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.I dodged icicles shooting from across our border.A griffin tamer was staked through the heart, and I let out an involuntary groan at the sight.I watched as my allies fell, unable to move quickly enough to help any of them.The mages were more brutal than I’d ever experienced, landing strike after strike of bone-jarring blasts.The bombardments intensified, and I could see no means of escape.As I braced myself for another incoming attack, a soft gust of wind rose up behind me.A shadow fell over me, and then the ground shook.Lily stood before me, heaving with anger, smoke rising in curls from her nose as she turned to face the mages.She bared her teeth, crouching down in a battle stance, her tail circling me protectively.Twelve mages closed in on us.I heard Lily howling in pain as a barrage of icicles struck her, chilling her fiery veins.But she continued to guard me like a lioness to her young.She caught icicles in her mouth and used her wings to bat away crushing winds.The mages tried to come closer, and she cast her flaming breath at them, driving them back.My heart leapt as more shadows fell upon me from above.Six more dragons approached, followed by a pack of griffins.They each landed at the side of their tamer, their bonds of loyalty as strong as ever.And then I saw a flash—the glint of sunlight reflecting off an icicle.It was flying toward me, fast.I cried out, raising an arm before my head as if it would spare me from the sharpened icy spear.But there was nothing more I could do.My heart plummeted, and I braced myself for the end.Lily made the only move she had time for.She whipped her head down before mine.I saw her flinch, and at first I thought she was just stunned.But then I caught sight of the tip of the icicle, pierced through her temple straight from the other side.“Lily,” I groaned.I felt a hollow pang in my chest, a pain deeper than I’d ever known.My dragon fell before me.I stood rooted to the spot, too shocked to even try at defense.A mage then emerged from the group, and I knew him to be Destan; I’d seen him before in battle.With all my willpower, I forced myself to turn away from Lily’s fallen body and face my rival.“You’re harboring the traitor,” Destan yelled to me.“You can’t have him,” I said.“He’s not one of yours anymore.”“He must face his punishment; he’s a murderer.”“And what are you? An abuser, driving him to the edge.You’re as responsible for your losses as he is!”Destan looked at me with narrowed eyes.Suddenly, he raised his head in recognition.“You’re the dragon master,” he began.“You’re the one, aren’t you? The one who Pax brought him to when he was young.” Raising his right hand, he said in a low, threatening voice, “You know where he is.”Several of my remaining allies emerged from the wreckage of our village, stepping forward to my assistance with animals of all sizes following in their wake.“He’s one of ours now,” a falconer called from behind me.“You want him, you’ll have to take us all down.”“I will,” Destan said.“But not before I flush him out.”His hand was still pointed at me.I couldn’t move fast enough.A rush of water encircled me, sweeping me off my feet and carrying me back toward the mages.A griffin swooped down and tried to grab me from the water, but it was struck back by a horrible gust of wind.I saw an airborne dragon falling from the sky; it had also tried to come to my aid.I washed up at Destan’s feet and he grabbed me, turning me around and pinning my arms behind my back.I yanked against him, but he was larger than I, and I was still panting from the struggle of fighting his icy waters.“Are you there, Aedan?” Destan called out into the distance.“I have your man here, your protector.”“Aedan, stay back!” I shrieked, before Destan wrenched my arm up.I felt something popping in my shoulder, followed by sharp, piercing pain.A lion rushed forward to my defense, but one of the mages cast a barrier before us, blocking the creature.Destan grabbed my hair, yanking my head back.His rough cheek brushed against mine.“I’m going to give you the slowest of deaths,” he whispered.I could feel his breath across my lips; I could hear the malice in his voice.He released my hair, his hand sliding down over my neck.“Aedan!” he called again.“Your dragon tamer will only be the first of my casualties! Will you let him die the same agonizing death as you did Pax and the others?”“Stay back!” I repeated.To Destan, I growled, “We won’t give in to your bully tactics.The tamer clan has more pride than that.”“You can have your pride,” Destan said, “but I’ll have your life.”I felt his right hand sliding up to my face, pressing down over my nose and mouth.Water gushed forth, penetrating my air passages.I let out a choked groan, thrashing against his grip.He mashed his hand down against me, letting the water pulse from his palm and down into my lungs.“Do you feel that?” Destan whispered in my ear.“The burning in your lungs? The fear? The panic?” He brought forth a heavy jet that left me reeling.A barrage of animals crashed against the barrier before us.Even as I felt my air passages blocked and my lungs constricting in agony, I also felt gratitude for those who were trying so hard to save me.My eyes closed.I couldn’t fight it.I couldn’t fight the weakening pulse of my heart or the wrenching agony of my lungs.I couldn’t fight anymore.With the last of my strength, I opened my eyes a crack, gazing out upon my people.I only hoped that they would continue to stand united in protection of our village, of our ideals, and of Aedan.Relieved, I could see that—even as they watched me succumb to my fate—their spirits were still alight.And then the crowd parted.Steam rose up from the nearby flooded houses, which dried before my eyes.Aedan stepped forward, barefoot, clad only in the light smock and shorts in which he’d slept the night before [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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