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.Rooster reenters wearing his cut over a black t-shirt.“I’ve gotta run,” he says, planting a totally uncharacteristic kiss on my cheek, “I’ll pick you up around seven-thirty.”And with that, he walks out the front door.I hear the roar of his bike starting up, then fading into the distance.What the fuck was that? I wonder, as I plate the omelet that I guess I’m going to eat myself, now.I curl up in my favorite chair in the living room as Scout walks over to sit at my feet.A small bloom of hope blossoms in my stomach, and I do my best to tear it up immediately.But a little voice keeps pestering me.Could he be changing at last? Going back to the Rooster I knew when my dad was still alive? The one who brought me flowers for no reason, who took me on surprise day trips on the back of his bike?I roll my eyes at myself.He’s changed in the six hours since I saw him screwing a sweet butt on my own fucking car? I don’t think so.The sun shines right on this spot in the morning, and I end up dozing off for a while, my head tucked into the wing of the armchair.I wake up around noon with Scout licking my feet and whining at me.I smile at him.He wants a walk.I throw on some shorts, a t-shirt, and baseball cap, then leash him and take him up to the trails behind our house, pausing just outside so he can relieve himself.February in Arizona is temperate and mild.I let Scout off the leash and break into a jog, happy to feel the breeze on my face.He roams away from me but circles back to check in.He’s encountered some snakes up here, but he’s smart enough to keep his distance.We head uphill along the dry, rocky trail.At the top of the hill, we’re both panting, and I wish I had brought a water bottle for the both of us.I sink down to pet him and spring back up, darting away from him, daring him to chase me.He barks with excitement and races back down after me.I haven’t felt this light in months.Years, even.Maybe my stone cold husband is starting to thaw to me again after all.Back in the house, I freshen Scout’s water bowl and plop back down on the couch.I turn the TV on and get lost in reruns of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.I’ve seen just about every TV show out there at this point.Twice.Not much else to do these days.I used to have my studies to keep me occupied, but those days are gone.I take a break to make myself a turkey and avocado sandwich and settle back down on the couch.The couch.My old faithful friend.I wish Rooster had let me finish school and get my nursing degree.Without it, I feel purposeless.We’d had several big arguments about it, which he’d put an end to by breaking my nose, so the matter is pretty much settled now.I keep house, and I work three days a week at the repair shop, and that’s pretty much my whole life.And when I start worrying too much about my waste of a life, like I am right now, I get up and smoke some weed, which I buy off one of the mechanics at the shop.I fish my little baggie of pot and my pipe out of the sock drawer and pack a small bowl.I’m sure Rooster knows that I smoke pot and who sells it to me, because he keeps very tight control of everything I do.But as long as it doesn’t interfere with the meals I make him, I guess he doesn’t mind.I like to think that it’s my little secret, though.I never really planned on being someone who smoked pot almost every afternoon, but then I hadn’t planned on a lot of things happening, and it helps me get through the day.Returning to the living room, I plop down and light up.I giggle at one of the Housewives doing her direct-to-camera interview.I wonder what Rooster is thinking, asking me to have dinner with him to night.Probably guilt, I think, though why he should start feeling guilty now I don’t know.There’s been a lot for him to feel guilty about before, and he’s never shown any sign of a conscience.Maybe it was the timing of fucking a girl on our anniversary that pushed him over the edge? Who knows.At least it’ll be nice to get a little dressed up for a change.I can’t remember the last time I had a night out.Rooster stopped inviting me to the club parties a while back, and I can’t even remember the last time I wore makeup.Finishing the bowl, I decide to take a shower and do my hair nicely for the evening.I don’t know what’s up with Rooster, but I can at least dress up for myself.I wash my hair and carefully shave my legs.I really hope Rooster doesn’t want to have sex tonight.If he does, how will I get him to use a condom? More likely he’ll drop me off at home and then spend the night with some sweet butt.And I can spend the night with my vibrator, which probably needs another set of batteries at this point.I towel off and stand in front of my closet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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