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.I nod, unable to vocalize a reply.A ghost of a smirk crosses his sharp features.Ugh.Pompous jerk! I can’t believe he made me admit his humiliation.Could I be any more stupid? I feel like a complete idiot having not one but two orgasms while dreaming of him feigning lust over me.Maybe this will teach my sex addiction some well needed boundaries.Carter is browsing through the reports as if nothing had happened.I internally shake my head.What a sham.Women who fall like swatted mosquitoes for his elegant handsomeness don’t know what the hell they are in for.How can his sex appeal even matter to them if he’s more of a jerk than I give him credit for? But that’s right—he’ll never choose a woman that can see the skeletons in his closet.Michael would never abase anyone like this…My love is the reason I endure life without him.Our past, present, and future led me to this internship in the first place and to find him; I will affront anything—including COO, Carter Stevenson.I savor my new determination and make a mental note; Things are better this way.The fewer distractions, the more time I have to focus on what really matters to me.I regard the mutant’s smug face when he hands me back the reports.“Thank you, Mr.Stevenson.I’ll start with the maintenance report today” I hold his gaze, confident and unwavering.Just as I thought! Carter was not prepared to see me challenge his demonic mood swing with a grin.Instead of looking pleased, he’s now exasperated.I cackle to myself.Stick that in your juice box and suck it.“Continue”, he cocks his head to the side and nods blandly as I reiterate the rest of the morning’s information.******It is past midday when I finally get Carter off my back.To my surprise, we haven’t bumped heads once in the last hour.He’s been too preoccupied gauging my reactions to notice he doesn’t affect me.Today, Carter doesn’t stand when I gather my things to leave.His sapphires are too buried beneath ice, to know if he is still mad at me.I shrug it off and lick my lips, considering a splurge of chicken, green pepper, black olive, and goat cheese pizza for lunch.I think I deserve it as a reward for not losing my mind.My stomach grumbles loud, agreeing with my point of view.Soft, masculine chuckles momentarily stun me.“Your body is just as outspoken as your mind” Carter taps a pen to his sculpted lips, leaning back into the chair.He’s deadpan.Arousal in the pit of my insides flushes my cheeks.Somewhere in my body, a mild electric current is still reacting to his charm.I’m not telling him he’s partially right, but my scandalous stomach betrays me and growls louder than before.“It’s not used to being denied what it wants” I confess.His eyebrows lift in amusement.Brave enough to dive into those sapphire oceans, I can’t find any trace of the ogre from an hour and a half ago.Honestly! I can’t keep up with his mood swings.And I hate that he’s making my blood hot.“Denial is delayed gratification” he smirks.“Challenges are the elixir of life.Don’t you agree?”Uh…I don’t know where he is going with this, and I can’t stop the ball from rolling in my direction.Delayed gratification is unfathomable in my world; I’d go berserk.I bite my bottom lip.“I believe that challenges aren’t refreshing if they keep you from experiencing spontaneous pleasure”Carter baffles me with a brilliant, immaculate white smile.“Is that what your body is craving, Alyson?” You have no idea.The electric current stings painfully, threatening to combust into a fire.No.Stop it.I can’t let him obliviate my intimacy after he behaved like a barbarian.Who does he think he is?I meditate a simple response.“Pizza is my gratification.”“Ah.” He strokes his chin with the pen.“Not Thai food, courtesy of your subordinate, Matthew Sanders?”The question catches me off guard followed by epiphany, heavily dawning on me.Good grief.I should have known this had to do with possessiveness in the first place.Carter thinks he owns his employees like he dominates everything else in life.I’ll show you…Spitefulness boils in place of the electric current.My pearly white smile matches his smirk.“Not today but I think I’ll make it up to him with dinner.” In his tailored and expensive dark suit, Carter continues to tap the pen to his chin and nods coolly.It’s my turn to smile secretly.******Coming back to my anemic office is depressing.Compared to the chromatic interior design of the rest of the hotel, my office is a blanched glass cave.I took the stairs on the other side of the hotel to avoid walking past the front desk.Particularly, I wanted to avoid Matt’s complaints about Carter ruining our lunch.I don’t want or need to know anything else about him.He’s a jerk beyond my wildest nightmares.Just then, I hear a text message go off in my purse.I haven’t seen you in ages!How about we have a ladies night with Sandra and Nina at The Island?—OpiI grin.I haven’t seen my girlfriends since I started working! A night at the club and a few drinks are what I need to take my mind off things, especially from Carter.I quickly answer back.I heard that’s an awesome club [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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