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.I never back down from a challenge.” He gestured toward the open doors.Cassie threw him a smirk.“Fine.If you can fix that piece of junk, then I’ll never utter that name again.Deal?”Relieved she hadn’t lit into him for that aggressive move against the wall, he rewarded her with a brilliant smile before following her out of the elevator.“Deal.”Chapter 2Severus flipped his phone shut and stuck it back in his pocket, having just wrangled Petrus into agreeing to guard Drusus while he was doing his dishwasher duty.As he followed Cassie home, he intermittently shook his head at the rust-bucket she called a car.The green paint had faded to a lackluster shade of color-me-sad and he couldn’t believe those tires were still inflated.He was almost sure that puffs of white smoke were not necessarily a good thing coming from a tailpipe.What was with these two females? Both their cars were in need of a funeral long ago.They were just rolling-dead waiting for a place to glide over and park for eternity.Well, at least Lina’s was now resting in a local graveyard.That snazzy convertible waiting in the parking garage hadn’t come too soon.That poor, yellow car of Lina’s had looked almost relieved when they had hauled it off.He wished he could see her face when Drusus presented the Infinity to her tonight.She was so sweet and deserved some luck in her life.No, he had it all wrong.Drusus was the lucky one to have found his female.Lina was just going to enjoy the benefits of a very smitten male.If Drusus had his way, this was going to be one spoiled princess, and deservedly so.Grimacing, Severus focused back to the car in front of him.Even with the windows up in his vehicle, he could hear the squeal and grind of brakes long overdue for a change as Cassie stutter-rolled to a stop in front of her house.He needed to get rid of that death trap.He couldn’t have her in that damn thing one more night.He would get Drusus to help him find—Wait.Severus shook his head at the insanity of his tirade.She wasn’t his.It was not for him to see to her comfort.Growling, he rolled out of the car and made quick strides over to hers.He opened her door to let her out, wincing as the engine coughed and sputtered before wheezing to a slow semi-death.Glaring at her retreating body, he couldn’t stop the gravelly words spewing from his mouth.“You need to get rid of this car.You are going to kill yourself in this thing.”Cassie froze from rounding the back of the pathetic piece of metal and swiveled around to stare at him.He became concerned when one eyebrow rose on her forehead.“Well, I’m so glad that you worry about me, Severus, but I don’t have a ton of money lying around like you.” She started to turn around but halted again.“Maybe I should take up dancing.That seems to be a lucrative profession.Perhaps become an escort?” She swerved her eyes to his silver Bentley Continental GT.“Yup.That seems to pay much better than my crappy-ass secretarial job.That’s for sure.” Shaking her head, she glanced back to him.“Nope, don’t think that will work for me.I’m from the wrong side of the tracks.Those high-class men will figure me out in 2.5 seconds.I’ll have to try the dancing.I don’t think men give a shit where your zip code is as long as you got a half-decent body and can giggle right.Thanks for the tip on the car, though.I’ll give it some thought.” Swerving back around, she headed for her door.He had an overwhelming urge to yank her up, slam her across his lap and spank the ever-loving shit out of that rounded ass.He couldn’t believe she had thrown his job in his face like that.He was behind her in the work of a moment.“That was unfair, Cassie.They are jobs just like any other.I did not mean to infer that your line of work was insufficient, just that I worry for your safety.” He watched her shoulders slump as she struggled to get her keys to work in the lock.Her head turned slightly, whispered words coming softly over her shoulder.“You’re right.That was unfair and I apologize.It’s just a sensitive subject, my upbringing, that’s all.I’m doing the best I can, Severus.”Unable to stop himself, he placed a palm to her slender shoulder and squeezed.“I am sorry, too.Let us forget we even said anything.Okay?” Her head bobbed up and down and he heard her release of breath.“I can live with that.Sounds good.”He took the keys from her shaking fingers, unlocked the door, and pushed it open for her to enter.“Do you still want me to come in to look at the dishwasher?”He saw her back straighten and her ribs expand and collapse before she turned to him.Her features were back to the hardcore, tell-it-like-it-is Cassie he knew.Her tawny eyes bore into his own.He braced himself.“Hell, Severus, it would take much worse than that for me to turn down free maintenance.Now gitcha ass in here.” She tossed her purse on the sofa and walked into the kitchen.Sighing in relief, he followed her in and closed the door.He glanced around the small abode, feeling that familiar twinge of guilt he claimed each time he entered.Just another reason why he had avoided inviting her to his home.If she had thought his car displayed the depth of his wealth, she would surely look down upon him for the penthouse directly below Drusus’s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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