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.Your world is safe.’‘This is still my world,’ said Peri despairingly.‘Whatever the period.And I care about it.And all you do is talk about it as though we’re in a planetarium.’The Doctor sighed.That was the trouble with humans, he thought, they just didn’t have the temporal perspective.‘I’m sorry.but look at it this way.Planets come and go, stars perish, matter disperses, coalesces, forms into other patterns.Nothing can be eternal.’Peri sighed.‘I know what you mean.But I still want to get away from here.’The Doctor rose and began roaming restlessly to and fro.‘I can’t leave yet.There’s a mystery here, questions to which I must have an answer.’ He paused, staring intently at a section of wall.‘Look, Peri - come here!’He was wrenching at a handle set into the wall.He heaved, and a door opened with a faint hiss of air.‘Hermetically sealed,’ muttered the Doctor.He peered through.‘It seems to lead down to a lower level.Some of the original inhabitants might have survived down there.Are you coming?’Peri shook her head.‘No, I’ve seen enough.I’ll wait for you at the entrance.’ Peri sighed nostalgically, remembering her own time.‘Where they used to sell candy bars and newspapers.’‘All right.I shan’t be long.Don’t go wandering off.And be careful.’The Doctor waved farewell and disappeared through the doorway.Peri turned away heading for the steps.Her foot turned on a fragment of rubble and she gave a little scream.The Doctor popped out again.‘I said be careful!’Satisfying himself that Peri was all right he disappeared through the doorway again.‘Careful of what?’ muttered Peri mutinously.‘The spooks and ghosts you’re always telling me don’t exist?’She looked round the surrounding gloom and shivered a little.‘You could have left me the umbrella,’ she called.There was no reply.‘Oh, please yourself,’ said Peri.‘I don’t mind getting wet!’She turned hack towards the stairs - and suddenly a grotesquely masked figure loomed up at her out of the darkness.Then another.Primitive warriors, masked and carrying spears.With terrifying speed they closed in on her.Peri screamed.The village could have been duplicated on many planets and in many times.It was an archetypal primitive settlement.A low stone wall surrounding a variety of stonewalled thatched huts of assorted shapes and sizes.A larger building in the centre, primitive palace of some headman or chief.A busy place, full of the activities needed for survival.At a primitive forge a blacksmith was hammering a fragment of metal into a spearhead.A fur-clad woman boiled some kind of stew in a huge communal pot.Bands of children ran amongst the huts playing in the well-trampled mud.Suddenly the peaceful scene was interrupted.A warrior in full battle-gear came running purposefully through the village.His war helmet with its built-in face-mask, intended both as a protection for its wearer and a means of terrifying his enemies, together with the long spear he carried, made him a grotesque and frightening figure.Watched by the villagers, he disappeared inside the royal hut, which was distinguished not only by its size but by the gleaming metal pylon erected close by.The silver tower caught the eye of Sabalom Glitz, as the little band of warriors, part escort, part captors, marched him and his companion into the village.He nudged Dibber with his elbow.‘The light convertor.’‘Let me blast it, Mr Glitz,’ whispered Dibber.‘Then we can get away from here.’Glitz looked at the ferociously masked warriors surrounding them.‘Oh, you’d look good with a back full of spears, Dibber.Use your head.’By now they were approaching the biggest hut - and a little group of natives was emerging to confront them.It consisted of impressive looking warriors and elders, and it was led by a formidable-looking woman.Middle-aged and thick-set as she was now, it was clear that she must once have been very beautiful.She wore a long woven skirt, a white blouse and a woollen jerkin.Her many necklaces and her silver wrist-cuffs showed that she was a woman of wealth and position.The sickle-shaped crown with is central jewel, jammed firmly onto a head of blazing red hair, indicated that she was a queen.In her face, still strikingly handsome, there was the confident authority that comes with long-held power.Surrounded by the robed councillors, she stared impassively at the two newcomers.Glitz nudged Dibber.‘We’ve got company - right royal company by the looks of things.’Dibber looked at the stern set features and whispered,‘You’ll never charm her, Mr Glitz.’‘I have an uncanny knack with ageing females, Dibber,’said Glitz confidently.‘One look into my eyes and they start to melt.’Spreading his arms wide, smirking obsequiously, Glitz bowed low.Dibber looked on dubiously.She didn’t look the melting type to him.After descending seemingly endless flights of stairs, the Doctor found himself in a different environment altogether.He was in a long, brightly lit corridor, with walls that curved upwards to form an arched roof.The white walls were ribbed, with a sort of venetian-blind effect, and they seemed to be luminescent in themselves, providing the source of the light.The Doctor came to a junction and turned right into an even wider corridor.On his left there were three alcoves, each with a little flight of steps before it.The alcoves were flanked with long-necked glass vials set upon pedestals.Above each vial a long glass tube descended from the ceiling.Water dripped steadily from the tubes into the receptacles beneath.Some kind of water-distillation set-up, decided the Doctor.Water would be at a premium so far below the surface [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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