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.It is not as if there are extras lying about.And as you are the new Summa Gardella, there is no one who should say you nay.”“I can scarcely comprehend that less than two years after I had the dreams that led to my calling to be a Venator, I’m now the one to whom everyone will turn.Even those who have been Venators far longer than I.”Victoria’s aunt had been eighty-one, one of the longest-living vampire hunters ever, when she died.As the only other person bearing the direct bloodline of the Gardella family, Victoria had inherited the title—and responsibility—of Summa Gardella: The Gardella.“You may be younger—in fact, you may be our youngest Venator,” Wayren told her with that same smile, “but you are well deserving of your title.What you have accomplished in the last eighteen moons would have been a challenge for even your aunt when she was in her prime fighting years.”Victoria looked away from Wayren’s serene gaze, focusing on the spill of glittering holy water next to her.She hadn’t accomplished running off Lilith from London last year, or killing Nedas, the vampire queen’s son, a month ago, without Max’s help.Wayren was speaking again, perhaps in an effort to draw Victoria from her unpleasant thoughts.“The vis bullae are precious amulets.They cannot and should not be destroyed, and they’re worth nothing to one who is not a Venator.Did your aunt tell you from whence they come?”“The crosses are forged from a silver vein under the hill at Golgotha, in the Holy Land,” Victoria replied.“And they are held in holy water blessed by the pope” —she gestured at the fountain— “until they are given to the Venator for whom they were intended.But…is not each vis bulla made for one particular person? Can another Venator wear one not made for herself?”Wayren was nodding.“Yes, one and only one vis bulla is forged for the person for whom it is intended.As you see, the one that belonged to your aunt Eustacia is different from the one that Max gave you.But as you are aware, the power of a vis bulla can strengthen any Venator.”Victoria didn’t need to look at the small crosses, each of which hung from its own silver hoop, to recall which was which.Aunt Eustacia’s had tiny beveled edges, and the ends of each bar of the cross were pointed.Max’s was slightly thicker and sturdier, without any ornamentation.Both crosses were no larger than her thumbnail.Victoria’s own vis bulla had been torn from where she wore it pierced through her navel on the same night Aunt Eustacia died, during a fierce battle with Lilith’s undead son, Nedas.Hers had been slender, with delicate filigree along its edges, so minute she couldn’t comprehend how anyone could have worked silver into such an intricate design.“Well?” asked Wayren after a moment.“Shall I ask Kritanu to prepare for two of them?”Victoria nodded slowly, wondering if wearing two amulets would make her feel any different.Would it make her twice as strong? Or would they cancel each other out? She made the decision; if there was a problem she could easily remove one of them.“Yes.I’ll wear them both.”During their conversation, the other members of the Consilium had been walking about the chambers, in and out and through, some pausing to dip their fingers in the fountain or to speak to another.They were all men of varying ages and appearance.Victoria was the only female Venator of the perhaps hundred in the world, and there were only two dozen Venators in Rome, at the Consilium, at any given time.“Then I shall inform Kritanu, and we will proceed in a few moments.I know you’ve missed being on the hunt this last month while your wound healed, and you were closing up your aunt’s properties in Venice and Florence.” Wayren gave her another soothing smile, then moved away in such a graceful manner that she appeared to glide.The reinserting of her vis bulla was brief and less painful than Victoria recalled the first piercing being.Perhaps it was because the pain of its being torn away was more prevalent in her memory than the quick, smooth piercing.Kritanu, the elderly man originally from India who had been Aunt Eustacia’s companion and Victoria’s trainer, was quick and efficient with the long, curved needle.Since Victoria had decided to wear the two amulets, Kritanu inserted them separately, so that they each hung from the top of her navel and brushed against each other as they settled into the small hollow below.The moment the first one slipped into place, Victoria felt a renewal of energy, a familiar surge tingle through her body.She felt as if she’d become whole again.And, now that she was wearing something from her aunt, perhaps she would not only have her aunt’s strength of spirit with her, but also begin to heal her grief.+ + +“Beheaded dogs and cats?” Victoria said, looking from Ilias, the keeper of the Consilium and one of the eldest Venators, to Michalas, one of the Venators who lived permanently in Rome.It was nearly two months since Victoria had had the two vis bullae inserted, and although she’d been out several times after sundown searching for vampires, things had been relatively quiet.Michalas nodded, his russet curls so tight they moved but a whisper [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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