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.Gently, he grabs my shoulders and sighs.God, he looks so tired.“The answers are in the questions you ask.” He breaks and squats down to meet me at eye-level.“Do you hear me? The questions ARE the answers.”I close my eyes and shake my head.How am I supposed to process that? I don’t understand.Opening my eyes, I scan the room, but it’s empty.He left or hell, vanished, I guess.Just poof.Gone.I’m alone.I don’t have enough time to breathe, let alone absorb the bomb my dad just sat in my lap when I’m violently shoved backward down the hall.So brutally that my back slams against the basement door and I scream in agony as I tumble down the wooden stairs.Landing with a heavy thud, I sit up to rub the back of my throbbing head.Dammit, that hurt.Then it happens.So quickly.I’m unable to close my eyes in time.There he is.Face down in a pool of his own blood, with the gun inches from his hand.The scream that radiates from my mouth is deafening.I cover my own ears hoping to drown myself out.The blood gushes out of his body as I scramble for higher ground.Looking for an escape, I turn to run up the stairs, but they vanish, and I’m forced to move to the only empty corner.Pinch yourself, Ann!I grab the sensitive part of my arm and squeeze as hard as I possibly can, yelping in hurt.Wake the hell up, dammit!Movement in the back of the basement catches my eye.I turn to find the culprit.Just as I think I see something, I’m hit in the back of the head with a large object.Black spots fill my eyes and I slump to the ground with a thud.The fall out of my bed is unexpected and I clutch at my heart.I can’t form a coherent thought, and I look around, trying to figure out where I am.The rug underneath my body is soft and I recognize the texture instantly.I’m back in my room in Nashville.Thank God.The moon shines vivid through my window and I turn toward the clock.Three fifteen a.m.My clothes are drenched in sweat, and I lift my hand to wipe the salty moisture from my face, I wince in pain.What the hell? The whole left side of my arm is bruised.Then the dream hits me like a freight train.The pinching.Freaking figures.Pulling myself back into my bed, I cover my head with a pillow and try to block out the world.I usually sleep insanely well after a nasty nightmare, and last night was by far the nastiest one yet.Quite honestly the most confusing too, but I’m not going to think about that now.I’m still happily floating in a state of bliss.There’s a faint ringing in my subconscious—a buzzing noise.A bee or fly, maybe? Who cares?Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.Get away fly!Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.The darkness is so nice.Buzz.Buzz.Buzz.Seriously fly? What the hell? Go bother someone else! I swat at it.Buzz.My swatting didn’t help.Buzz.“Ann, wake up,” someone gripes while shaking my shoulder.“Mmmrrrrhummp.” What did I just say?Someone titters.“Woman, wake up.It’s seven! Your damn phone has been ringing for almost twenty minutes.”Seven?! I sit straight up and smack my forehead against Liv’s.“Ouch,” we say in unison.I rub my head and open my eyes to see my best friend sitting on the edge of my bed, nursing her now very red forehead.I cover my mouth to hide my laughter, but my bouncing shoulders give me away.Liv narrows her eyes, lips pursed, then smiles.“Oh shut up, and get your ass out of bed.I made breakfast and you barely have enough time to get ready.”Groaning, I lay back down, covering my head with my comforter.My brain hurts too much to think about getting my lazy ass out of bed.I need a minute to process—well—everything.“Alright, give me a few minutes.” I muffle through my blanket.“Okay, but I’m giving you twenty minutes, Daniels.If your ass isn’t sitting in that chair at the table, I’m going to come up here and drag you down.You hear me? Twenty minutes,” she says with, I’m sure, a very-serious face.Not that I can see her.“Yeah, yeah.” I wave my hand outside of the blanket.“Now get out.”Peeking my head out of the blanket, I snicker.She must feel my stare because as soon as she gets to my door, she turns to flip me off.And, that’s my best friend, ladies and gents.Once the door closes and I’m safely alone, I let out a deep breath.What the hell was that dream about last night? I seriously feel like I’m going a bit nuts.I mean—my dad talked to me last night.That’s never happened before.“The answers are in the questions.Seriously, Pops? Could you be any more cryptic?” I repeat to myself.“Ann,” Liv yells from downstairs, “I know you’re still in bed.Get.Up.”Okay, fine, no more analyzing my overactive imagination.And yes, my imagination.I’m feigning ignorance, okay?Judge me.Pulling the covers back, I let my legs dangle from the bed.The carpet is soft under my feet and I squeeze my toes, squishing the fibers.Buzz.There’s that incessant buzzing again.Although, this time I hear the ring that accompanies it, which means it’s actually a call.Glancing at the screen, I see it’s Jason, my best friend from back home.Friends since elementary school, we met on the playground our first day.Jason, making a spectacle of himself singing at the top of his lungs, put on a show for everyone to see.I thought he was the coolest kid I’d ever met.Like some all knowing being, he picked me out of the crowd of kids and pulled me onto his makeshift stage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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