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.Bravo, Louise thought.She applauded Hope’s keen insight.She couldn’t have said it better herself.Curious to see this well of wisdom, Louise pivoted in her seat just enough to see the woman’s reflection bounce across the room into the near mirror.Louise smiled with hope.The next time she saw this woman, would be the beginning of the rest of her life.***Of course, the satin purse, high heels and fashionable evening suit from the night Hope attended the Broadway musical were gone.They had been replaced with green hospital scrubs, a white lab coat and comfortable flats.It had taken less than three weeks for Louise to gather all the details she needed for her latest venture.With the help of information provided by a skilled private investigator, Louise Gates had determined that Hope was just what the doctor ordered.But, she’d already known that.After all, she possessed the gift of matchmaking.The detective’s investigation was merely a matter of dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.When Louise found out that the young physician’s name was indeed, Hope, she was ecstatic.Raymond had always said that he was hopeless when it came to love.Would he finally find his Ms.Right in the form of Dr.Hope Adams? She smiled at the irony.At last he would have Hope.Louise winced.The irritation from the hives had returned.Slowly she lay back against the white cotton sheet on the examining room table.She held her arm up.The blotchy red splotches were indeed an irritant, but as with any good plan ‘no pain, no gain.’Louise turned and smiled at her companion as he came to stand by her side.He watched her every movement.“Louise?” He asked with deep concern.“I’m fine Otis.It just itches a little and there’s some minor irritation.”He gently laid his hand on hers.“We could have gone to a different hospital.Just because I’ve been here before doesn’t mean we have to come back.You might have been seen sooner had we gone elsewhere.”“No.This hospital is just fine.”“Shall I call for a nurse?” He asked.Louise nodded her head slowly from side to side.“No, the doctor will be here soon.”For the next few moments Louise watched intently as the young doctor moved from room to room treating patients, all the while treating her subordinates respectfully.Although slight in stature, she seemed strong in character.When Hope spoke, however quiet her tone, she commanded attention.She was exactly the type of woman Louise had been looking for.A shiver of excitement coursed through her.The moment she’d been waiting for had finally arrived.She was about to meet her future granddaughter in-law for the first time."Mr.and Mrs.Gates?" the doctor said.Louise looked up and smiled brightly."My name is Dr.Adams, and I’ll be your attending physician this morning.What seems to be the problem?"Hope smiled at her patient, with caring and warmth.Louise nodded pitifully as Hope came closer."Good to meet you doctor, my name is Otis Wheeler.I’m a close friend of the family." He offered his hand."A pleasure meeting you, Mr.Wheeler," Hope replied.They shook hands as Hope looked at him oddly.She stared a moment.“I apologize for staring, but you look very familiar.Have we met before?”Colonel Wheeler nodded and smiled.“You have an excellent memory.I came in a few months ago with a friend of mine, Chester Grant.He came in complaining of stomach pains.”“Of course, that’s right.Mr.Grant.” She smiled fondly remembering the two older gentlemen.They were an interesting pair that kept the ER staff in stitches with their Abbott and Costello routine.“How is Mr.Grant? I hope he’s feeling better.”“He’s doing much better.His cancer is in remission at the moment and his doctor is very encouraged by his recent test results.”Hope smiled brightly.“That’s good news.Please tell him that I asked about him the next time you speak to him.”“I certainly will,” Colonel Wheeler assured her, “I certainly will.”Hope nodded then turned her attention to the smiling elderly woman sitting in the exam bed.She picked up the medical chart from the end of the bed and looked it over.“I see that you have a rash.”“Yes,” Louise answered calmly.Hope grabbed a pair of latex gloves and began examining the series of red welts on Louise’s arms and legs.She devoted particular attention to the rash on Louise’s face and neck.“How long have you had these?”“Not long, a few hours maybe,” she replied.“They itch like the dickens.”Hope continued the exam, asking several more questions.Unfortunately none of the answers Louise gave added up.She found herself asking more questions only to be completely confounded by the patient’s responses.She pulled the gloves off then leaned against the exam table.“Have you ever been tested for various allergens- food, dust, pet dander, anything like that?”“No, never,” she said, fibbing easily.Hope nodded and made a notation in the file.“And you’ve never had a reaction like this before tonight?”“No.” Another fib.Still puzzled, Hope scribbled on the chart.She looked up at Louise again than scribbled some more.“Okay,” she began, “I’m going to give you something to ease the itching and reduce the swelling.It might also make you a little sleepy, so don’t be alarmed.”Colonel Wheeler moved closer and took Louise’s hand.“I’m also going to give you a prescription for something just in case the hives return.” Hope noted the concern shadowed across Louise’s face.“There’s no need to worry.I don’t think it will return.These things usually run their course as long as the initial irritant isn’t reintroduced.But, just in case, you’ll be prepared.”Louise nodded.“Does this mean you’re going to discharge me?”Hope smiled, “Technically, you haven’t be admitted.But yes, you can go home as soon as I’ve completed the paperwork.”“Oh, so that’s it? There’s nothing else you need to do?” Colonel Wheeler asked.“That’s it.Mr.Wheeler, I presume you’ll be driving Mrs.Gates home?”He nodded.“Good.” Hope flipped the chart close.“That’s about it Mrs.Gates [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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