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.Please don’t beat yourself up about this” I say but suddenly he looks alarmed, angry even.“Seren you don’t understand.I can’t be happy.My father…”And at this point I have to interrupt, this is what this is all about.“Your father is just a bitter old man Calix.Sorry to be blunt but he’s a jerk, stop allowing him to run your life”.“Seren” ,he pauses again as if he is contemplating what I have just said.I’m aware that a tear is rolling down my cheek.Calix’s father makes me feel as if I’m hitting my head against a stone grave.I can tell by the look in the Kings eyes that once he has made his mind up about something, there is no changing it.A stubbornness he will hold as the habit of a lifetime, because of the unwillingness to change.As we return from the city, Calix takes my hand.“ Thank you for tonight” I say.He sees my moist eyes and wipes the tear from my cheek.“Don’t worry about my Dad, Seren.He’s not the same man since my Mother died.His grief affected the whole city.” He sighs.“Look, I’ll talk to him.I think he’s just not used to me dating, you know?”“I’ll see you in college Monday then” I lean and kiss him.He closes his eyes and his long lashes hide a pained, but poignant expression.“Monday” he says and its an everlasting promise.Chapter.FourThe Smiley’sI spend the weekend thinking about our dance.Its like I have entered a fable, although our romance is more gothic than Sleeping Beauty.I play Mozart’s album as it reminds me of the dancing.But Calix’s Father still gets to me, he doesn’t like me at all.I see Calix’s diary while waiting for him in the Rolls, on the cover is a word I don’t recognize.He arrives ,full of his usual combination of cockiness and kindness.“Did you get coffee“? I ask as he opens the door.“Yeah latte for you, espresso for me baby”“Hey what does this word mean? Its so long.” He pauses momentarily, deliberating whether to tell me or not.“Its actually the code word for getting into my fathers secret club.I had to write it down because its obscure and difficult to remember”“Wait, you need a code word even though you’re a prince“? I gape at him in disbelief.“Yep” he smirks, agreeing this is ridiculous.“When is this oh-so-elitist top secret meeting then?”“Tomorrow actually, will you come with me”?“Sure, but I really don’t think your father will want me there” I say still burned from his deadly gaze at the ball.“Don’t worry about Dad.I’ll speak to him tonight.He can be a bit of an idiot sometimes, especially when it come to my friends and girlfriends” he says as if reminiscing on some past event.“What do you mean?” I ask intrigued.He sighs.“Well, he’s very…selective.I suppose he doesn’t really ever think anyone is good enough for me”“Why do you say that?” I ask.“Whenever I meet someone and get a little close to them whether it’s a good friend or girlfriend.He starts to get, I don’t know, sort of paranoid, saying these people are no good for me.That they only like me because I’m a prince or whatever”.“No offence, but the man is nuts if you ask me” I say, not shocked by the extent of the Kings control freak behaviour.He continues, looking slightly hurt by my opinion“Well, anyway.He usually tells me to stop seeing people that I like and just continue with my studies, recruitments and socialising with acquaintances he approves of.I honestly think he’s just a little overprotective, especially since mum died”“What was he like before that then?” I ask trying to appear sympathetic for Calix’s sake.He ponders for a moment.“More relaxed, less rigid, happier.He’s become like an army officer since her death, all military precision.The city was a very different world when I was younger”.“Don’t you think that you should talk to him? Perhaps he’s so caught up in trying to be a King that he never actually got the chance to grieve.You cant just let him treat you like a child.You’re an adult now, its your decision who you speak to and befriend, not his.”“Yeah, you’re right but truly once my father has his mind made up about something, there really is no changing it.He’s the most stubborn man in the world” he says.Growing frustrated by the topic of Calix’s father, I think of one thing that might work.“Maybe I can talk to him.Perhaps its because he’s never actually got to know any of your friends that’s the problem.”Calix looks at me dubiously as if I’m taking on more than I can handle.“Hmm.Well you could try, although there’s no point in me asking him first.He will just say no.Maybe you should just turn up on a day he’s not very busy.”“Okay.What day does he have free?” I ask.“I suppose Thursday is his quietest day.He golf’s on weekends so no one ever gets to see him then”“Okay.Thursday it is.Are you still going to ask him about the secret club or shall I speak to him first?”“No, I’ll ask him about the club, but I’ll probably just say I want to bring a peer along with me, rather than mention that its you!” he smirks at me cheekily.I gawp in horror“Why, are you ashamed of me?” He looks offended that I’d ever think such a thing.“No! But if I tell my dad it was the girl I took to the ball who I want to come, he’ll just say no on the basis that you aren’t a citizen” he shrugs.“Your Dad is the ultimate elitist”“I know” he agrees.“So, college, lunchtime, tomorrow?”“You bet” and he leans in and kisses me.As I walk back from our meeting, it starts raining.Even though I’m in a summer dress and getting wet, I do not care.He kissed me.People are staring at me as I walk as if to ask ‘why are you looking so pleased with yourself?”.I do not care.He kissed me.I want to dance on the pavement and I’m practically skipping.People will think I’m crazy but I do not care.He kissed me!After a night of my heart bursting with ecstasy , I awake eagerly anticipating seeing my beloved today.Just English to get through first.English was an easy affair today.We listened to an audio version of the play Hamlet.Shakespeare‘s language is so romantic and it helps me replay our kiss over and over in my mind.Calix loves books too.Most guys who I have seen have never been what I’m looking for.Too good looking, too geeky ,too tough, too sporty or just not ‘right.’ Even if Calix had never asked me out, he would still be my ideal man.He’s incredibly handsome with flawless hair and skin, for most girls that would be enough.I can tell by the looks on their faces that it is enough.But I’ve seen other ‘perfect’ movie-star-look-alikes before.None of them wanting me but me not wanting them either.There is another magnetic pull that Calix has.I cant explain it.I feel I’ve known him all my life.No one in the history books ever held such fascination for me.And unbelievably he’s mine.Mrs.Shelley wraps up the lesson.Whoo! Lunchtime.I never see Calix at break because he’s busy.He takes on so many roles.I feel like, compared to him, I don’t really do much.I like to relax.I feel more free like that.Not him, he does everything.Once he’s finished one thing, he moves on to the next.As I’m about to walk to the library to meet him, I see him in the corridor staring at the bulletin board [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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