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.Until now, he hadn’t really noticed, so busy with his job and the spreadsheets and the annual year-end report.His eyes flicked over the huge bookshelf against the office wall, the awards and books no longer brining him the thrill they used to.Now that his mind was on bigger, lie altering issues, he could see the distance looming between them.Standing, he gathered the journal and a small silver flash drive, placing them in his leather briefcase.As soon as this was over, he was going to devote all of his attention to Alexina.Donald looked at his watch, smiling as he exited he car, leaving the door open partway.A nice little daydream of how things would go on the trip played in his head.Stopping to bend down and look into his driver side mirror, he adjusted his tie.The strong vibration in his pants made him jump, heart ricocheting in his chest.Damn it, it was just the cell phone.Lately, his nerves had been so bad everything made him jump.The meeting with the FBI and then this trip would help all of that.Donald opened the phone, “Hello?”“Hey buddy! Where are you right now?” Jake’s voice came across the line, an odd tension in the background of his tone.“I just got to the restaurant; I am in the parking lot right now.Why is something wrong?” he straightened, hand braced on the open door.“No, of course not.Just making sure I’m not too late.Hey listen, if it isn’t too much to ask, just hang out till I get there.I’m about five minutes away.”“Sure.Jake, is there something I need to know?” The knot in his stomach was back, growing with each passing moment.Jake was up to something, he knew it, just by the way he laughed at his question, a violence that swirled around the edges.“Yeah, don’t forget.”His throat closed up and he fought to get the words out.Jake’s voice had gone from tense to taunting, as if he had a secret that Donald would not like.“Forget what?”“That Mr.C doesn’t tolerate traitors.”Tires squealing behind him made Donald look in the mirror to see the approaching black car, driving too close to the edge and too fast to stop.In that split second, he knew it was too late.Alexina, what was she going to do without him?The car slammed into Donald’s body, ripping the still open car door of its hinges, dragging it and his limp body 50 feet down the road, before a speed bump dislodged his broken body.The driver of the car careened wildly, crashed into a parked car, before he gunned the engine and left the scene; tread left behind as he pealed out.Donald’s body, bloody and mangled lay in the middle of the street as people milled around, screaming for someone to call 911.Jake jumped out of his car that he’d parked in a side alley and taking cover in the mass of people running around, ran to Donald’s body.He made a cursory motion, as if checking for a pulse, though he could care less.Jake just needed to make sure he was dead.Satisfied that there was no pulse, He turned and yelled for help, asking someone to call for help.Jake faked a few tears, well aware that his life depended on his reaction to the situation; wouldn’t do to seem as if he didn’t care.“Don’t leave me buddy! You’re going to be fine!” Jake yelled a quick glance at the crowd to gauge their reaction.A minute later, a police car and an ambulance pulled up, sirens screaming as they blocked off the road.The cops were trying to create room for the medics, but more people were gathering now, looking at Donald lying there, lifeless.After clearing enough space, the medic’s went to work, trying in vain to save Donald’s life.After a few minutes, one of them looked up, blues eyes heavy with sadness, “I’m sorry sir, there’s not much we can do for him.He didn’t make it.”Jake took a step away, hand to his mouth in mock despair.Mr.C would be pleased by the news.After the police questioned him and he gave his account of what happened, they let Jake go.He stared at Donald’s car forlornly, trying to see if what he was looking for was in the car.When he didn’t see anything, he trudged back to his car.On the way back to work, his phone started ringing.Jake answered the phone, listening to the voice on the other end.“Yes sir, it’s done.No, I couldn’t find the information.I don’t know where it is, He didn’t bring it.”Chapter OneAlexina stared at the hole in the ground, her back rigid.She ignored the wailings of the large white woman sitting next to her, her gaze fixed on the pastor.She wished she could offer some comfort to the woman sitting next to her; she was her mother-in-law after all, but she found herself numb, unable to more than hold her hands stiffly in her lap.She ignored the frigid November breeze blowing through; her body colder than any wind could get it.She made sure not to make eye contact with anyone, not wanting to see the pity or concern or ill-concealed curiosity in anyone’s eyes.Wrapping the black woolen shawl around her body tighter, she kept her back straight, refusing to let the tears fall.How could this be happening to her? How could she be alone, again? They’d only been married 2 years, with plans and dreams between them.Her thoughts raced through her mind as she watched them lower her husband’s coffin into the ground.The outline of the burnished wood coffin blurred a moment, and she had to blink rapidly to clear her vision.She stiffened when she felt a large hand pat her on her shoulder in comfort, before withdrawing.She didn’t have to look back to know it was her father.She wished that she could take comfort in him and his strength, but she just couldn’t.The minister’s voice washed over her, leaving her with feelings of remorse and guilt and anger.She could do this.She had to.She felt someone press a tissue into her and she took it, wiping away the single tear that had slipped out.No longer able to keep her gaze on the coffin, she looked away, past the crowd of people, to a spot just beyond the last headstone, praying for an end [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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