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.He was such a comfort.And Jenna could see how the tiredness was catching up with him, and could not be so selfish as to keep him talking about her problems now, so she let herself be comforted, and reached for another subject.‘How’s everyone else?’ she asked.‘How’s Rock?’Oliver was the third child of the Freemont family.Michael was the eldest and Jenna the youngest, and Oliver came between two other sisters, Rachel and Harriet.When he was about ten, and precocious, he had announced to their parents one day that it was like being between a rock and a hard place, and the parents had thought it rather clever.For a time everyone had tried calling Rachel and Harriet Rock and Hardplace.Hardplace was too unlike a name and didn’t suit Harriet anyway, so it lapsed.But Rock had stuck, and Rock Freemont was such a brilliant name for being famous with that Rachel had gone to Los Angeles as soon as she was able, to be famous properly in the best place for it.She had blagged her way into an agency in a menial capacity, and worked herself up, until she was now, at thirty-six, one of the big-name agents in Hollywood and earning shedloads of money.She had married a producer, Greg Scarpaccio, and they lived in a vast house in Beverley Hills that Oliver always referred to as Cliché Towers.Though she didn’t communicate much with the rest of the family, she kept in touch with Oliver by email.He said it was from a residual sense of gratitude to him for having given her the fantastic name.‘She’s in storming form, as always.Greg’s producing the new Julia Roberts movie, and Rock’s got a terrific part in it for one of her newcomers, one of those gets-you-noticed roles.Oh, and she and Greg are having another dog.’‘Another? They’ve got three already.’‘From what I gather, she was toying with the idea of adopting an African baby, like Madonna, and Greg talked her out of it.So she’s having a dog instead.A designer dog, of course.’‘A Labradoodle?’ Jenna said.‘I hear they’re all the rage.’Oliver looked impish.‘No, this one’s a cross between a bulldog and a shih-tzu.’Jenna worked it out, and then punched him on the arm.‘You’re making it up.’‘I bet if I bred them I’d find a market for them in California.Actually, I think she’s getting a schnoodle, which is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle, and actually quite a sensible mutt, despite the silly name.’‘Just don’t talk about dogs in front of the children,’ Sybil said.‘They’ve always wanted one, and that’s the last thing I need to complicate my life.It’s a shame you can’t go and have a holiday with Rock and Greg, Jenna.That would take you out of yourself.’‘It might put me in someone else,’ Jenna said.‘I don’t need any more fantasy and illusion in my life.I couldn’t afford the fare, anyway.How’s Harriet?’Oliver and Sybil exchanged a quick glance, before Oliver said, ‘She’s having another baby.Due in October.’‘Oh, good for her,’ Jenna said, but her voice wobbled a bit in spite of her determination.Harriet’s little Martha was nearly two, and adorable.She had a nice financier husband and house in Greenwich and soon would have two children.Her timetable was impeccable: living with Richard at twenty-six, married at twenty-eight, had Martha at twenty-nine, and baby number two due at thirty-one.And here was Jenna, twenty-seven and nothing to show for it.Sybil read her thoughts and sought to distract her.‘We saw Michael a few weeks ago,’ she said.‘All of us went over for Sunday lunch.’Michael, thirty-eight, was a corporate lawyer at a big company’s headquarters in Swindon, and lived in an almost unbearably exquisite village in the Cotswolds.With his extremely beautiful wife.And their four children.Oh hell, I’m such a failure, Jenna thought.Sybil was still reading her thoughts.‘He’s getting an enormous bald patch,’ she offered comfortingly.‘He’s starting to look like a monk.’Oliver burst out laughing, and Jenna couldn’t help joining in.‘Oh dear, if I’m reduced to Schadenfreude, there really is no help for me,’ she said, wiping her eyes.‘Never mind, monkey-face,’ Oliver said.‘All will be well.One day, anyway.Let’s go and listen to some Brahms.’‘I don’t know what I’d do without you,’ Jenna said.‘Family is a wonderful thing.’ThreeOn Sunday morning her best friend, Izzy, rang her to say she had found out who the Other Woman was.‘Serious beavering combined with a spot of good luck,’ Izzy admitted.‘This friend of mine, Dot, who works for Designers Guild, knows someone who knows something about a big job being done by Patrick’s firm in Onslow Square—’‘Yes, I know.Penthouse suite.No expense spared.Patrick’s working on it.’‘That’s right,’ said Izzy.‘Apparently the interior design’s being done by Sotterton’s – Dot said they’d hoped to get it at DG, which was why she took an interest.Anyway, this friend of hers, Beryl, works for Sotterton’s, and she says the designer who’s actually doing the penthouse is someone called Charlotte Anstruther.Sloaney-type, ex-public school.Tall, blonde, fairly eye-worthy, apparently.Beryl says she’s on site an awful lot, more often than you’d think necessary, so suspected there must be a man at the bottom of it, and fair enough one day this bloke came to the shop to pick this Charlotte up for lunch.Said they needed to talk about the Onslow Square job, but Beryl said there was a lot more than that going on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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