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.The tip of her nose buzzed almost, and the rims of her ears, and she recognized with a spurt of adrenal juices that her fingers, her toes, and her lips, even under the tape, were going numb.A curious, electric tingling sensation, a sinking feeling washed over her, and as the blackness closed in, she wondered if she had made a terrible mistake in trusting Mister Braden Mitchell with her heart, her body and her soul.#Heather was right out of it.Braden picked up the flask and gave it a shake.She’d taken in at least an ounce and a half of brandy and a good dose of melatonin—he’d put six or eight tabs in there just to make sure.It had worked perfectly.He put his tongue over the hole when he pretended to drink.She really was too trusting.He put it in the top of bag, along with the note, and the plastic zip-lock baggie he’d brought to keep it from getting soaked.He considered the light.He found his cap and put that on.Braden squished out the air.He put a pair of electrical tie-wrap fasteners on the top of the bag, turned off the lamp and then went to the window.He pulled back the curtains, as the sky flashed with silent lightning.It must be one hell of a long ways off, for there was no sound and no actual bolt.It was the sky and the overcast flickering.He slid his fingers under the window, feeling cold wet rain on them.He shivered involuntarily, and pulled up the window with one smooth motion.To his eternal gratitude, just then a thin low suggestion of sound came over the dark western horizon.The grumble built and went on for a while.The house was quiet as cold winds whipped in.Going back, he picked up the garbage bag and brought it over.Bracing himself, he carefully leaned out and chucked it in the general vicinity of a red dumpster bucket that stood near the kitchen entrance.It landed three feet to the right of it.It was a two and half story Victorian monster in warm buff brick, encompassing twenty or thirty rooms.The place had front, back, side and cellar doors.The lot was well treed and it was set back from the street.His vehicle couldn’t be more than fifty metres from this very spot.It all went through his head again.He lowered the window after seeing another bright flash through the low-lying cloud deck.There was no reaction from the house.The rumble of thunder seemed to rattle on for a while and he stood with his heart-rate elevated enough to be uncomfortable.The tough part was yet to come.Some of them old broads must awake he reckoned, but what were they going to do about it? They would lie in bed and think about things.Heather must weight in at a hundred-fifteen, maybe a hundred twenty-five pounds or thereabouts.Now was the time to turn off the flashlight.He stuck it firmly into his back pocket.After one last visual sweep of the room, looking for any tell-tale clue, he fiddled with the curtains, leaving them ten or twelve inches open for a bit of illumination.He prayed not to trip on anything or run into the end of the bed.Braden stood and allowed his eyes to adjust, waiting and listening to the sounds of the night.He would have sworn no one was moving about in the place.Whether anyone was awake and within hearing range was another question.Braden pulled a thin nylon stocking out of his shirt pocket and carefully worked it onto his head and down onto his face.He lined up the eye slots.He had an option for any contingency.Going over to the door, he rotated the knob, trying not to make the door rattle against the frame.He pulled it all the way open and waited to see if the wind took it.The breeze going out was disconcerting.His heart pounded.The hallway outside was dead quiet otherwise.Taking a look, the stairs were to the right.There was a faint green rechargeable nightlight plugged into a wall outlet right at the top of the stairs, a wise precaution, and a ruddy glow in the stairwell came from the room down below.Picking up Heather, he slugged her inert form out into the hallway.Setting her down, up against the wall and out of the way, he carefully pulled her door closed, not allowing the spring-loaded knob to go on its own but carefully releasing it into position.He took a couple of long, silent breaths.He heard wind up on the roof and small creaking noises when he moved.The rug was thin and beaten hard.The longer he stood there the worse it got.Bending, he picked the lady up.Watching for the top of the stairs, he kept going as silently as he could, his and her breath all too loud in his ears.He thought he would die halfway down, but they made it.Not a stumble.He didn’t even brush up against a wall.At the bottom of the stairs, the hardest part was over as the dimly-lit kitchen and back hall were empty.A panel of lightness directly ahead revealed the location of the back door.Again he set her down, and fiddled with the lock.With extreme care, he withdrew the deadbolt, and having thought ahead, he had her keys in his right-hand jacket pocket.He blocked the door open with a bag of sidewalk salt so the wind wouldn’t take it.Braden carried Heather out, face like an angel in the illumination of the amber security light over the back door.If he got caught right now, he would be in one hell of a lot of trouble.He hoped she wouldn’t snore.His adrenalin was already pumping at a sufficiently high rate, and he thrust the thought aside.Braden relocked the door.The bag was right there, lying in the slick paved parking area behind the building.His vehicle was in an alley on the other side of a screen of brush.A hundred feet further on, the dim lights on the backs of two and three story buildings showed where the next street was.He’d stumbled across it the other day while scoping the place out.The layout and Heather’s proximity had inspired the whole idea in the first place.She came first.He would come back for the garbage bag.God, she was heavy in that totally relaxed state.Four minutes later, they were winging their way across town in his big SUV, her in the back under a tartan blanket and him in front, laughing obscenely as the adrenal fits kind of took him, and wondering if he dared risk a late-night burger joint drive-through.Braden Mitchell was as hungry as hell after his amazing feat, and when he got home, he preferred not to drink on an empty stomach.Surely this called for a drink.#Heather first became aware of a mild pain in her head, a soft, fuzzy ache in the region behind her right ear.The pillow was cold under her lip.The vague thought went through her that she might have been drooling in her sleep…she’d been noticing that lately.A snork sound woke her, bringing her to a higher state, but only for a second.The noise came from her, and so it wasn’t threatening enough to wake her.She’d noticed that before too [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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