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.“Go on,” Kiora said.“Say it.You have never been shy about voicing your opinions.”Alcander raised one eyebrow.“I was thinking, there are a number of things that are not your fault and yet you continue to carry around grief for them.I wish you would apply the advice to yourself.”“I.” She looked into her bowl.“It’s not.”“It’s not the same?” Alcander said.“Is that what you were going to say?”Kiora slammed her spoon down.“It’s not!”The murmur of voices at the tables around them dropped off.She looked over her shoulder at three Omelians seated at the table behind her and gave them a tight smile.They nodded and politely returned their attention to their breakfast.Kiora leaned forward, trying to keep her voice low, but the emotion bubbling beneath the surface was making it difficult.“Your people were enslaved by your uncle.You thought they were dead.There was nothing you could have done, and it was Aimon’s actions, not yours, that kept them there.”Alcander reached across the table, gripping her hand.“You almost died trying to save those women and children.Jasmine killed them, Kiora.Not you.”“But I was running away from my responsibilities.Lomay warned me—Drustan tried to warn me.And people lost their lives.It is entirely my fault.”Alcander stretched across the table and pulled her hand closer to him.His eyes were wide and inches from her face.“The only reason you have a destiny at all is because of Jasmine.She has murdered hundreds of thousands, and each and every one of those acts falls on her head, not yours.You are not responsible for what you failed to stop.”Kiora’s eyes filled with tears.“I hate her,” she said, her voice trembling.“Good,” he said, squeezing her hand.“Hate her.”Kiora took a deep breath.“I can’t keep doing this to myself.”Alcander slid back down until he was sitting in his chair again.“No, you can’t.It will destroy you.You have been directing your hate at yourself instead of where it belongs—Jasmine.”Kiora felt a shift somewhere deep inside as her anger found a new target.“You’re right.Thank you.” She picked up her spoon, thoughtful as her guilt began to dissipate, and took another bite of breakfast.Lomay stepped outside the front door of the main house.He looked up at the barrier, scowled, then disappeared back inside.“Have you noticed that Lomay has been acting a little strange lately?” Kiora said.“Lomay frequently acts strange.But yes, I know what you mean.”“What do you think is wrong?”“I don’t know.But I do know that he will keep whatever it is a secret until he’s ready to tell us.”“It makes me nervous.”Alcander chuckled.“Get used to it.It is how he functions.”Kiora took another bite, enjoying the sweetness that Alcander was so disinclined toward.“I still feel unprepared.”“We are unprepared.”“I know.I am trying to formulate a plan to win this war.”“As am I.I hope you have enjoyed more success in your efforts than I have.”“Not really.But while trying to assess our assets and decide how to use them, I realized that I don’t know what your staff does.”Alcander leaned back, crossing his arms.“The staff has power of its own.You witnessed that at the battle for Tavea.More importantly, it amplifies the powers I already possess.”“Your control of wind and water increases?”“Yes.”“Why aren’t you carrying it?”“It seems strange to carry it here.Finished?” he asked, nodding at her bowl.“I thought we could watch a training session with Emane.”“Are we checking up on him?” Kiora picked up her bowl and walked around the other tables, smiling at the Omelians as she carried it to the kitchen.“You could say that.”“He’s doing a fine job, Alcander.I have already checked in on his sessions several times.”Alcander smirked.“I’m sure he is.But that’s not actually why we are going.”In the city center, on either side of the main house, four rooms occupied the wall, set behind pairs of wooden doors.Alcander pulled one open, ushering her inside.Emane and a Tavean stood in the center, swords raised and eyes locked.Emane charged forward.The Tavean stumbled backwards, trying to get his sword up in time.He was slow and awkward, hopelessly outmatched.Realizing eminent defeat, the Tavean dropped his sword in order to raise his hand in front of his face.A blast of magic burst out that caught Emane in the stomach and landed him on his backside.Alcander chuckled under his breath.“That is why we came.”Emane grunted as he got to his feet, looking at Kiora as if to say, See?“We’re going to try something different,” Emane announced, brushing himself off.“Since you can’t seem to stop using magic.” He paused to give a pointed look to the Tavean who had just blasted him.“No matter how many times I ask you not to, we are going to practice in an environment without it.”The Taveans shifted uncomfortably.“You will get your magic back as soon as the training is over,” Kiora announced to soothe the tension in the room.“Emane is right.You all must learn how to fight without it.”She removed the sheath from the talisman.The magic in the city vanished.“This is what it will feel like in a battle against the Shadow.Jasmine will take your magic as she has always done, and you will be left helpless against the Shifters.When that time comes, you will have nothing to lean on except what Emane is trying to teach you.”Emane jumped in.“I know you are all very familiar with this feeling, and right now you equate it with helplessness.” He spoke slowly, clearly, as if to embed it not only in their minds, but in their hearts as well.“You are not helpless.I will teach you how to fight when all you have is your mind, your body, and your weapon.And although learning the moves and stances I am trying to teach you is important, I need you to realize how much power you still hold when your magic is taken from you.That is what will truly make the difference.”The Taveans looked dubious.“Perhaps a demonstration is in order,” Emane said.He took the sword from the Tavean he had been working with and tossed it to Alcander, who snatched it out of the air by the hilt, his eyes glittering at the prospect of a battle.“I am not asking you to ignore your natural strengths,” Emane said as he strode forward.“As you will see.But you cannot use magic.”Kiora leaned against the sidewall.Sliding down, she wrapped her arms around her knees [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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