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.On the second day the trifler will be turned right side up and rehung from the same staff, so as to empty the blood from his head and prepare him for the third day.On the third day the trifler will be unwrapped and attended by a licensed D.D.S., who will extract every tooth from the top part of his jaw and every other tooth from the bottom part of his jaw, the extractions to be mismatching according to the blueprint supplied.On the fourth day the trifler will be given hard things to eat.On the fifth day the trifler will be comforted with soft fine garments and flagons and the love of lithesome women so as to make the shock of the sixth day the more severe.On the sixth day the trifler will be confined alone in a small room with the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen.On the seventh day the trifler will be pricked with nettles.On the eighth day the trifler will be slid naked down a thousand-foot razor blade to the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen.On the ninth day the trifler will be sewn together by children.On the tenth day.14 AprilThinking about my father.My father was a drinker, favoring vodka.Vodka is for people who wish to conceal their anger.Sometimes my father concealed his anger in the middle of the afternoon, mostly he concealed his anger around dinnertime.Once in a while at breakfast, when he concealed it in Minute Maid orange juice.A banging on my door.I opened it.A little man was standing there.He handed me a folded piece of paper.“What the hell is this?”But the man was already scampering down the stairs.I unfolded the paper.There was nothing on it except, in the center of the sheet, a black circle.I had been tipped the black spot.15 AprilToday we photographed fear, a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, real or imagined.I’m interested in fear not only for its own sweet sake but because it seems the one emotion among the emotions that presents itself pure, unmediated.One does not so much observe oneself experiencing fear as experience it directly.Perpetua watching, sitting in a folding chair, hands in her lap.Her breasts hiding beneath the long gray gown.She has red hair!We filmed the startle pattern — shrinking, blinking, all that.We did the sham-rage reaction and also “panting.” Mitch panted.Then we shot some stuff in which a primitive person (my bare arm as stand-in for the primitive person) kills an enemy by pointing a magic bone at him.“O.K., who’s got the magic bone?”The magic bone was brought.I pointed the magic bone and the actor playing the enemy fell to the ground.I had carefully explained to the actor that the magic bone would not really kill him, probably.Then, the thrill of fear along the buttocks.We used a girl named Heidi for this sequence because her buttocks are the most beautiful I know.This was a silent bit so that everyone could talk as Heidi’s buttocks thrilled.“Hope is the very sign of lack-of-happiness,” Heidi said, stomach down on the couch.“Fame is a palliative for doubt,” I said.“Wealth-formation is a source of fear for both winners and losers,” Ezra said.“Civilization aims at making all good things available even to cowards,” said the actor who had played dead, quoting Nietzsche.Perpetua said nothing.How can I persuade her to have a drink with me? She does her parts of the film (mostly disquisitions upon revolutionary tactics and the oppression of women) in a stern and serious and workmanlike manner and refuses to have a drink with me afterward.I took the magic bone home with me.I don’t believe in it, exactly, but you never know.17 AprilThinking about “Flying to America.” Will it really say what I want it to say?A telephone call.The Bill Bones Forwarding Company.Mr.Bones speaking.“Listen, Rush.You want to finish that picture?”“Who is this?“You got our message.”“The black spot?”“We want two hundred thousand.”“You’re out of your mind.We don’t have that kind of money.”“Put in to the bank for an overrun.”“If the bank ever saw what I’m doing —”A pause.“You mean you’re ripping off the bank?”“Not exactly.”“O.K.,” Mr.Bones said patiently.“Put us on the picture as consultants.”“Who is this?”“L.J.Silverman Incorporated.”“I thought you were Bill Bones Forwarding.”“Bill Bones Forwarding is a subsidiary of Pew Associates, which is part of a conglomerate called L.J.Silverman Incorporated.Make the check out to L.J.Silverman but send it with a letter of transmittal to Bill Bones Forwarding.And a blind copy to Pew Associates.Ha ha.”“Do I have any options?”We considered this together.“I don’t see any,” he said.“Do you? And I want to leave you with one thought.”“I know,” I said.“There’s such a thing as.”On the tenth day the trifler will be nibbled at by bald eagles.On the eleventh day.Then I had a slosh and then another slosh and then another slosh.Then another slosh and another slosh and another slosh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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