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." Travis added, applying a small pad and taping it to her arm."Well, you're good to go, Thanks for choosing Travis's and I hope to see you again!""Thanks! Here's a.22 LR, I knew I had one in there.And thanks for telling me all about the area, anything else I should know?" Amy asked, putting the bullet casing into Travis's calloused hand."Try to stick to the Old Business Center, North and South Florida.Things get dangerous in The Breakers and The Outcroppings.Should be fine though, Harvester HQ is in OBC." Travis suggested with a smile, pocketing the case."What's so dangerous about them?" Amy wondered, readjusting her knife belt over her hoodie."Well, in the Outcroppings you're liable to run into some Campus District zombies.They are nowhere near as tame as the ones inside city limits.As for The Breakers, a lot of shady characters live out there, a lot of people you just don’t want to get involved with." Travis added, putting his tools back as a teenager ran into the parlor."Travis! Bit of a situation in Arsenal Park, Klan are starting to rally, looking like they might hang someone." The kid said in short breaths, having clearly run to the shop."Shit.As I said Amy, pleasure meeting you, but I gotta go." Travis quickly said, grabbing his crossbow and following her and the teen out his shop, quickly locking up.Amy watched as Travis took off down the street towards a tall building off in the distance.She headed in the opposite direction, the sun now lighting the city more than it had for her walk to Travis's.She had made it half way back to the Harvester's base before seeing another sign of life, and it wasn’t a pleasant one.Shambling across the street towards the alley was the hunched form that even the barren plains of the Alamo Graveyard couldn't make her forget, the undead.The zombie that crossed her path looked to have been a young man.His bones were just barely visible beneath the taut gray skin.Clearly visible and covering what remained of its flesh were the distinct spidery blood webs that marked the infected.Its relatively bloodless face led Amy to believe that he was a fresh convert.He was halfway across the road before realizing that he was being watched, and turning quickly towards his prey, tripped over his own ankle.Amy heard his chin crack against the pavement, but still the rag adorned body pulled itself back up and resumed course, quicker now, in Amy's direction.Without hesitation and like a long practiced art, Amy unsheathed a smooth bladed hunting knife from her belt and met her attacker at the curb, sinking the weapon up to its hilt upward through the soft part in zombie’s lower jaw.For a long moment it struggled, and every muscle and nerve in Amy tensed responsively, but it was dead in less than a second, crumpling to the street."Impressive." A wispy voice cooed from the shadows of a nearby alley, causing Amy to rip the knife free from the muscular flesh and whip around to face the speaker."Who are you?" Amy asked, still brandishing her knife, her other hand gripping the handle of another smaller knife in her belt."Who I am isn't important right now, what I have to offer is though." The voice said seductively, stepping into the light, showing itself to be a young woman.She wore dark jeans and a thin black hooded sweat shirt, the hood up and covering most of her face, but a black choker around her neck stood out, a silver pendant shining, radiant at its center."And what would that be?" Amy questioned, her guard still raised."Let's call it a job…audition.Few could kill a target so efficiently, and you didn’t even flinch.Most women, and a few men I've met too, would have cowered a little." The woman answered, her hands in her hoodie's pockets."Still haven't told me anything.Who do you even work for?" Amy countered, the woman having done nothing to ease her defensive demeanor."I thought the hood would've given it away, guess you're new in town.I'm a Reaper, and we'd be interested in seeing if you’re up to our standards." The woman freely admitted."Not interested and I don’t think this conversation needs to continue." Amy said rather bluntly, circling the woman, knife still in hand."Thank you! You see, I'm not allowed to kill potentials, but as your mind's all made up, my bonds are gone!" the woman harped, taking her hands from her pockets and reaching quickly behind her back.Before Amy had sufficient time to react, she heard a crack just to her left.The woman had pulled out a whip and snapped it right towards Amy's face.From her quick glimpse, it looked as though the weapon was lined with tiny metal barbs.Smiling maliciously, the woman circled Amy and cocked her arm back again.As the barbs came straight for her, Amy managed to quickly duck down behind the corpse she had slain, not minutes prior.The tiny spikes lodged into the dead flesh and Amy took her chance and leapt up towards her assailant, pinning her against the dumpster in the alley, the whip having fallen to the ground."One chance." Amy said, holding her knife to the woman's throat."You should have killed me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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