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.No, I was going to ask dream Lincoln—“Hello?” Sophie was snapping.“Seriously, I can’t believe this is your first time in trouble.You’re insolent, a liar, you ignore authority.” She gave this laundry list of my supposed sins every time she saw me, as if to convince me, or herself, that I really belonged in juvie.My smile had turned to an angry sneer and I struggled to fix it.“How is my grandma?”Sophie began putting papers back into her oversized knock off bag.“Much better, now that she’s getting proper care.”“I did the best I could,” I said quietly.“I’m not saying you didn’t.It just wasn’t good enough.” That stung.I hesitated to ask my last question, knowing the answer would hurt no matter what it was.“And my dad?”She snapped the ugly bag shut and stood up.“Missed the hearing yesterday.Probably for the best.Even if he could properly supervise you I doubt he could control all your other behavioral problems.” And with that, my latest meeting with the woman who was supposed to be looking out for my best interests was over.I fumed all the way back to the main “school.” Sophie had to be the worst social worker on the planet.She was more than just mean; it was as if everything she said was designed to hurt.And she was more interested in finding Linc to put him in here than she was with helping me.Not for the first time I wondered if she got kickbacks for putting and keeping kids in this hellhole.The guard left me at the door to the cafeteria and it was totally empty.A clock mounted on the wall in a little cage showed I was fifteen minutes late for my first class.Not good.I ran down the hall quietly, listening for any footsteps.Nothing.Peeking around each corner revealed another empty hallway and finally, with a sigh of relief I turned the last corner to get to class.And there he was waiting for me.Calling for help did no good in this place.If anyone even came Clint pretended to be having a full-blown asthma attack so the teachers would think the girl had been yelling for help for him, not because of him.Not that any of them would hear me so far down the hall and with all the classroom doors shut.I whipped back around the corner, tearing down the dark hall for the stairs to the attic.Clint’s feet were slapping close behind when I reached the door and slammed it shut behind me.I darted up the stairs, and through another door.Clint particularly loved the old, out of the way staircases closed in by doors on the top and the bottom.I didn’t let myself think about the things he did to his victims in them.The attic was poorly lit by tiny windows on either side of the long, low peaked room.Dust motes made the air hazy and I swiped my hands over old tables and furniture as I ran past, kicking up as much dust as I could for my hillbilly attacker to run through.At the end of the narrow room was the second set of stairs leading back down to the main floor.My forced shortcut had put me much closer to my classroom.I only had to outpace him down the stairs, through a forgotten storage room, out into the hall and to my classroom door.With a foolish grin I jumped down the stairs and fought through the old furniture cluttering the musty room that was only two away from my class.I reached for the tarnished door handle and was jerked off my feet by fleshy hooks fisted into my short hair.The full length of my body slammed to the floor and the slivery wooden planks bit into my bare elbows.That was the least, but sharpest, of my pain.A cloud of grimy dust rose up around me and Clint stood in it, an evil grin distorting his face.Pain crackled along my spine as I scrambled back towards the stairs and with exaggerated ease he shoved over a stack of chairs.They cascaded across the front of the doorway in a shriek of metal on metal and crunching plastic that no one but us would hear.Fear set in as I realized trying to climb over them only caused more to fall in my way.Wheezy, snide laughter filled the room as I desperately searched for a way out.“You ain’t getting away this time, bitch,” Clint said gleefully.More determined than afraid, I launched up and ran straight past him, ducking as his fist came up to my face.But once again he clawed into my short hair and threw me back to the floor [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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