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.This wasn’t a place I wanted to stay in for a moment longer than necessary.“Quick, get the police,” I said as I pointed at Mr O.“That man has kidnapped me.”“Is that right?” chuckled the man in combat gear.I nodded.Mr O rolled his eyes as if he was exasperated, then he examined his nails as if he was bored with me.“Now why would you think that?” he asked.“D’er? I’m in a strange country, brought here in a strange car by a stranger.You do the maths.”“You haven’t been kidnapped, Leonora,” said the new man.“How do you know my name? Oh no.You’re in on it too.Who are you then?”“My name is Mario.I shall be running the programme.”“Programme?! What programme?”Mario turned to Mr O.“You haven’t told her yet then?”Mr O shook his head.“No.He hasn’t told me anything.What kind of hotel is this exactly?’Mario laughed.“Hotel? Hotel?” He held his arms up to indicate our surroundings.“This isn’t a hotel.Least not any longer.Oh no.Those days are long over.Now it’s a boot camp.”“A boot camp?”Mr O and Mario nodded.I felt an awful sinking feeling in my stomach.“And why am I here exactly?” I asked although I was beginning to get the picture.And it wasn’t looking good.Chapter FourQueen of Sheba“Look, let’s get this sorted, then we can all be on our way.Let me speak to my mother.Um.Please.”Mario and Mr O exchanged looks.“You told her the real news yet?” asked Mario.Mr O shook his head.“Real news? What are you on about?”“Later,” said Mr O.“All in good time.”“Two calls,” said Mario, and handed me a portable phone from a hatch in the wall through which I glimpsed a drab-looking office full of files and cardboard boxes.I took the phone and walked over to the corner.I had a bad feeling about what was happening and was totally unsure how to play it.These guys might be über good-looking, but they also looked as if they meant business.And they might think that calling it boot camp was some kind of funny joke, but I knew what was going on.I’d been kidnapped.I needed Mummy to get me out and fast.I dialled her number and she picked up straight away as if she’d been standing by the phone.“Is that you Leon—?”“Mummy, thank God.Shut up and listen.You have to act quickly as I don’t know how long I’ve got but I’ve been kidnapped.I’m not sure where they’ve brought me but I’m pretty sure that it’s England somewhere as all road signs and billboard posters are in English.I’m near a village called Osbury.Wasn’t that near where we used to live when I was little? It looked familiar.Anyway, check it out and trace this call.Get the police on it and get them on it fast.I don’t like it here.It’s spooky and I don’t know what these men have got planned.There are two of them so far, but there may be others.”There was silence at the other end of the phone.“Mummy?”“Yes.Yes, darling, I’m here…” She sounded as if she’d been crying.So the dirty rotten scoundrels have been in touch already, I thought.Probably demanding their ransom.Still.I didn’t know why she was crying.We could surely afford it whatever it was.There was a commotion at the other end and Daddy came on.“Leonora?”‘Yes.Daddy.Did you hear? I’ve been kidnapped.Two men—”“No, Leonora.”“What do you mean, ‘no’?”“No, darling.We… that is.your mother and I have paid for you to attend a… well… a sort of programme over there.”“WHAT?” I cried, causing Mario and Mr O to look over.“A programme? That’s what they said.What sort of programme? Noooooooo.I don’t want to do a programme.I want to go to Paris with…”“Boot camp,” Daddy interrupted and this time his voice sounded firm.“We’ve had enough of your behaviour, Leonora.You left us no other option.”A quick replay of their emotional goodbye flashed through my mind.Mum not asking what I wanted for Christmas dinner.Both of them acting guilty and clingy.Suddenly it all made sense.They had set me up!No WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! cried a voice in my head.“Daddy, I am sooooo not staying here.I won’t.Get me out or send someone to come and get me and make it SNAPPY.”“It’s only for a month,” said Daddy.“No.No.NOOOO.What part of that don’t you understand?”“A month, Leonora,” Daddy repeated.“A month? A month? Are you out of your mind? It’s CHRISTMAS in three weeks’ time! You can’t leave me here over Christmas.I… you… they…”“Goodbye, Leonora [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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