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.The middle aged woman carried a tray and placed it on the bedside table."Eat up," she said."You're going to need it."What the hell was that supposed to mean? Before I could ask her to explain that little remark, she disappeared back through the door, taking her goon with her.I glanced down at the tray.Sandwich and juice.I wondered what the time was, and decided it must be the next day, because I was suddenly very hungry.I swallowed my pride and then swallowed the sandwich and juice in quick succession.Two minutes later she was back to collect the tray.Muscle Man lurked in the background."Good girl," she said, and then she was gone.IVI must have fallen asleep on that bed out of sheer boredom, because when I woke up I had a bad case of bed hair and those two guys were standing in the room watching me.They were wearing towels wrapped around their waists and appeared to have just stepped out of the shower.The blonde smiled."Good morning, sweetheart," he purred in a velvety voice.I couldn't help it.Something in that voice and the way his tall powerful body leaned against the wall reached in and tugged at my core, and I felt a tingling in my nether regions.His smile widened and became a delighted grin."You smell that, Julius?""I think she likes you, brother.""Mine?""That's what we agreed.I had the last one.""Yes, you did."I stood there, watching these two casually discussing whatever it was that they were talking about, and I started getting very nervous.My eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape, even though I knew that the only way out was through the door, which was tight shut."Hold her down for me Julius? I don't want to hurt this one.""Anything to oblige."Their conversation was starting to scare the bejeezus out of me.The tone stayed casual, but the words sounded pretty sinister to me.Hold me down for what?That's when the incisors came out.One minute the blonde guy without a name was standing there with a mouth full of normal teeth, next thing these nasty spiky things appeared out of nowhere.I looked around for a hidden camera, thinking I must be on some weird reality show where they play pranks on random people, but there was nothing to be seen.Obviously.Because it was a hidden camera.I decided to spoil their fun."OK, OK, I get it," I said aloud, directing my gaze to somewhere on the ceiling."Your viewers want to see me scream when the nasty big vampire comes toward me gnashing his fangs.Well, it's not going to happen.I figured it out, see.""There is no camera, sweetheart," the blonde guy with the fangs purred.I wondered how he managed to speak through those things without lisping.Practise, probably.The thought was not reassuring.I was just pondering the ramifications of this when he dropped his towel.That's when I screamed.VJulius moved faster than any normal man should be able to.I tried to run for the door and ended up face down on the bed with my arms pulled back behind me, and my thighs hanging down over the edge of the bed.I kicked out behind me, hitting nothing but air.Julius had settled on his knees at my head, with his hands around my elbows, holding them together in a vice-like grip.I turned my head sideways and tried to clamp my teeth on his naked thigh, but he moved away just out of my reach."Hurry up, Atticus.She's trying to bite me here."Atticus chuckled, and I felt the fabric of the robe being pulled up to expose my naked buttocks.I squealed in indignation, and tried to wriggle away from the hands that parted them.I felt something cold and thin slide into me, and I wriggled even more.A nozzle was depressed and then suddenly I was released.I stood up and bounded to the opposite side of the bed from those two psychos, who were both completely naked and watching me with interest.Atticus held what looked like a small spray can with a long nozzle, and I felt as its contents oozed out of me, wet and slippery."It's for your own good," Atticus grinned at me, exposing more of his fangs than I wanted to see [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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