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.Ratcliff felt she needed to tend to a family situation.Behind me are three medical students who will be observing my techniques.We’re on a very tight schedule today, so I’d like to begin.”Dana hugged the gown tight across her chest.She looked over his shoulder at the scrubbed young faces of the bewildered medical students.Catherine stood ramrod stiff at her side.Dr.Snyder sighed heavily as he thumbed through her file.He licked his thumb and flipped through several more pages without even looking up at her.He slapped the file closed and tucked it under his arm.He turned his back on Dana and Catherine and faced the medical students.“Mrs.O’Grady is a fifty-five-year-old patient of Dr.Ratcliff’s.She was diagnosed five years ago with infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the right breast.This type of breast cancer is found in seventy percent of the women diagnosed with breast cancer.The cancer cells originate in the ducts and start invading the surrounding fatty tissue.The prognosis depends on how fast the cancer is growing, if it has spread to any organs and which ones, and the response to treatment.Mrs.O’Grady had a lumpectomy and radiation therapy and is currently on Tamoxifen.If there are no questions, I would like to proceed to the examination of the breast.”Dr.Snyder dropped the file onto the counter beside Dana and looked at her with beady eyes.“Mrs.O’Grady, will you take off your gown?”Dana wrapped the gown tighter across her chest.“I’ll do no such thing.Where’s Dr.Carrington? She’s the one we expected to see today.”Catherine stepped in front of her mother, forcing Dr.Snyder to take a stumbling step backward.“Who the hell do you think you are? In five years we’ve never been seen by anyone but Dr.Ratcliff, and we’re not about to tolerate this kind of treatment.As for your precious tight schedule, we’ve been patiently sitting in this freezing-cold room for forty-five minutes—if you think your time is any more valuable than ours, you’re sadly mistaken.”Dana wasn’t sure if she should stop her daughter or applaud.And Catherine wasn’t finished with Dr.Snyder.“My mother is not just another breast.She’s a breast-cancer survivor who’s endured countless physical examinations that have left her feeling completely stripped of her modesty.I will not stand here and let you treat her like just another patient who you need to rush along on an assembly line.So, no, she will not take her gown off.I suggest you take your king-size ego and pathetic manners and go find yourself a breast implant and see if it wants to play your macho games.”Hurrying down the hall, Olivia Carrington could hear the barrage of furious words from inside the examination room.Could this day possibly get any worse? She was worried about Ruth and her mother, and hadn’t had a chance to call and check on them.She’d worked right through the lunch hour and was in dire need of a bathroom break.She felt pulled in a million directions.The argument spilling from the examination room was clearly one more fire she would need to put out.She opened the door and entered the crowded room.To her right, Dr.Snyder stood cowering with his medical students.Dana O’Grady sat nervously on the edge of the examination table.Next to her stood the young woman clearly responsible for the angry words.Dana O’Grady’s daughter was stunning, despite the talons ready to strike—slim, with short auburn hair and eloquent eyes.Her protective stance exuded her profound closeness to her mother.Olivia forced herself to look away from this high-spirited beauty and moved next to Dana.She gently took her hands.“Hello, Dana.It’s a pleasure to see you, as always.”“I’m so glad to see you, Olivia.However, we’re not so happy with your choice of residents.”“So I heard.”Dana smiled and gestured to Catherine.“Dr.Olivia Carrington, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Catherine.”Their eyes locked.A myriad of intense emotions swirled in Catherine’s sea blue eyes.Olivia cautiously extended her hand.“Hello, Catherine.”Catherine folded her arms across her chest.“How nice of you to take the time to join us, Dr.Carrington.Who the hell gave you permission to let that idiot resident see us? We realize you must be busy, but your decision to send in this buffoon shows very poor judgment.If you don’t have time for my mother, then we’ll just get our things and come back when Dr.Ratcliff returns to her practice.”Olivia slowly pulled her hand back and tucked it into the pocket of her gray slacks.“That won’t be necessary.” She looked over at Dr.Snyder and the medical students standing against the far wall.“I never gave anyone permission to enter this room without me.I told you to review Mrs.O’Grady’s file and wait for me outside so I could ask her if you could join me in her appointment [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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