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.“I repeat: what exactly is the plan?”Mitzi looked up at me.“What she means, Eddy-cums, is what about the vampire poodle? Because if you’re thinking of bringing any of that vapid, overcooked English food back to the room for me, you’ll find yourself wearing it! And it’s a long walk to that charming Old World bathroom down the hall and the only running water!”“It’s simple,” I replied, “Clancy and I will go down to supper and join the others, like good little lodgers.You, Mitzi, will wait in the room.By the time we get back from our meal it’ll be fully dark outside, and I’ll take you out for your meal.”“There’s a leash law,” from Mitzi.“How do you know that?”“Because I read! It’s tacked to half the trees!”I sighed.“It’ll be dark, no one will notice.”“And what if they do notice, or we run into the local bobbie? I’d be a lot less conspicuous by myself.”“And get into a lot more trouble.”“I’m starving, Ed! I’m not staying up here in this three-by-six room while you two sit downstairs gorging yourselves on kidney pie or Yorkshire pudding or stuffed vole or whatever dreadful Celtic cuisine these people ruin their teeth with! ‘Westminster’ has everything, eh? How about an occasional dental office! Now, look here—“The poodle trotted over to the single window, put her paws up on the sill.“—look down here.There’s a perfectly good fire escape outside this window with which to make good my escape.I can be down it, out on the town, replenish my hemoglobin levels, back up the metal staircase and into this room before you two finish your boiled rabbit intestines or whatever the old bat’s serving! Now unless someone has a better plan—““You can’t trot about the streets of London by yourself--” I began.“Yes she can.”I turned, surprised, to Clancy, watching me calmly from the bed.“She’s right.It’ll be dark.She’s low to the ground.The worst someone will do is to mistake her for a large rodent.”“Thank you, Tootsie,” from Mitzi.“Besides,” Clancy smiled wanly, “it’ll give us some time to be alone, talk about a plan…”“You have a plan?” I asked obliviously.“Oh for chrissake,” from Mitzi, “she’s talking about being alone with you, moron! For the first time in weeks! I doubt she intends to spend all of it talking!”“Oh.”Mitzi shook her head.“What am I, your interpreter?”I looked at Clancy’s lovely figure on the bed, turned at looked at Mitzi less lovely figure under the window.“Well…if you really think it’s safe—“Mitzi was already pawing at the sash.“Just help me get raise this window a couple of feet, Sport.I’ll be out and back before you can say stuffed vole.”“What is vole?” I asked easing up the window for her.“Don’t even ask,” Mitzi said and hopped to the sill.“Okay you nutty kids, enjoy Mrs.Lipton’s tea.What time is it now?”I looked at my watch.“Quarter to six.”“See you at quarter to seven.” She leapt to the iron frame of the fire escape outside.“Wait!” I called.Mitzi put her paws up on the outside window frame, looked up at me expectantly.“Be careful.”The poodle gave me a studied look, turned and looked over at Clancy, shook her head one with resigned patience, and started down the fire escape.I turned to regard Clancy from the window.“What is a vole?”“A sort of …mouse.”I started, halfway to her.“They eat mice here!”“Actually, more like a rat.And I think it’s been a few centuries since that was on the menu.”I came before the bed.Stood over her.“Well.Alone at last.”She smiled.But again wanly, and she didn’t meet my eyes.“Well!” I sighed, “I missed you too!”“Oh, Ed…” She stood then, pulled me close, kissed me tenderly (little too tenderly for my taste) and held me there on the hooked rug for a time.When it became apparent Clancy wasn’t going to drag me down immediately to the duvet, I put my lips softly against her ear.“Was it terrible for you? Ivan—“She cut me off with a gentle finger against my mouth.“Ed, I don’t want to talk about that.”I nodded.Held her.Then thought about it a while.“Ever--?”“Not now.Not yet.”She drew back.“You don’t have to worr—he didn’t.Ivan’s gay, Ed.”“I know.”She looked surprised.“You do?”“He made a pass at me.Sort of.”“Really! And…what did you do about it?”“Not much.I was dressed like a woman.”Clancy pulled back.“Like a woman.”“We were his gallery show.At his auction, in fact.”“Dressed as women?”“Just me.Ivan was dressed like, Ivan.It’s a long story.You probably looked right at me, I was practically in the front row, sitting beside the fat Iraqi doing all the bidding.The one flirting with me.”“An Iraqi dressed like a woman was flirting with you?”I threw up my hands.“No, no, like a man.He thought he was flirting with a woman.”Clancy pulled back further, one brow arched.“You’ve…done this before? Dressed up like a woman?”I sighed.“No.Look.It doesn’t matter.The point is, the Iraqi won the auction.”“What were they auctioning?”I looked at her with new eyes.“You.”She accessed me a moment, placed a palm to my forehead.“Ed, it’s been a long day…the plane, the shark…”I yanked her hand away.“You remember the plane.You remember Ivan on the plane with us.What do you remember before that?”She frowned up at me.The blankness in her eyes was heartbreaking.I pulled her close again.“Never mind now.He obviously had some form of mind-control over you.Sophisticated enough to shut down your telepathic powers.” I shook my head against her.“How the hell a vampire managed that I’ll never know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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