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.I’m going to get some sleep.” I yawned.Dean rolled his eyes and plunked down in the front passenger seat, Sully sliding in behind the wheel.I had almost suggested that Billie drive, when I remember that time we let her drive the minivan, crashing into a tree shortly thereafter, and slammed my mouth shut.I still ached to have Sullys’ arms around me, but I wasn’t going to risk our lives for a bit of comfort.Instead, I nestled myself under the blankets, shutting the light out with the curtains.Eventually the gentle motion of the RV rocked me to sleep.I was a child again, maybe seven or eight years old, sitting on my fathers’ lap in our hunting cabin while my mother cooked dinner.“But Daddy, I don’t want to shoot Bambie’s daddy” I whined.“I know you don’t kiddo, but there is going to come a time when you need to know how to survive by yourself; when there’s no other food source around.” He said.I had already learned how to shoot when I was five, and had gotten pretty good at it.“I won’t have to shoot people will I?” I asked.He had already given me the speech about defending myself in times of need.His face darkened a bit.“I pray that you never will, Baby.”It took a while, but I finally became comfortable shooting animals.I started small, with squirrels and quail, unwilling to shoot fluffy little rabbits at first, but working through it all the way to my big bear hunt as a teen.Back home and at the cabin, my Dad and I had a growing collection of taxidermy heads and antlers, our trophies from hunting trips.I was in high school again, messing around with my friends.Most people were uncomfortable in my house with all the blank, dead eyes from the stuffed heads staring down at them, but Sully, Dean, and Billie were always cool about it.Dean and I were wrestling on the floor of my living room, trying to best each other.“How do you expect to get on the wrestling team if you can’t even beat me?” I taunted.“Oh, you are so going down!” Dean said.“Yeah, right.” I scoffed.“I play the winner next!” Sully said from the couch.It took me all of three minutes to pin Dean down.He laughed it off, but I knew he was a bit hurt, having lost to a female.“Sorry bro, if it makes you feel better, I wasn’t raised like a girl.” I told him.“Yeah, but I still lost to one.” He said, joining his sister on the couch.Sully stood in front of me.“You ready?”“Ready.” I nodded.We tore into each other.He was stronger than Dean, and a lot more experienced in wrestling and fighting, having three older brothers.Within a few minutes, he was close to pinning me down, so I pulled the dirtiest trick I could think of to distract him: I strained forward under his grasp and kissed him.It didn’t work out the way I expected.Instead of him loosening his grip enough for me to overpower him, he pinned me flat to the carpet, his body on mine, and returned the kiss.“You can’t cheat like that.” He whispered.“I cheat back.” He slid off of me, grinning.“Looks like I’m the champion!” He said.I grumbled at him and hopped to my feet.“I have to admit,” I smiled good naturedly at him.“You beat me fair and square.” I patted him on the back and returned to my spot on the couch, shoving Dean playfully towards his sister to make some room.The four of us squeezed together on the couch, sweating and tired, to watch a bit of TV before dinner was ready.Lowe’s, empty and abandoned, or so I thought.The horrible stench of rotting flesh filled my nostrils, making me whip around, horrified of what I knew I’d see.They were all around us, silent and angry, hungry for our flesh.It was like a scene out of a George Romero movie.One of them shambled forward, its eyes faded to a milky white, yet it looked directly at me as it spoke, its words slurring out of its broken, decayed mouth.“You can’t escape us.You killed our brethren.You shot innocent souls whose on only crime was that they wanted to eat.You must pay for your transgressions against our kind.” It ran toward me, hands outstretched.I woke with a start, reaching for my gun with a trembling hand before I realized where I was, and why I had woken up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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