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.The latter deflected it with his wrists, spinning around and knocking the prod from the man’s grasp, before ramming it into his stomach.The guard doubled over in pain, and the General lashed out with one last kick, disabling the last sentry with a hard boot to the head.More guards were running toward the platform, this time with heavy guns, and Adelai knew that for all the General’s skill he would be hopelessly outmatched, even with the prod for a weapon.But escape did not seem to be what the general had in mind.His point proven, he tossed the prod out into the crowd.There were some screams as guests scrambled away to avoid being hit.The General raised his hands, looked his new owner full in the face, and smiled.Immediately, he was set on by the new group of guards, shackled more roughly than the others had been, and led away over the new roars and angry curses of the people.Adelai can only imagine that the Lady Maestre was starting to have second thoughts about acquiring this new slave.She would have, had she been in the noblewoman’s place.On his part, the Sarcopian king was clapping his hands, looking delighted as if he had just finished watching a play he enjoyed.Once the excitement of the slave auctions were over, though, it was their turn.Unlike the slaves however, they were allowed to return to their room to await the results of the bidding.Anonymous bids might be well and good to draw out the people’s hungry anticipation, but it reduced many of the girls to nothing more than a bundle of nerves.What if their bids weren’t high enough? Who would they be given over to for that night?Shrinemaidens lost their virginities at auction, but not their freedom.After this initiation, the high priestess was now free to contract them out to others willing to partake of their services and rich enough to pay for them, for a certain time.But to those whom shrinemaidens have spent their first night with, the reputation that comes with it is nearly priceless, especially if a shrinemaiden’s fame grows among the kingdoms.Exclusivity is not an obligation, but the bidder enjoys more liberties with his shrinemaiden in many different ways than one could with a mere contract.That is why, though Adelai was obligated to spend only one night with her bidder, she still could not help her anxiety.She remembered the fat guest from earlier and his threat of buying her, and could not stop her quiver of disgust.Her other sisters share the same trepidation, some capitulating to the stress and weeping quietly, and it felt like ages before the High Priestess finally arrived with the results.“The bidding went off splendidly.” She said first, and they all relaxed at the words.This meant that none of them had drawn bids that went short of what was expected, and that was something to be thankful for.“As I call your names, you will follow the servants back out into the hall, where the auctioneer shall make his announcement.”One by one Adelai’s sisters trooped out of the room, until she was the only one remaining, which did nothing to ease her worry.“Go now, Adelai,” the High Priestess told her, pointing toward the door.There was a curious expression on her face, a mixture of uncertainty and doubt that Adelai had never seen her wear, and it only made the butterflies in her stomach grow.“Come on.”When Adelai finally stepped into the hall there was a silence so profound that it took all she had not to bolt away.Every eye was on Adelai as she walked up the platform, turning to face the audience as the auctioneer began.“Our last shrinemaiden on auction - Adelai.Her winning bid goes to King Belair of Atalantea - “A queer gasp rose among the members of the crowd.“ - to the the amount of three million marks.”Adelai felt her knees begin to buckle, and had no idea how she was able to remain standing.Three million marks! This was more than any one had ever paid for a shrinemaiden.And why would the king of Atalantea pay such a high price for her services? She could recall meeting him only once before that night, at a banquet the high priestess had thrown for the shrinemaidens a few months back, and she was sure she had never caught his attention then.It was no secret, after all, that King Belair was in love with his wife, and would look at no other woman.Was this why he was paying her so many compliments during supper?With all these questions swirling in her head, Adelai was barely aware of the rest of the auctioneer’s words, nearly drowned out by the roar of the crowd.She barely remembered being led away, the high priestess taking her gently by the arm and steering her toward the room where she was to prepare herself for the coming night.She spent the next hour in that same daze as servants came and went, helping her into the sheer lace gown she was to present herself to the winning bidder with, anointing perfume in her hair.What would the King of Atalantea want with her?She finally snapped out of it by the time she was walking down the corridor, the high priestess leading her into the chamber she was to spend the night in.That Priestess Saleia was here and aiding her instead of directing someone else to do so should have set off the warning bells in Adelai’s head, but she was still in shock.“Priestess Saleia,” She finally asked, as they approached the door.“I don’t understand.Why would the king choose me?”The high priestess turned to face her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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