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.He wouldn’t have any more thoughts about ancient bullshit.What was done was done.There was no point in getting all riled up about it.Maddox never intended to see either Gaby or his brother again.The old man was a different story though.Maddox felt a pang when he remembered how worn out his father had looked the last time he’d visited.Priest McLeod couldn’t ride anymore.He drove a newer model automatic F-150 and it just seemed so damned wrong.Priest’s skin had grown paper thin as the drinking man’s disease ate away his flesh, leaving a confused shell.Maddox had watched his father for a long, painful moment as he climbed back into his vehicle for the drive back to Contention City.He’d been a juggernaut in his day, a beast to rival Orion Jackson.But such was the sad march of time.Someday everyone turned to dust.Some went quickly, others faded away with agonizing slowness.But dust all the same.And then what the fuck difference would any of it make? What had it all been for?Maddox coasted into town, trying to shake off his melancholy.It wasn’t like him.When the shadows of mortality did occasionally threaten he usually drank or screwed them away.Alice had given him a good workout and he wasn’t in need of a woman tonight.But the bar would be open and his boys would be around.Maddox felt cheered by the thought.They were what he needed right now.He recognized most of the bikes already parked in front of the Riverbottom Bar.The hour was getting on and the place would only get more crowded.Maddox wished he’d grabbed something to eat first.He knew too well there was nothing at all serviceable in his sloppy trailer.After a few blinks to get used to the dim interior of the bar, the first person he saw was Rachel.Sweet, sweet Rachel.Maddox could get hard just thinking about her, although it was with some guilt now since she belonged to Casper, the Defiant VP.But they’d had a few good times before all that.She smiled when she saw him, her dark hair framing her heart-shaped face in perfect order.He knew he’d gone up in her estimation since the whole mess with her cousin, Promise.She had to realize he’d only stood up at all because of Grayson, but it didn’t seem to matter to her.As long as he’d stood.Rachel nodded to a greasy fast food bag sitting on the back counter behind the bar.“Extra burgers if you want one, Mad.”He did want one.He also helped himself to a beer on the way and was tempted to help himself to a grab of Rachel’s ass but didn’t.Casper wouldn’t like it and even if he hadn’t been VP, Maddox would never have stepped on a brother like that.He knew he had his flaws, but interfering with the old lady of a man he respected wasn’t one of them.The burger was down his throat in two bites and he chased it with a long drink of beer.It wasn’t enough.He needed something stronger.Rachel had already read his restlessness and handed him a shot glass with a roll of her eyes.“Three Wise Men,” she said, leaving him to go see about a loud argument at the other end of the bar.Maddox closed his eyes and downed the shot in one fiery swallow.It burned like shit.Brandon hailed him from a nearby table and Maddox sank into a chair gladly.“Hey, man,” Brandon smacked him good naturedly as he leaned back into his chair and belched.“What did you get?”“Alice,” Maddox smiled.Brandon shook his head with a curse and rueful smile.“Damn, again? You’re getting a little exclusive there.”“Nah, that may have been the last time.She’s found a lady friend she seems to be serious about.”Brandon was interested.“No shit.I’d happily live homeless for a year if I could just get a ticket to that show.” He leaned in closer.“Can you get me one?”Maddox laughed.Brandon always entertained him.He didn’t get nearly half the ass Maddox did and seemed a little in awe.“No,” he finally said.“I can’t even get one.”“Damn,” Brandon said with disappointment.“Look at that.” He pointed to a blowsy blonde sitting in Abel’s lap.She appeared to be swallowing his face.She broke the kiss with a sucking sound and smiled directly at Maddox as her right hand traveled unabashedly between Abel’s legs.Mad ignored her.Big Tits Cheryl wasn’t much of a conquest and he only went that way when there was nothing else around.Besides, it was nice to see Abel having a good time.The man had been something of a sad sack since his wife took off a year back.Abel lived down the road a ways.He was a good mechanic and nothing but loyal to the club.No, Maddox wouldn’t obstruct his game even if Cheryl wasn’t old news.“I’ve had better,” Maddox truthfully told Brandon, looking away as Cheryl began to guide Abel’s hand under her tight shirt.Maddox joked with Brandon, drank beer, and began to feel better.Orion stopped by long enough to give everyone in the room a hard appraisal with his intense blue eyes.He scowled as two Mojave Marauder prospects began to get rowdy and that’s all it took to calm them down.“You think you could take a look at the shitter in the Men’s?” he asked Maddox when he paused at their table.It wasn’t exactly what Maddox felt like doing just then but you couldn’t argue with the boss man.Anyway, he liked feeling like he was contributing to the club.“Sure,” he shrugged.“Someone try to flush a Gila monster again?”“Fuck, maybe,” Orion grumbled, keeping one eye on the action at the bar.Apparently satisfied that everything was in order, he slapped Maddox affectionately on the shoulder and headed out the back, probably to the house where his girl, Kira, would be waiting for him.Brandon was beginning to doze off on the table.Maddox kicked his chair sharply and grinned at the torrent of curses which erupted from the bearded man.There was a plunger and a bag of tools in a small closet by the office.After retrieving them, Maddox opened the door to the Men’s Room and saw a hairy ass and a leather cut which spelled out the name of the club.Big Tits Cheryl was on the sink with her legs in the air as Abel pounded away.She didn’t smile at him this time, apparently still insulted by his lack of interest.She closed her eyes and embarked on a cacophony of small female shrieks, sounding like Meg Ryan in that old eighties flick When Harry Met Sally.Maddox always loved the part where Meg pretended to get off right there in front of the crowd and then calmly took a bite of her sandwich.Cheryl shrieked louder but Maddox knew a fake when he heard one.“When you’re done,” he called, closing the door.He wasn’t waiting on the other side long when Cheryl pushed through the door, breezing past him as she tried to shove her gigantic tits all the way back into her bra.Abel followed a few seconds later, grinning sheepishly as he zipped up his pants.“Nice,” Maddox teased with a wink, shouldering the plunger and heading into the smoke-filled humidity of the bathroom.The two urinals seemed to be in order but the single toilet was obviously having a problem.Maddox fiddled with the loose handle but the issue was with whatever had been shoved into the hole.It was unbelievable what people thought they could dispose of in a toilet bowl.As Maddox got to work he thought about Priest.Pipes and plungers always reminded him of his dad, who had taught him everything he knew about plumbing.He used to ride along with him as a kid and sneak cookies out of the cupboards belonging to the fine folks of Contention City as Priest McLeod labored under their sinks and toilets.As Maddox snaked the clog culprit out of the depths of the Riverbottom, he shook his head.The mess looked like a skunk which had died giving birth while tied to a cluster of condoms.He couldn’t make any sense out of it and he didn’t want to.He tossed the thing into the garbage can.After checking out the flushing sequence and listening to the standard gurgle of the water, he was content that his work was finished.Mad washed off his hands and felt some remorse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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