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.She shivered.“I am your mate, little one.You will be the center of my universe.” He kissed the wildly thudding pulse at the base of her throat, “I will love you all the days of my life,” he licked her there, “and you will love me.” He kissed her chin, “I am coming for you, Tessa.” He kissed her mouth and licked at her lips until she melted against him.It felt so right.She wanted to taste him.She needed to taste him.The buzz of the alarm clock jerked Tessa from her crazy dream.Confusion and annoyance coursed through her mind.Tessa smacked the alarm clock and pulled the covers over her head.The last thing she wanted to do was look at the run down hole in the wall that was her home.It couldn’t have been a dream.He was real.She could still feel the heat of his mouth on hers.The imprint of his hands still warmed her hips.It was just a dream.She told herself that lie over and over again.But she knew it was more than a dream.It was a premonition.It was a curse.It was the reason she found herself living alone, with no family to speak of, at the age of twenty-one.Tessa had been different all of her life.Just like her mother and her mother’s mother before her.She had a gift that allowed her to see the future in her dreams and it had ruined her life.She just couldn’t keep her mouth shut as a kid.She would see things in her dreams that she didn’t understand.She had no sense of fear or self-preservation.So when she informed the adults around her of upcoming life events, they would just laugh and send her on her way.Until the things she predicted came true.At the time it was difficult for her to understand the names she’d been called.Witch.Demon.Evil.She wasn’t evil.She didn’t know what those other words meant, but she knew evil was a bad thing.She was a good girl.Her mother explained that she understood Tessa’s dreams because she had them too, but she was not allowed to share the things from her dreams with others.Other people did not understand what a special little girl she was.But Tessa just couldn’t stop herself from telling people when trouble was coming.That, in her child’s mind, would be evil.Her father insisted that they get psychological help for her delusional belief that she could predict the future, but her mother refused.It was the cause of many fights between her parents and Tessa’s mother begged her to stop sharing her dreams.It wasn’t until the night Tessa dreamt of her father’s death that she understood why she had to keep her dreams secret.He wouldn’t listen when she told him to stay home that day.She screamed and pleaded with her father.Her mother joined her in trying to convince him stay in the house, because she knew that Tessa’s dreams were really premonitions.It enraged her father that his wife would encourage Tessa’s psychosis.He left the house in a furious temper and he never came back.Her father ran a red light and died when his car was struck by a semi.That was the day Tessa learned that her dreams could indeed do harm.If she hadn’t told her father about her dream, her parents wouldn’t have been so angry with each other.He wouldn’t have been so distracted that he ran a red light.He wouldn’t have died.Tessa still blamed herself for her father’s death.She never shared one of her dreams again.Not even years later when her mother and step-father left for a night on the town that Tessa knew they would never return from.She couldn’t take the chance that her warning would spur the fates into action.Instead, the fact that she said nothing made no difference.They died on the street outside of the restaurant they’d just left when a man, speeding to evade the police, mowed them down in the crosswalk.Tessa had no other family.Her step-father’s family had never taken to her.So when she graduated from high school a year after her mother’s death, she struck out on her own.Tessa peeked out of her hiding place under the blankets to look at what it meant to be on your own at that age.Her studio was dingy and falling apart.The stove was about ten feet from her bed and the oven had no handle.The ceiling had huge water marks from her neighbor’s constantly overflowing toilet.Her wall-less bathroom consisted of a toilet and a shower.She’d thumb-tacked curtains to the ceiling to give herself the illusion of having a bit of privacy when she needed it.Not that anyone ever came to visit her.She just didn’t like looking at the toilet while she ate her meals.After spending entirely too much time bemoaning her sad existence, she finally dragged herself out of bed and into the shower.As hard as she tried to forget it, the dream kept creeping back into her mind.Tessa couldn’t believe it was anything other than a dream.If she entertained the idea that is was more than a dream she would also have to accept the existence of things like vampires.The beautiful, dark man from her dream had not been a man at all.He was a creature from nightmares and horror movies.He was death walk, not a man she should be thinking about while she soaped herself up in the shower.She needed to clear her head and get on with her day.Tessa had to get groceries and go to the Laundromat before she could prepare for her date with Sebastian.She had been told it was a big no-no for him to date his employees.Jessica, another waitress at the Bella Notte, had been trying to get him alone since the day she interviewed for the position [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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