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.“Wow, look at you! You look like a model! Let me guess, you have a date with Kyle, the actor?”On the defense and not knowing how she knew about my dinner companion, I quipped, “No! It’s not a date.It’s just dinner because he saw me eating alone last night.He thought I might want some company.”“It’s okay.I was just kidding,” apologized Ramah, obviously seeing the look of embarrassment on my face.“He’s already here.He asked me to direct you over to the alcove in the corner,” she continued, pointing to where Kyle sat.My gaze found the corner of the room, which suddenly looked way too isolated.My anxiety rose as Ramah took my hand and started across the room.I can’t do it! I can’t do it! Please give me the strength I need to keep walking.I really want to run out of here back to my cabin where I feel safe.What if this dress is too seductive? Oh God, I think I’m going to throw up.But it was too late now.Here I was all dressed up, approaching the most handsome man ever, feeling like a complete amateur, hoping a black, spinning vortex would swallow me up.Kyle sat with his back to me so he didn’t see us approaching.Ramah whispered in my ear, obviously sensing my fear, “You can do this.You look amazing.”I took some deep breaths, trying to center myself before nodding at her.Taking that as a cue, she left me alone.I moved to the table so Kyle would see me.When he looked around his face lit up and his eyes followed the curves of my body.I could see his eyes flit over my breasts, pausing before finding my eyes.Feeling vulnerable and out of my depth, I wondered whether I should have worn a bathrobe over the top of the dress.Anything to hide my cleavage.My hands instinctively crossed in front of my body, trying to camouflage anything that remotely looked like a breast.“Wow! You look beautiful!” he crooned, giving me a ravishing smile.My eyes met his and in that moment, incessant insecurities seemed to vanish.His smile comforted me in a way that no other had.The genuine warmth that exuded from that green aura glowing around him gave me the strength to reply.“Thank you,” I said, slipping into the booth opposite him.I still needed to keep sufficient space between us so he couldn’t hear my over-zealous heart.He looked impressive in his sapphire-blue shirt that was slightly open at the neck, revealing a tanned, hairless chest.The color matched his eyes perfectly.His prickly hair was slightly damp as if he’d showered not long ago and his full mouth, which I couldn’t seem to stop staring at, was slightly parted and moist.Oh my! How could someone’s mouth do such intense things to my lower body?Aware that my eyes had been lingering a little too long on that lush mouth, I shyly met his obscenely provocative stare.“What would you like to drink?” He handed over the drink menu, his voice a deep purr.Needing to stay on top of my game and wanting to remember every moment about the evening, I opted for non-alcoholic.“I’ll stick to lemonade tonight, thanks.I’m not much of a drinker at the best of times so I don’t want any embarrassing mishaps.”Before anything else could be uttered, he was out of his seat and at the bar.I eyed his body up and down as he ordered our drinks.Watching his mannerisms and the way he carried himself, he was the most glorious thing I’d ever seen, brimming with confidence, yet so graceful.I envisioned the privileged life he must have led.He was well spoken and had probably gone to college.His parents were more than likely middle to upper class working Americans who had paid for their son’s tuition.They probably lived in a beautiful big house with the white picket fence and lived the perfect life.He seemed so far out of my reach.And yet, here I was.Little old me from Australia.Life was downright crazy.Silently, he approached.The smell of him hit me first as he sat back down with our drinks.Tonight it was forest-scented soap.I breathed it in and let it flow through me.For a split second our hands touched as we both reached for our glasses, resulting in a tingling sensation in my solar plexus.I watched Kyle look down to where our skin met and I knew he felt it.His pupils dilated for a second and then he shook his head slightly before taking a long drink.“Looks like you got a bit of sun yesterday.”I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.Was he making fun of my strips of white and red skin thanks to my bikini top straps?I knew the dress didn’t do a great job at covering them up but figured I probably wasn’t the only one on holiday to ever have fallen asleep on the beach only to end up looking like part of the American flag.Seeing my hesitance to reply, he redeemed himself by pulling up his sleeves and revealing his own tan line.“We seem to have started a new trend.” His eyes warmed me and I couldn’t help but giggle.It had broken the ice and in an instant we were both laughing together.We chatted for ages and had loads in common.I found him very down to earth and quite a comedian.He had me in stitches much of the time, describing funny things that had happened on different movies he’d made.My earlier fears vanished as I lost myself in his presence.The night whizzed by and I secretly hoped it would go on forever.Never before had I felt so at ease with a man.It was like we’d known each other our whole lives.Kyle confided to me that he was an only child and lived on his own in an apartment in Los Angeles.His parents lived in a surrounding suburb, out of the city.I couldn’t help but return to the earlier vision of the perfect family house with the white picket fence and I had to grin.It was so evident.By nine o’clock we’d both decided our hungry stomachs could take it no longer so we went to get our dinner from the buffet table, which was again laden full of food.Pasta, salads, cold meats, fruit.You name it and it was there.I wanted to try a little of everything, suddenly famished.It all looked too good to pass up.Agog at our plates when we got back to the table, it looked like we hadn’t eaten in a month.We both broke out into hysterics before polishing off the food as quickly as we’d piled it onto our plates.“I feel like a giant, fat hippopotamus,” exclaimed Kyle, pointing to the large bulge in his stomach.I looked at my own pot-belly.“I won’t need to eat for another week, at least.”After a moment of comfortable silence, Kyle said, “So tell me about your life back in Australia.It must be wonderful over there.”I nearly spat my lemonade all over the table.The magic ride I’d been on had crashed and burned.His question ate into my very soul, ripping out all the raw emotion I kept bottled up.Swallowing with great effort, my mind searched for an easy answer.Would I mention my past or would I just make up something wonderful? I didn’t want to get into a long, drawn out saga about my abusive marriage.That would certainly end the night quickly.Now was not the time to be dredging up old wounds.Images of pain and sorrow, loss and heartbreak flashed across my mind, threatening to spoil my amazing night.Steadying my hand, I took a sip of my drink, trying to hold onto some control.Keep it together.Think happy thoughts.You’ve come this far.Don’t blow it!Silence marked my uncertainty.“Hello? Earth to Dakota! Come in, Dakota! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to touch a sore point.You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, it’s just that I find you very easy to talk to and I want to learn more about you.” Kyle didn’t seem fazed by my reluctance, thankfully.He’d gotten me off the hook temporarily but I wouldn’t be able to hide the truth forever.For now it remained in my vault tightly sealed and locked away.I wanted it to stay there indefinitely because I actually wanted to see him some more while on the island.He was wonderful to talk to and I felt as if he actually liked me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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