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.”“I feel fine.” Her lashes fused.She pulled a lush lip between her lips and pulled herself onto her elbows wriggling in a way that had her nipples rubbing up against his chest.“Stop that or I’ll change my mind.”“That’s the plan.”“Sex, yes.” He paused, flipping her so that she was on her back with him over her.Zane pulled her arms above her head.Tanya nipped at him but he pulled just out of her reach.“Blood, no.”She made a sound of irritation which quickly turned to a groan as he rocked inside her.“I believe I promised you multiple orgasms.”“You also promised to use your tongue on me.” She lifted her eyebrows.He pulled almost all the way out.“The night is young, Ysnaar.” His female’s eyes drifted shut and her mouth slackened as he slid back into her.Slow and easy.****Leaving his female satisfied and napping, Zane went in search of Lance.Upon entering his suite, he faltered halting mid-step.Charlotte’s robe rode low on her hips.She faced Lance, who was still bedridden although he wouldn’t be down for much longer.“I said no.” It pained Zane to hear how soft and weak his friend’s voice sounded.“Rutting will make you stronger.” Charlotte said, yet she still pulled her robe back over her shoulders and fastened the tie.Poor Charlotte, he thought.Even though she was infertile, she was considered one of the most desirable females in the coven.Yet, she wasn’t having much luck in the male department lately.“Thank you,” Xavier added almost whispering.Zane had never known his head guard to be quite this polite.It worried him.“My lord.” Lance greeted turning his face to him only after he had spoken.Charlotte gave a semi curtsy.“If you change your mind.” She looked in Lance’s direction.“I won’t.”Confusion marred her features, Charlotte was not used to being denied.She nodded once and left the room.“You should’ve taken her up on her offer.”“I was tempted, but I hate lying here while Stephany…” His lips tightened.Pulling a second pillow behind his head, Lance struggled to pull himself into a semi upright position.He was breathing heavily by the time he finished.His skin was pale and there were dark circles under his eyes.“It won’t be long before she is released.The wolves would be fools to harm her.”“Within a day or two, I will be well.I will find her.”“You will do nothing of the sort.”“I will seek out my mate and bring her back to her rightful place at my side.” Lance’s eyes glowed, his biceps bulged as his hands closed to tight fists.“Enough.”Lance closed his mouth into a thin white line.“Trying to find her would be futile.Our best trackers failed, as will you.” Zane pulled a chair up next to the bed.“If she is not back within the week, then we will act.”“A week is a long time.So much can go wrong.I need my female.Three days or I will—”“Quiet.You are not being rational.Since when do you care so much about what happens to the female?” Zane was fast losing patience.“My female,” Lance growled.“You accidentally mated her twenty years ago, you ignored each other ever since it happened, and now you want to claim her as yours?” He couldn’t help but to point out the hypocrisy there.“The moment her fangs breached my skin during the new moon, she became mine.When our blood flowed as one, she became my mate.”Zane held up his hand.“Spare me, I know how it works.” He knew he was being a little insensitive but fuck, maybe one of the arrows had pierced Lance’s head.“Twenty years Lance.I gave you leave many years ago to take the female.Why now?”“With all due respect, my lord.It’s none of your fucking business.”Zane chuckled.“Glad to see you haven’t turned into a complete pussy.”“Stop that,” Lance smiled.“You look weird when you laugh.”Zane smiled.“Having a female has been good for me.”Lance narrowed his eyes.“I hear you will continue to share her with Brant.Again, with all due respect…” Lance paused waiting for permission to continue.“Yeah, yeah.” Zane motioned for him to get on with it.“…a three way mating.What the fuck?”Zane arched his brow.“It’s a bit tricky.” He wasn’t sure he was still game.Since his female had become pregnant, he didn’t feel as up to sharing.If her pregnancy affected him this way, it would be twice as bad for Brant who hadn’t been able to share well from the start.Lance chuckled and winced.“Tricky.” He smiled “I’ll bet, one female and two cocks.Especially when the cocks happen to be attached to two dominant, arrogant males.It must be all fun and games.”“A whole, big bundle.Tanya is with child.”Lance’s eyes lit up.“Wow.You are to be a father.Good news.”“It could be Brant’s,” he bit out.Lance’s face turned hard.“It will be yours, my lord.”“The covens are one, so it doesn’t matter who the father is.”Lance raised a brow.He clearly thought the sentiment was flawed.Zane really didn’t mind either way.Tanya was pregnant with royal blood.It didn’t matter who the father was.Yet, he had begun to mind that he had to share his female especially considering Brant insisted on being so thick skulled.Best he think of something else, his human wanted both kings so he would just have to deal.“If you are not going to rut, then make sure you take blood more often.”“I will,” Lance said.“Rest assured that Stephany will be back soon.” Zane felt his lips pull into a smile.“I don’t think she will fall back into your arms though my friend.”“I will have her in my bed in no time.”To think Lance had had the audacity to call him arrogant.Zane shook his head.“There is nothing more dangerous or difficult to appease than a female who has been slighted.You mated her and dumped her.”“She mated me,” Lance said.“It takes two, so don’t give me that bull.She may have bit you first but you bit her right back.”“The best sex I’ve ever had,” Lance sounded wistful.“Whatever.The details are not important.You mated her and left her.Haven’t tried to see her or speak to her since.”“I’ve spoken to her,” Lance looked a bit panicked.“Traditional functions don’t count.You never sought her out yourself with the specific intention to talk things out.Did you call even once?”Lance shook his head.“You are so fucked, or in this case not.You won’t be getting any for a very long time.” Zane chuckled.“Want to bet? One week of courting and she’ll be mine.”“A whole freaking week.Have you gone soft?” He was fucking with the other male, a week would never be enough.Hell, it might take years.Lance’s jaw tensed.“She is mad.”“You won’t get anywhere near her any time soon, maybe not ever.The covens talk.She’ll know how many females you bedded while she has remained celibate.You can be thankful that you are not a human though, or your dick may’ve fallen off a long time ago.I am the king and yet even I have not bedded as many females as you.”Lance grunted.“I am a male, I have needs.Rut with the same female too often and she begins to think that you are in a relationship.”“Excuses.You should’ve gone to Stephany.”“Oh yeah, and that would’ve gone over well.You and Brant birth enemies…” Lance said as he shook his head.“They were dark times of mourning.Both your fathers lost in battle.Levels of hate still ran high.” His eyes clouded in thought.Zane shrugged.“You gave the impression that you didn’t care [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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