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.As soon as she saw him, her cheeks turned a lovely pink and she went to get him a snack as well.He got the same apple slices, cheese chunks, peanut butter cracker snack, the kids did, but his was ten times as much.His glass of milk was much larger too and he got seconds.Maybe it wasn’t a big deal to most people, and he could see that El was the type of person that took care of others, but it gave him a warm feeling inside that she was looking out for him.A feeling was coming over him that he had never felt before.It was warm and cuddly, but also hot and needy.It was strong, too strong to fight it but he didn’t know how to act on it.He was ready to have a home and a mate, and he had already picked one to create the other with.Now he just had to convince the lady in question to mate with a male who had nothing but a sordid past and people with unlimited money and resources out to get him.No big deal, huh?Morpheus had never been a worrier, it wasn’t in his nature.He was, however, a planner, and a damn good one.He would see what information the kids might give him.He was pretty sure their advice could make all the difference.At their age, he had already been training to be a killer.He saw the way they both watched him and their mother with curiosity.Had she had men over before? Was someone else vying for a place at her side? He’d find out and then he would crush the opposition as he always did on his missions.The kids finished eating and went outside to play.He finished eating and sat there watching her clean up.“There’s not much to do around here.You can go outside and the kids will show you around or watch TV in the living room,” El said.“When the kids go to school tomorrow, I’ll go to town and buy you some stuff.I’m sure you’d like some clothes, shoes, and other things like that.”“I’ll go too.”“Okay, If you want to, but we’ll have to get you shoes and a shirt before you can go in the stores.”He went into the living room to play with the remote.El went into a room that looked like an office to catch up on some work.He was bored with the television, he really hadn’t ever watched much and when he had, it had been movies with his fellow gods.He peaked in and saw El was on the computer typing away.He decided to go find the kids.They weren’t hard to find.They were in the back yard which was surrounded with a privacy fence that had locked gates.They had entered on the side of the house when she had brought him here, so he hadn’t seen the front or back very well.It was a habit he had, to look for exits and entrances.It came from years of hard missions where survival was not only not guaranteed, but sometimes unlikely.It was a nice set up she had for the kids.There was a basketball goal, a small pool that was covered and locked for the winter, a selection of toys that were age appropriate, or at least he assumed they were, a wooden playhouse that looked like it was built on site, and some playground equipment like a slide and monkey bars.He’d go so far as to say the kids were spoiled and they were clearly El’s priority as they should be.Never having had parents or any family besides his brothers, didn’t mean he didn’t know how things should be.It just meant that his life had never been about how things should or could be and never would be.The kids were playing and laughing, it gave him both a warm feeling and a tight feeling in his stomach.The warm feeling was the wishful desire to belong, to be part of this small family, the other, regret for what had never been.He sat outside on a bench, watching them play for a long time.Was it an hour, maybe more? The kids were so happy and excited as they played ball and used the playground equipment, he smiled to himself as he watched.He pushed back thoughts of Origin and all the horrible things they had done to him.The most recent being the worst.Before he had at least been treated decently as long as his missions were successful, lately he was punished, tortured, and abused no matter what he did.It was hard to believe he’d been freed and he still looked over his shoulder.His slightly better than usual sense of smell picked up something familiar.It was the cologne one of the guards liked to wear, nasty stuff.He moved to a corner of the fence where a larger than usual gap existed.He peered out and saw Hart and Figgley checking out El’s house and the area around it.They must not be sure who was here or they would have attacked to recover him.They might even kill El and her children, they needed to run.As soon as he saw those two leave, he went to get the kids.“Hey, guys, we need to go inside for a bit.”“Ah, c’mon, Morpheus.We just started having some fun,” Donnie said with a little whine to his voice.“Yeah, Morph, let us have some fun,” Cassie added [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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