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.He bit his lower lip and smiled “Sorry, am I embarrassing you?”“You’re making it a little… awkward.”“Sorry.Ever since I saw you blushing, earlier, I couldn’t help myself.I wanted to see it again.It’s damn cute.”There was a thud from the room next door.Then another and another, until it became a steady rhythm.“Looks like they’ve graduated to the bed.Hopefully, they’ll be done soon,” he said as the noises grew louder.“Wow, they have a bed in there, huh?” I said as Krystal’s moans seeped through the wall.I knew it was her birthday, but this was getting ridiculous.“Of course.Only Tank and his dad use it, though.”“Not you?”“I’ve never used it.I have higher standards when it comes to sex.”“Bars aren’t your thing?”“Other men’s beds are not my thing.”“I don’t blame you.So, how do you know Tank?” I asked, trying to change the subject.“We’re brothers.”I pulled my hair over my shoulder and stared at him in surprise.“Really? I didn’t know he had one.”“We’re all brothers, here,” he said, taking another swig of beer.“Ah.”“Ah?”“I get it.You’re biker brothers.”He smirked.“You think you’ve figured us out, huh? I bet you’re from the suburbs and have no idea what it’s like, being on your own.”“Maybe not, but I heard that Tank is also from the suburbs,” I said, feeling a little defensive.“Yeah, but it’s different for him.He’s lived the MC life since he was born.Obviously, you don’t know what that shit entails.But if you did, you’d understand where I’m coming from.Your parents probably sheltered you your entire life, which I can’t blame them.If I had a daughter, I’d want to do the same thing.Keep you safe.”“I’m not sheltered,” I replied stiffly.He smirked.“Believe me, you’re sheltered.You have no idea what’s really going on out there, Kitten.On the streets and, hell, in your own back yard, now.Drugs, prostitution, sex-trafficking, murder.”“I watch the news,” I said.“I know what’s out there.I’ve even taken self-defense classes.”“Self-defense classes?” he repeated, looking amused.“What kind?”“Just some basic stuff.How to knock a knife out of someone’s hand.Kick him in the junk.Things like that.”“You think that if I came at you, you’d be able to defend yourself against me?” asked Raptor, setting his beer down.“It’s easier to defend myself against someone who isn’t ready for me to fight back.”“Actually, those scumbags will anticipate you trying to defend yourself, in one way or another.Why don’t you show me what you’ve learned?”“No, that’s okay,” I said, staring up at him now.He’d moved closer and the thought of him putting his arms around me was making my heart race.“Come on.Don’t be frightened.I’ll be gentle.”“I’d really rather not,” I said, as he moved closer.“I think you should,” he said.He was so close, I could smell the beer on his breath.“If you girls are going out by yourselves, and drinking, you should definitely know how to defend yourself.”“I don’t want to hurt you,” I said, keeping my beer between us.He laughed.“I don’t think there’s any chance of that.”“Don’t be too sure,” I said, looking down at my brown, leather ankle-boots.They had narrow heels and I imagined if I kicked him the way my instructor had shown me, it would wipe the smile right off of his face.Before I could stop him, he grabbed my beer and set it on the counter.“Come here,” he said, pulling me toward the middle of the room.“I just told you that I didn’t want to do this,” I protested.“Humor me.Please,” he said, turning around to face me.“I just want to see what these classes teach and maybe even give you some more pointers.”“Fine,” I said with a sigh.“But, just don’t get mad if I hurt you.”“I’ll try not to,” he said, his mouth twitching.“Okay,” I answered, trying to recall all of the things that my instructor, Mr.Mandrill, had taught me.“So, um, whenever you’re ready.”“What do you want me to do?”I waved my hand.“I don’t know.You’re the one who wanted to see me defend myself.I guess if you were going to attack a woman, do what you’d do.”“Me? If I was going to attack a woman, it would be in bed and not on the streets,” he said, smiling wickedly.“And I doubt she’d fight back.”I rolled my eyes.“Whatever, Casanova.Just attack me.In fact, I’ll turn and you can try to get me from behind.”“Now we’re talking,” he answered, a smile in his voice, as I turned my back on him.“Okay.Whenever you’re ready.”“Okay,” he said, wrapping his arms around me so quickly that I barely had time to exhale.He held my wrists together in front of me.“Show me what you got, Kitten.”I hesitated for a second, enjoying the feel of his chest pressing against my back and the heat his body was generating.And, was it my imagination, or was there something hard pressed against my ass?“You smell good,” he whispered near my ear.“I think that you’d better free yourself, before I forget why we were doing this.”I felt a warm shiver go through me as I imagined his lips on my neck and then other parts of my body.“Well?”I stomped on his foot with my heel and he let me go, hollering in pain.“Oh, my God!” I cried as he bent over to rub the top of his boot.“I’m so sorry!”I heard a door slam and then Tank was rushing into the room, shirtless.“What the fuck is going on in here?”“Nothing.It’s okay,” said Raptor, putting his foot down.“What’s wrong with your foot?” said Tank as Krystal entered the room, adjusting her clothes.“I did it,” I said, feeling my face turn red.Raptor removed his black boot and then his sock.“But, I forced her into it,” he said, staring down at his foot, which was already bruising up.“Damn, girl, those heels are deadly.”“I’m sorry,” I repeated, still feeling horrible.“I did warn you, though.”“I know you did.”“You did that?” asked Krystal, walking over to get a better look.“How?”“I was pretending to attack her and she stopped me,” said Raptor.“Good move, by the way.”“Thanks,” I said, smiling sheepishly.“Uh, I really am sorry.”He put his sock back on.“It’ll heal.I’ve been through much worse.”“Can you walk?” asked Tank.He took a couple steps.“Of course.See.Hell, I could probably still kick your ass with it without flinching.”Tank snorted.“Yeah, you wish.It doesn’t look so good to me.I’ll go get you a stiff drink.Come on Krystal, walk with me, Babe.”“Uh, okay,” she said and looked back at me.“I’ll be right back and then we’ll get going.”“Sure,” I said.I turned back to Raptor, who was attempting to put his boot back on.“Do you think I broke anything?”“No,” he replied, wincing.“Maybe you should have that looked at,” I said, staring at his foot.“Seriously, it’s okay, Kitten.Don’t worry about me.”I laughed and shook my head.“What’s so funny?”“You keep calling me Kitten.”He winked.“What can I say, I like kittens.I especially like it when they curl up around your face, to stay warm.Something tells me I’d like you there, too.”“By your face?”“On my face.”I gasped, my face turning scarlet.He laughed.“Sorry, I just love to see you blush, Darlin’.”We stared at each other for a few seconds and then I asked him where he was from.“I have a house, a few blocks away.”“You live there, alone?”His eyes narrowed.“Why you asking if I live there, alone?”“I’m just curious.You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I said, noticing the guarded look in his eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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