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.“But I will if you do not leave Charleston.” She kept the blade against my throat as she rose.I did not move for I knew she would cut my throat.“Today,” she added before kicking my side, hard.Fiery pain covered my whole side as I rolled over gasping then coughing.She started to walk away.“Guinevere,” I called out, she looked over her shoulder at me, “I am not leaving.”“We shall see,” she replied before retrieving her wig and half running, half limping down the street.As I rose up, she disappeared around the corner of a house.Fury was soaring through me as I held my side that felt like it had some cracked ribs.The sunlight glinted off the steel of the dagger she had thrown at me.In her haste to retreat, she had forgotten it.I stumbled toward it, but could not bend over to retrieve it, so I lowered to my knees to pick it up.It was nine inches in length, and seeing the handle caused me to suck a sharp breath.Engraved in the center of the gold handle was a heart with the letters J and G.I knelt there for several painful heartbeats as my mind shouted what that stood for.It was for her, after all, that Jack had deserted me in November.He loved the vixen and would not stop until he found her.Though Jack had never told me, I had known he was betrothed to her.I had overheard their stolen conversation at a ball when Jack had given her an engagement ring.It was the same night that she was supposed to murder James Monroe, who was about to be inaugurated as the president of our country.She had not done it, switching the poison with a sleeping draught, but the woman had done many other travesties, which was reason enough why I should keep her whereabouts a secret.I did not want my brother to do anything foolish, like marry the witch.Betrayal flashed in my heart, followed by bitter anger, for I knew he would do that if I did not stop him.Gripping the dagger, I pushed myself to my feet, gritting my teeth against the pain in my side.“Raven?” said a deep voice from behind me.My eyes slid closed as unpleasant flutters came alive inside my stomach.I knew who stood behind me.Seven months ago, Samuel Mason and I had ‘met’ under mysterious circumstances when his uncle George Crawford had been captured by a corrupt secret society and I had broken into George’s house, searching for clues as to his whereabouts.It was while I was there that I was set upon by a masked man.He attacked me, and when he had me restrained, he kissed me.That we were on his uncle’s bed, and I was dressed as a man only added mortification to the memory.I would have been able to forget all about it if it had not been for the letter.Later that night after I returned home from a party, it was to find my pistol that he had stolen from me and a mocking, detestable, atrocious insult of a letter.Since I had been masked as well and dressed as a man, I had thought that he did not know me, for I had never met him.Then came the letter and the realization that he knew that not only was I Raven, leader of the Phantoms in Philadelphia, but that I was also Bess Martin, heiress and debutante.I had hoped that I could break into his house, find whatever information he had on the Holy Order, and escape the city without ever having to see his lying, deceitful, rag-mannered, annoyingly handsome face again.On the ship to Charleston, I had thought too many times about that interlude and his perfect kiss.Knowing I could not run if I tried; I slowly opened my eyes and turned.The cavity around my heart that had felt nothing but a dull ache for the past month, filled with an alarming amount of warmth.My mouth dipped open slightly as my gaze took in all of him.I was gawking, but truly it was not fair.The man was not only handsome as I remembered.He was an intensely, poetically soul-burning Adonis.His honey brown hair was pushed back with perfect wavy curls falling to his nape.His gray eyes traveled the length of me while his lips curled up in the way I remembered all too clearly.“Just so.” He murmured the word, but I knew he was mocking me, for he had said that after he had kissed me.My breath hitched as he advanced toward me, stopping much closer to me than was proper.He held out his large, strong hand.“Miss Martin, I presume.”My mouth snapped closed as my common sense flooded back like a wave striking a ship.With seven months of mortification backing the action, my hand flew up and struck his cheek hard enough to make his ears ring.Chapter 2BessHe winced, much to my gratification, and stepped back as his large hand came up to protect his reddened cheek.His eyes met mine and his mouth drooped open.His eyes were such a pale blue that they appeared gray, and the look he was giving me was nothing short of intense [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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