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." She looked at it again."You might even need stitches.""No stitches because that requires hospitals." I kept up my search for headlights in the rearview mirror."Where do you live? I'll drop you off."She bit into her lip, a sure sign that I wasn't going to like her answer."I'm not going home.You need me to help-""You're going home," I said louder."You can't stay with me.""I can't go home," she sulked and gulped.She sat roughly in the seat, not scooting over so we were still touching.She whispered to herself, "Oh, great.I'm going to have to tell you, aren't I?""Tell me what?" I barked."Let's just go to the drugstore, I'll fix you up, and then you can drop me off at the police station or something.I'll get a ride from there.""I'm not dropping you off anywhere but home at midnight.Where do you live?"She sighed and scooted all the way over to her door.I wanted to punch myself for missing her.She looked out her window and puffed a breath.It made a fog cloud on the glass."Marley," I prompted."I live in my car, OK?"I blinked, looked at the road, and then blinked some more."What?""I was a foster kid.They kicked me out of the system when I was eighteen.I got a job, but I've never been able to really.keep up.With the cost of classes and everything.I live in my car."What the hell was I supposed to say to that? There was no way I was going to take her to go sleep in her car when Biloxi just plowed through her place of employment.Speaking of, she was probably out of a job now.Daggumit.She scoffed."Silence is what usually accompanies that little confession." Her laugh was humorless and the way she gripped her collar, as if she were hanging on for her life, made my stomach flip."Just drop me off at the nearest place and I'll be fine.""Like hell I'm just dropping you off somewhere," I heard myself say.I squeezed my eyes shut for just a second or two."Marley." I sighed."Just ditch me.So what." She scoffed yet again, like she was used to people just throwing her away."It's not like you know me.""I am going to ditch you!" I heard myself growl.I gripped the steering wheel tighter, remembering this was for her own good."You're right.I don't know you and I've got to leave.That guy.he's after me.Has been for as long as I can remember." She whipped her gaze back to mine."So yes, I'm ditching you.I've got to."She shook her head."Wow.The ol' I'm a spy bit?" She looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to say gotcha or something."Really?" I just glanced at her and then back to the road."What's next? You're an FBI agent and I can't tell anyone or you'll have to kill me?"I just stayed silent.There was just no use in saying anything.She thought I was a jerk so let her just keep right on thinking that.She pointed out the window to an old drugstore."Turn in here.""I told you I'll be fine," I argued."Turn.In.Here," she growled in an angry, husky voice.I looked over and felt that growl all the way to my toes.What the hell was happening to me? This girl was reducing me to mush over the stupidest things.And she was aggravating as all get out, obviously had some daddy issues that would come into play later on, needed someone to take care of her—which sureas hell wasn't going to be me—and had managed to disarm me in more ways than one after she messed up my truck.The girl was batting five for five.Needless to say, I turned into the drugstore, parking in the back.As I turned off the ignition, I thought to myself that this could actually work to my advantage.Biloxi would expect me to skip town as soon as possible, most times without even going to my apartment to get my things.I didn't own much anyway, but still.I turned to her.She was looking at my shoulder.The worry was all over her face and though I couldn't help her in any other way, I could at least let her know that I was going to be fine.I got out quickly, wincing as the cut on my shoulder pulled, and came to her side.She had just opened her door.I took her hands and helped her down.She seemed a little taken aback by the gesture, but I just leaned in."Are you sure you weren't hurt?"She shook her head."No, I'm fine." She started to walk with my hand guiding her swiftly on her back.She stopped and looked back at me."You're not to blame, you know that right?" She didn't wait for my answer."Whoever that guy is made the decision to do that and risk others while he searched for you.You can't feel bad that you're just trying to survive." Her eyes took on a faraway look.She said, "You do a lot of things to survive, sometimes things you're not proud of, but when someone's after you, forcing your hand? That is completely not your fault."I didn't respond to that.What would be the point? We'd get into a debate about how I'm such a bastard, and how she thinks I'm not, but I know deep, deep in my guts that I am and deserve everything that happens to me because I was born.I burdened my mother and she died trying to save me.Nah.I wasn't about to do that.I pushed her to the back door.It dinged at our entrance and I searched around for what we needed.And when I found it, I searched for the clerk.He yelled out, "We're closed! Sorry."OK.I was going to have to steal it."All right.Just using the bathroom."He was in the front, stacking boxes of candy, humming as he worked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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