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.”Her jaw sagged.“What? Are you saying I'm possessed?” The full horror of it struck her.“They're in me.All those words.Those incantations want to be spoken.They want to use me to do it.” Sybil stared at the stranger in front of her, appalled.“Stop me.Whatever that book of shadows is, it's evil.Stop me before it makes me do anything else.”“I would love nothing more.” He glared at her.“But you begged the goddess for aid, and she's chosen to grant it.”TwoSybil stared at the stranger.“What would you know about an answer to prayer?Weren't you a wolf when you came in?”His lips tightened.They were very well-shaped lips, and in other circumstances she would have appreciated that a lot more.He didn't answer, and she supposed she couldn't really expect him to.She looked around her living room and wondered why it looked so normal after everything that had just happened.With one notable exception.“You broke my front door,” she said.“There goes my damage deposit.”He turned toward it, touched the tattoo on his chest, and Sybil heard a soft whoosh and felt her ears pop as the pressure in the room abruptly shifted.The door became solid again.She blinked, then got up, and went over to touch it.It felt as real as it looked.'Thanks”“We will erase as many signs of what went on here as we can,” His hard tone made it clear that he wasn't doing her any favors.He had his own agenda and this just happened to fit in it.Sybil nodded.Then frowned.“Um, how?”“It's a simple spell, elementary magic.You are a witch, aren't you?”“Yes and no.” Sybil blew out a breath, shooting a stray lock of hair out of her eyes in the process.“I'm an apprentice”“Apprentice.” He gave her a skeptical look.“You don't look like a child.”“I'm an adult.They just haven't taught me much.”“They?”My coven.They let me join because, well, it's hereditary.”“Hereditary.”Sybil blew her hair back again with a short huff, “Are you going to just stand there repeating everything I say while we wait to see if I'm going to spontaneously combust?”“Do you think you might?”He said it so deadpan, Sybil felt her heart jump.“Is that a real possibility?”“With demon magic, anything is possible.” He looked her over intently.“Explain why you are a hereditary witch with no training.”“It's not because my coven's lazy or incompetent,” Sybil said, feeling defensive.“It's just that they think if I don't know anything, T can't do any harm.Also, if I'm an active member of the coven with apprentice status, they can keep an eye on me.”The man-wolf tilted his head as he considered her.“Why would they fear you’d do harm?”“Prophecy,” Sybil said bluntly.“It's dumb.Way back in ancient history somebody prophesied that a witch of my line is supposed to end the world.So all of us, generation after generation, get brought into the coven and stuck with doing errands and odd jobs.It's a complete waste of talent.”“And yet here you are, the holder of ancient demon magic many would kill to possess.”Sybil swallowed hard, “Are you saying I'm going to destroy the world because a book I bought at a yard sale made me?” If she'd heard a wild statement like that this morning, she would have laughed.Now it didn’t seem funny.“I won't let you.”“That sounds ominous.” She rubbed her arms, remembering the spells scaring their way into her, “I don't suppose you'd like to tell me why you came bursting in here in the first place?”“You opened a gate to the shadow realms,” he answered, “I guard those gates.”“It made me say a spell,” Sybil said, “Is that what opened the gate?”“Yes.And that particular spell could only have come from the lost book.It was simple to trace the magic to its source find you.”“Simple for anybody besides you?” Sybil asked the question in a small voice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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