rumor had it that Logan Donovan, the owner of the company, often threw a going-away party for the interns on their last day as a way to weed through potential employees.I shivered just thinking about it.Beginning my career at Donovan Enterprises would be a great head start, but the idea of being hired by the top man himself was daunting.Maybe it would be better if I crawled my way up the ladder all on my own.I made it to my desk by 8:38 and no one seemed the wiser.My fellow interns looked a mixture of relieved, bored, and terrified.Apparently not everyone had gotten the memo.Focus, Lily.You need to make an impression, even on your last day.For the next three hours I busied myself with a myriad of excel files.I was about to go to lunch when Gina, a fellow intern, stopped by and said, “Did you hear? Mr.Donovan himself is coming down to see us off! If I had known that I would’ve worn my sexy boots!” She winked at me and sashayed to the elevator.My heart rate skyrocketed.I did not need this today!After lunch I threw myself into my work.Maybe if I busted my ass it would make up for my disheveled appearance.The hours flew by and before I knew it 5:30 arrived.I saved and closed my last document and looked up to find a tall, immaculately dressed man standing at my desk.I inhaled sharply and my fingers trembled as I moved the mouse to shut down the computer.“Good day, Ms.Hughes.Lillian, is it? I’m pleased to see you’re still working.I take notice of that kind of initiative.I do believe it is time for my somewhat ritualistic sending off of interns.Would you care to join us?” he asked, extending a hand to a nearby conference room where everyone was congregating.“O-of course, Mr.Donovan.It would be my pleasure,” I responded, flushing.I tried combing through my hair with my fingers to catch any flyaways and followed him down the hall.As we walked I took in his features.I found him terribly attractive, tall dark and handsome in his tailored foreign-made suit.A true Adonis, he was broad shouldered, fit, and tanned.While not young, he was still in his prime and looked smoking hot.He also happened to be in control of the fastest growing marketing firm in Chicago and as such was far, far beyond my league.Still, I found my mind wandering to entirely inappropriate thoughts.His hands coursing over my body, grasping and caressing in just the right spots…I shook my head to clear it and found Mr.Donovan holding the door open for me, an eyebrow raised in question.I blushed furiously and darted into the room.I made my way over to the refreshments and promptly scarfed down a cheesecake-stuffed strawberry from the fruit platter.I spent the next half hour mingling with everyone, though I felt Mr.Donovan’s eyes on me more than once.Could he be interested in me? Don’t be ridiculous, I told myself.If nothing else, he probably thinks you’re a little crazy.Finally, after what seemed like ages, Mr.Donovan cleared his throat and began, “I’d like to thank all of you for taking an interest in my company with this internship.I know most of you are only here for the résumé builder, and that’s perfectly fine.Others have a genuine interest in this company, and the rest of you I can only guess at [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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