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.Theround ended and Cooper leaned against the balance bar, his smile showing signs of obvious relief.“Good job, kid,” he panted, holding his hand out to the boy who’d effectively trounced him.Thekid shook his hand and smiled back.Quinn almost laughed.Cooper was almost doubled over,and the kid didn’t even look winded.Cooper gingerly stepped off the machine, wincing slightly.Quinn grinned and handed him hishat.“Sore?”“Yeah.” Cooper ran a hand along the outside of his right thigh.“Man, I’m getting too old forthis.”“You’re twenty-one,” Quinn said with a laugh.Cooper gave him a crooked smile as he settled the baseball cap on his head, bill backward.“Then I guess I need to start working out more often.”Quinn wanted to say something to the contrary.Man, did he want to.Cooper might not have hadsome ripped, bodybuilder physique with massive biceps and a washboard stomach, but he waslong and he was lean, and in Quinn’s opinion, pretty much perfect.But in an arcade, surroundedby kids and couples and other guys their age? Not exactly the best setting for a love confession.“Want to head out and find Lonnie and Patrick?” Cooper asked.“They’re probably headed backthis way.”“Mind if we check those out first?” Quinn nodded toward the line of photo booths across thearcade.There were a bunch of the newer ones that offered the option of adding effects andchoosing from different frames and backgrounds, but there were a couple of the old-fashionedbooths too.Those were the ones he was interested in.“Sure.”Quinn glanced sideways at Cooper.“You can wait outside if you want.My mom and I used to gointo these booths all the time when I was a kid.We have a collection of photo strips on our fridgeback home.I think she’d like it if I sent her some.”“Aww, what a good boy you are.” Cooper laughed and reached out to pat his head.“I can’t justlet you take those pictures alone, though.A few maybe, but then we’ll do some together.Yourmom will just have to put up with my ugly mug too.”“She thinks you’re adorable,” Quinn said.He’d never mentioned it to Cooper before, but it wastrue.He’d sent her a picture of the two of them from a camping trip they’d taken with Lonnieand Patrick the previous fall, and she’d commented on how cute Cooper was.Then she’dpromptly asked if they were dating.Quinn was sad to have to say no.Cooper grinned.“Really? Well, then I guess she won’t mind at all.”They made their way over to one of the older booths and shoved themselves inside.Quinnadjusted the stool to his height while Cooper yanked the curtain closed behind them.Luckily,Cooper was only an inch or two taller, so the setting would work for them both, although itwasn’t like there was very much room for the two of them to sit down anyway…unless Coopersat on his lap.Quinn felt his cock stiffen at the thought and groaned inwardly.He couldn’t help it,though.Cooper was pressed right up against him as he fed quarters into the machine.Quinn wasliterally surrounded by Cooper’s smell—clean sweat, the soap he used to wash his clothes, thecitrusy scent of his shampoo.All Quinn wanted to do was close his eyes and inhale.“Okay, let’s do this,” Cooper said, seemingly oblivious to how utterly turned on Quinn was.“Wecan do some serious ones first, and then we’ll just get stupid.”And so it started.With some creative leg positioning, Cooper managed to squeeze onto the stoolnext to him.The serious poses didn’t last very long.Soon Cooper was making the mostridiculous faces ever, and Quinn, who could see Cooper’s expressions in the mirrored lens, waslaughing so hard he could hardly catch his breath.“I think we only have two left,” Cooper murmured after they’d finished a few sessions.Quinnfelt the scratch of stubble and the brush of lips across his cheek.“Mind if I taste you?”Quinn jerked, but he barely had time to process the words before the scrape of Cooper’s stubblewas replaced by the slick glide of his tongue.Quinn couldn’t help but laugh—it was unexpected,and it tickled a bit—but the laughter was breathless, and the slow stroke of that warm tongue senta pulse of heat right to his dick.He shifted on the stool when Cooper did it again, this time lower,along the length of his jawbone.“You taste good,” Cooper whispered near his ear.Quinn shivered.He was dreaming.He had tobe dreaming.Any second he was going to wake up and discover he’d fallen asleep in the car andthey hadn’t even gotten to the pier yet.Didn’t happen.The camera flashed one more time, quick and startling, and seemed to take thenoise of the arcade away with it.The games, the voices, the laughter—all of it disappeared.Quinn could hear nothing but the sound of his heartbeat pound, pound, pounding in his chest.Cooper shifted beside him, and Quinn swallowed thickly, turning his head so their eyes couldmeet.The moment stretched forever, tense and hot and trembling between them.Then Coopergave him a small smile, oddly tender, and those smiling lips were pressed to his.It was just abrush, the lightest, lightest touch, but it set Quinn’s body on fire.He moaned softly and partedhis lips, inviting Cooper’s tongue inside, but before it could happen, there was a bang on theoutside of the booth.“Sorry,” a giggling voice said, and whoever it was that had interrupted them moved away.Butby then the moment was gone.Cooper gave Quinn a regretful look and pulled back.“We’d better go find Lonnie and Pat.”“Y-yeah,” Quinn said hoarsely.His voice sounded like he hadn’t spoken in years.He paused andcleared his throat.“Yeah, you go ahead.I’ll be out as soon as the pictures are done.”Cooper nodded and ducked under the curtain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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