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.She drove until they entered a small clearing where a dark green pickup and a bright, apple-green delivery-type van were parked side by side.A large tent and portable gazebo had been set up across the meadow where a woman and two men were talking.Summer pulled in and parked as the woman and one of the men crossed the meadow at a fast pace.She’d barely climbed from the truck and turned to let her mates out of the back when someone grabbed her shoulder.When she squeaked in surprise as she was spun around, her mates growled and barked in her defense, sounding ferocious.Then she recognized who touched her.“Shhh, boys, it’s okay.It’s Winter,” she addressed the dogs first.“Hello, baby brother,” she said as Winter pulled her in for a long, hard hug.“It’s about time you came home,” he said, kissing her cheek before releasing her.She blushed when he reached up with one finger to touch both sides of her lower neck where Cole and Dawson had bit her the night before.“I guess this means you’ll be sticking around for a while, huh?”“Uh-huh,” she said before opening the back door to release Cole and Dawson.The dogs sniffed Winter’s feet and gave him a steady stare and a small growl before turning and walking toward the back of the van.“We can talk about that later.Help me get these two harnessed up, and then I’d like to take a look at the map if I could.”Winter nodded and followed the dogs, but before Summer could do the same, the woman stepped into her path.“Welcome to the family,” she said, wrapping Summer in a hug that reminded her of the ones she got from her mother when she was a little girl.“I’m Bridget Sullivan, mother of those two and their brothers.”“Summer Ryan.I’m not exactly sure what I am.”Bridget looked at her and smiled.“Why, you’re Cole and Dawson’s mate.That makes you family, whether or not you decide to marry them.We wouldn’t have called the boys back, but with Spring and her men in Wilmington until tomorrow for a pre-wedding honeymoon and their other brothers, Evan and Frank, are delivering furniture to Georgia, so we really didn’t have a choice.”Summer shrugged.“I think I’m just along for the ride,” she said, which made the other woman laugh.“Hardly, dear.But we can talk about that later.I’ll share all my tips about dealing with Sullivan men.”“Can I be in on that discussion?” Winter asked as he handed Bridget a bright orange pack harness before jumping out of the truck with the other.“Certainly, Winter, though I think you’ve got your men well in hand,” Bridget said.Cole and Dawson made grumbling noises as if they did not agree with the direction this conversation had taken, but stood still as Bridget and Winter strapped the packs around them, making sure they were secure, but not too tight.“We really need to put names on these things so we don’t have to adjust them every time we use them,” Bridget remarked once they were finished.“My husband, Michael, took Winter’s mate, Garrett, and my other husband, Thomas, has Garrett’s twin, Hawk.Do you two want to split up or both stay with Summer?”Summer laughed as the dogs looked their mother with what could only be described as a look of disbelief before moving in closer to either side of her.“All right, then, I guess that answers that.”They walked to the gazebo where a man in a U.S.Forestry Service uniform had just hung up his cell phone while looking at the map that was spread out on the card table.Winter made the introductions.“Gage, this is my sister, Summer Ryan.Summer, this is Ranger Gage Whitefeather.He’s with the Forestry Service and coordinating the search teams.”After shaking Gage’s hand, Summer looked at the map.“Can you show me on the map exactly where the little girl was last seen?”“She’s ten years old, and her parents say she’s adventurous,” Gage said.“They were camping in this meadow, and she apparently just disappeared.I sent the parents back to the ranger’s station to wait.We’ve found in the past the fewer people in the area while the Sullivans search, the better.”Summer nodded.She’d worked with rescue dogs before.“What’s the little girl’s name?”“Havan Fellows.”“Has she ever been in the Girl Scouts?” Summer asked as the dogs laid their heads on the table as if trying to read the map as well.She absently petted their heads and made soothing sounds as she studied the area he’d pointed out.“Uh, I don’t know.Hang on a minute.”Gage pulled out his cell phone and made a call to his office where the parents waited.Several minutes later, he hung up.“Yes, she’s been a Girl Scout for three years.”“Okay, I think we should follow this stream.” Summer traced a tiny blue line that ran not too far to the north of where they stood.It was also the exact opposite quadrant from where everywhere else was searching.“If she’s a scout, she hopefully learned a few things about hiking and what to do if she gets lost.Do you have anything with her scent on it?”Gage handed her a girl-sized pink T-shirt which she held out for both dogs to smell.Her men had explained on the drive that wolfhounds worked more by sight than by smell, but their doggie noses were still hundreds of times more sensitive than a human’s, so they would be able to pick up on any scent the girl had left behind.Bridget handed her a cell phone.“Depending on where you are, this might or might not help.”Summer automatically checked the charge on the phone’s battery before slipping it into her pocket.She then accepted a smaller version of the map on the table from Gage.“Call every half hour,” he ordered.“Do you want me to come with you?” Winter asked as he helped her into a daypack that her mates had told her held an emergency kit as well as a basic first-aid kit.“Garrett and Hawk said for you to wait here,” Bridget reminded her brother.“Sounds like you’ve got your orders, little brother.We’ll be okay.I’ve got these two hairballs watching my back.”She, Bridget, and Winter shared a chuckle when the two dogs made grumbling noises and butted her with their shoulders.With a wave, she turned and started toward the forest.Before they were halfway across the clearing, the dogs turned and began to pull her in an easterly direction.She tried to redirect them, but they refused to be turned.“Guys? Do you smell her?” Summer asked.The dogs looked back at her, nodded and pulled her even faster toward the eastern tree line.Once they were out of sight of the others, she unhooked their leashes.“Okay, boys, do your thing.”With that, one dog took off at a run and was out of sight in the undergrowth in seconds.She started after him and wondered if she should call him back.Instead, she followed him, not surprised when the one left behind began walking right in front of her as they headed deeper into the woods.She followed the brothers for nearly an hour.Walking was no problem, but the heat and humidity of the area was draining her.Fighting her way through brush and weeds while trying to ignore the need to fuck her mates.When the lead dog came back to switch off as they’d done every ten or fifteen minutes, she looked at the two dogs and knowing who was inside the furry exteriors made her pussy ache.“I need to take a break,” she said, walking a few feet to where a huge log lay on its side.Chapter 6Before she got comfortable, the dogs somehow released their harnesses before shifting forms.Moving to kneel on the ground on either side of her knees, they studied her closely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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