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.She would fret about runs in her stockings, and she would admonish her children not to bother Daddy after a hard day at work.How could Janet have worked so hard to give Sarah a better life, and yet Sarah only saw herself doing the same things? Would her four years of college make a difference in her life once she was chained to American suburbia?Luke loved her, but he loved her like a well-polished vase or matching armchair for his living room.He would dust her, polish her, and take meticulous care of her…but would that be enough? Wasn’t she too young to become a Stepford wife? She wanted to break free from her parents’ expectations and experience the heady adventures other teenagers enjoyed while she had stayed at home like a good girl.Luke never spoke to her of his personal life, never asked her about her dreams, and never allowed their conversations to dip beyond superficiality.She would die from his indifferent courtesy, and he would give her a memorial service in impeccable taste.Then again, perhaps Luke’s message today spoke of a new direction for their relationship.Sarah hardly dared to hope, but at this point she was willing to try anything.She was foolish to do as he asked, but what were her choices? After three years, she had invested too much time into this relationship to start over.Besides, it would kill Janet to miss out on choosing flowers for the wedding.Janet’s excitement grew daily at becoming the mother of the bride.How could Sarah let her down? Marriage couldn’t be that terrible, could it?Perhaps hooded falcons didn’t mind captivity as long as they beat their wings against cages of gold.“Luke won’t tell me,” Sarah admitted.“He told me to go to the parking lot and wait.”Becky groaned in envy.“So romantic! You’re lucky to have someone to think of surprises like that.Me, I go home to three roommates and stinky cat litter.And let me tell you that scoopable kitty litter is not all it’s cracked up to be.Stinky, clumpy, and pure disgust.”“Ew!” Sarah giggled.“Like you’d ever want anything to happen to Shady.He’s your baby.”“Stinky baby,” Becky muttered.She adored her cat, but she often said she would have given him up to have a fiancé like Luke.It made Sarah feel guilty to have what Becky wanted even though Sarah wasn’t sure if it was right for her.She knew the fantasy wedding stories were just that - fantasy.But shouldn’t she feel at least some excitement knowing her life would change forever?Sarah and Becky walked out of the office together, turning out the lights and making their way into the deserted parking garage.Sarah checked one last time to make sure her hair was smooth, her makeup perfect, and her stockings free from snags.She waved a cheerful good-bye to Becky and rounded the corner to her usual parking spot.She liked to park away from the flow of traffic.Too many careless drivers yanked their doors open without caring whether their doors scratched neighboring cars.Her car might not be fancy, but it was completely paid for.Her pride and joy.She took a deep breath when she arrived at her red Honda Civic.As promised, a silver offering lay on the trunk of her car.She prayed no one had seen, or that they hadn’t wondered why office assistant Sarah Mathison had such an odd item on her car in plain sight of all passersby.Out of her pocket came a baby-blue handkerchief.One of Luke’s own.She darted her gaze left and right to make sure no one was around.No one to watch her follow Luke’s bizarre instructions.She gulped and lifted the handkerchief to smooth it across her eyes.She tied the fabric in the back of her head, using a good, tight knot.She added a double knot for extra security.Fumbling, she reached for the cold, hard metal resting on the top of her car.She slid one circle around her left wrist and snapped it closed.She lifted her hands in front of her, even though she could not see, to awkwardly snap the latch closed on the second circle.She rested her hands against her cheek, breathing hard in the darkness.The metal warmed quickly to her touch, and instead of coldness she focused on the sensation of hardness, the slightly rounded edges resting on her skin.She tugged experimentally, and the edges pulled at her skin.She stopped at once, but she realized that the cuffs were not a toy or a joke.At least not yet.She was well and truly stuck, trapped and helpless in a public place.Against all reason, her knees weakened and she leaned against her car.What would Luke do to her? He had never given her an order before, and she had to admit that she liked it.Maybe he could take charge, after all.Who knew why an accountant wanted his future bride blind and helpless in a deserted parking lot? Who knew why his future bride complied with an instruction that made no sense? Earlier that morning, Luke had sent her an unusually cryptic text message.Handcuffs and blindfold by car after work.It didn’t sound the way Luke normally talked, not even in abbreviated text speak.He didn’t give orders, but rather he asked her only what he might ask of anyone his equal.He was unfailingly calm, courteous, and polite.Sometimes, if she were honest with herself, aggravatingly so.Sometimes she wished for a man who could be a man, someone not afraid to assert himself.She had thrilled at his text command and allowed herself to hope Luke had read her mind.She thought that her normally staid and conventional Luke must have prepared something amazing for the two of them.Maybe he had listened when she dropped hints about needing excitement.Maybe he would bring her wine and roses.Maybe even a little kinky fun to spice up their relationship.Maybe he’d whisk her away for a night on the town.They’d enjoy a romantic jet-setting celebration of their last few weeks before their slow descent into playing bridge and making quilts.So caught up in her thoughts was Sarah that she never heard the footsteps behind her.She never noticed the shift in air, never felt the bodies right next to her.By the time unseen hands fitted a mask over her face, she had no time to struggle against the fumes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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