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.Frozen Origin 3HadesBy Crystal DawnSmashwords Edition License NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchase for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy.Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.This is a work of fiction and characters are entirely a product of the authors imagination.Any resemblance to a person living or dead is merely coincidental.2014 Copyright by Crystal DawnCover by Crystal Dawn using Istock images.Dedicated to my readers who make writing worthwhile.Frozen Origin 1-ZeusOrigin is the best in the field of DNA research and they have finely tuned their craft.They started out with a line of supermen pulling all the best traits from the millions of human DNA samples they had available to them.These supermen were the smartest, fastest, strongest, and most adaptable the human race had to offer, but Origin wasn’t satisfied.When they expanded their facility in Antarctica, they discovered something that made the next level reachable.These were the gods, so far beyond the abilities of man that even with some of their gifts still undiscovered, they put the supermen to shame.Origin managed to get by with enslaving the products of their research for years until they rented the talents of those products to terrorists that used them against the US and her allies.A team was sent to free them and they were allowed to be an independent entity, free to rule themselves.They had much to overcome and Origin wasn’t ready to give them up yet.Origin fought hard to recover their losses, but the gods fought harder to remain free especially once they realized that they could have a mate and children when they find the right woman.Frozen Origin 2-HermesHermes is captured by rogue Origin agents and meets his future mate under the worst possible conditions.He had hoped to mate a fierce warrior like Zeus did, but is drawn to the timid mousy girl despite his wishes to the contrary.When she helps him escape, he begins to discover she isn’t anything like he thought her to be.Origin continues to try to bring the gods back under their control and rogue agents with their own plans are added to the mix.The gods deal with the US military, spies in their midst, and are offered another captured Origin lab to use for their own needs.Zeus offers this to the demons but Lu wants to think about it.Several of the other gods suspect they’ve found their mates but they aren’t sure yet.Some of them wonder if they’ll ever be truly free of Origin and if they’ll ever have the things that other people take for granted.PrologueThe gods, those who a company named Origin had developed from the DNA of the best humans had to offer, combined with the DNA of a creature found in a cave in Antarctica that had special powers even the Origin scientists weren’t completely knowledgeable about, were now free and trying to find their place in a human world.Zeus, Hermes, and even Darius had found mates, now the rest would follow.Hades had what might be the biggest struggle with his mate, but was it really a case of simple stupidity on his part? How had he overcome the drive to claim only his one true mate to bed another? Nioma, Doc’s lab assistant was driven to find out.Doc refused to allow her to do so, but Doc was far away right now and in no position to interfere.Nioma wondered if she would discover that there was no sign of the changes mating caused in the male in Hades’s tests, or if someone had managed to use drugs to overrule the changes, which was Nioma’s theory.Her scientist mind demanded to know and she needed to know as a friend also since she cared for Doc as a sister might.Before Doc and Hades returned from their mission, she would have the answers that were needed and she would answer the questions once and for all.Were Doc and Hades soul mates? If they were, why had he strayed when he was beginning to make progress in their relationship? Nioma put on her lab coat and pulled the samples she had drawn from Hades the day the she had found out about the video of him with a female that was not his mate.If anything was funky, she would find it.She was that good.HadesChapter 1Welcome to the JungleA slap sounded echoing through the jungle causing animals to run and a silence to descend on them broken only by the buzzing of the mosquitos who refused to leave the bounteous source of blood they had found.Hades turned shooting the human soldiers who accompanied them on their mission a look that would freeze the blood of even his fellow gods.Doc shot him an irritated look from where she stood beside the handsome young Darven.Hades pretended not to notice though it pained him that his mate so obviously preferred the young lieutenant to him.He couldn’t blame her, when he fucked up, he did it all the way.He still had expected her to act differently now that she was affianced to Marlin.He didn’t know if he was happy or sad that she seemed to show no loyalty to the man she planned to marry but he was definitely surprised.He had expected more of her.Her eyes bored into Hades back while he continued hacking a path for the others to follow, as if she wished them to burn holes there.She didn’t really know what she expected from him, the damage was done and it couldn’t be undone.She couldn’t look at him without images from the video of him with that bitch Dee, flashing into her head.Oh, she tried to forget it, she wanted nothing more than to wipe it from her mind.She tried sleeping it away, drinking it away, and even fucking it away with other men, but it always returned and she thought it always would.She knew why she was here, or at least what they had told her.Origin ran a club where they whored out the gods they kept there for whatever money they could make.Rumor was the club was quite successful.The gods kept in the club, the club which catered to rich lonely women, might be in need of medical help.No one else was willing to go and Doc had been a soldier long before she’d become a doctor.She’d been breaking bones long before she’d been setting them, even as a medic which she was before becoming a doctor.Thirty years old and so disillusioned by life she felt fifty.If they made it through this mission without her and Hades killing each other, she was taking a long vacation somewhere without the infernal heat and mosquitos.Something buzzed past her and Darven, but it wasn’t a mosquito.It took her mind a second to catch up and she pushed Darven to the ground as another buzzed by.Someone was shooting at them and by now, Hades had everyone on the ground while he scanned the surroundings as well as anyone could under the circumstances.There were no sounds besides her breathing and that of the men around her.Even the insects seemed to be taking a break, that was when it hit her, the smell of burning wood.It was barely there, like a campfire put out some time ago.Somehow, they had run upon the camp of someone that didn’t want them around.Origin or not, she didn’t know, but right now they had declared themselves their enemy by shooting at them.She watched him, she couldn’t help herself.He moved with the grace and strength of a predator, his body hard and muscled.Every move he made telegraphed the danger he represented to the enemy that had dared to challenge him.In seconds, he disappeared in the direction the shots continued to come from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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