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.I’d have known.All those nights, sitting together, talking, pouring out our lives to each other, I’d have known if he was capable of cold-blooded murder.Lucia didn’t comment again.She finally looked up and said, “What do you think about all this?”Jazz shrugged.“I think it’s worth a conversation.”“Because?” Those elegantly shaped dark eyebrows rose just a little.“Because even though you shop at Ann Taylor for your suits, I can’t afford to.I need the money.And I need to set up shop with decent resources so I can find out what happened to McCarthy, and maybe keep it from happening to me.” Jazz glared at her, daring her to find fault.“I need the money.That’s it.”Lucia’s lips curved into a smile.“That’s it? You’re not curious?”“About?”“How someone came to learn so much about us.About how they had my home address, which is not something just anyone can learn, believe me.I guard my privacy closely.About how they knew you needed the money, and I needed the challenge.”Unwillingly, Jazz thought about the tinkle of the bell at Sol’s, and James Borden arriving in his un-apropos leather with a message addressed to her.“And how they knew where I’d be,” she said.“They know a hell of a lot.”“More than I think either of us is comfortable with,” Lucia finished.“At least until we know just how they got their information, and why.”It was like talking to a mirror, Jazz thought.A mirror in which she was better-looking, taller, had better clothes, and knew how to apply lipstick.Lucia was smiling at her, eyes shining with something that might have been similar feeling, but then her eyes wandered past Jazz, focused on something behind her.Jazz resisted the urge to turn as the woman’s smile shut down and left her face blank and watchful.“Did you bring backup?”“What? Hell, no.Who would I bring?” She wasn’t exactly rolling in allies at the moment.“Two men have been watching us since we met,” Lucia said.“Were you followed?”“What is this, I Spy? I don’t know.I don’t usually look for tails when I go on perfectly innocent meetings.”“If it was perfectly innocent,” Lucia said patiently, “your lawyer friend wouldn’t have gone through this cloak-and-dagger routine to put us together, now, would he? Disgraced former detective and a national security risk?”“Excuse me?” Her hackles came up at the disgraced part.She thought about the second part of Lucia’s question a second later, with a blink of surprise.“National security what?”“Let’s just say that there are things I know that the government would rather I didn’t.Being watched is nothing new for me.”“Then maybe these guys are your problem, not mine.”“Except they followed you into baggage claim.” Lucia’s body language hadn’t altered at all—still languid and relaxed.“Let’s try something.You get up and walk away.Go to the bathroom.Don’t look back.I’m going to head outside to the taxi stand.Let’s see who they tag.”Jazz frowned.“I thought we were going to talk about this deal.”“And we will.Later.” Lucia uncoiled herself from the chair and held out her hand.Jazz, rising, automatically took it.“Watch your back.”“But—”Too late.The woman was walking away, parting the crowd with the sheer force of her personality.Jazz shoved her hands in her pockets, rocked back and forth on her heels for a second, and then took off at right angles, heading for the bathroom.Her peripheral vision found the two men—identical buzz cuts, one blond, one brown.Both had the fit look of guys who could run down a suspect without any trouble.She walked right past them, but they didn’t follow.In fact, they didn’t follow Lucia, either.They stayed where they were.She risked a glance back as she pushed open the restroom door.One of them was talking into his sleeve.Hidden microphone, very government-issue.She fished her cell phone out of the cradle, hit Recall and found the number, then dialed.“Yes?” Lucia’s cool voice.“They’ve got radios.There are probably spotters on you out there.Watch yourself.”“Did they follow you?”“Not into the ladies’ room.Hang on.” Jazz uncoiled the earpiece and plugged it in, hooked the cell back in its cradle.“I want my hands free.”“Good idea.” Lucia sounded amused.“I’m staying in plain sight.At least it’s difficult to start trouble in an airport these days.”“Yeah, let’s hope.So.What’s the plan?”“I don’t know that I have one, actually.”“We can’t hang out here all day.When you think it’s safe, hail a cab and take it to my apartment.” She gave her the address.As she was telling her cross streets, the door to the restroom banged open; Jazz stopped talking and began washing her hands, staring into the mirror.“Jazz?” Lucia’s voice buzzed in her ear.“Someone with you?”The woman who walked around the corner looked sleek and businesslike, wearing a tailored black jacket and black jeans, but there was something in her eyes, something…“Is something wrong?” Lucia asked.Jazz reached for a towel.As she bent over, the woman angled toward her, moving fast.“Might be,” Jazz said, and ducked.The punch—intended for the back of her neck—sailed past to crash into glass.Jazz spun, still crouching, and drove the heel of her hand into the woman’s solar plexus, sending her flying and gasping for air.She moved for the door—And it opened to admit the two crew cuts from baggage claim.“Hey!” Jazz said loudly.“This is the ladies’ room, guys—”One of them grabbed for her arm.She danced backward, almost tripped over the woman, who was coming to her feet with a brutal look on her face, and retreated to the empty narrow area between the stalls and the wall.Not a lot to work with, but at least it was defensible, they could only come at her one at a time, and, Jesus, how had she gotten into this mess, anyway? She’d been minding her own business, dammit, drinking her whiskey and drowning her sorrows, and now she was about to get the crap beaten out of her in a bathroom for a woman she’d barely met and a check she hadn’t even cashed.Lucia Garza said in her ear, “I’m coming.Don’t do anything brave.”“Don’t worry,” Jazz said out loud, and ducked a punch.“Brave is definitely not my style.”The bathroom was just too narrow for a decent fight, but at least it meant they couldn’t use their numbers effectively, either.She backed up into the narrow aisle in front of the stalls until her back was against cold tile and snap-kicked toward the face of the man coming at her.It was a feint.When he flinched, she hooked her foot behind the bend of his left knee and pulled.His head hit the wall with a thick sound, and he went to one knee.She put him down with a fist to the temple.She looked up to see a blur coming at her and instinctively put up a parrying arm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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