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.He was dressed exceptionally well for a doctor.Usually, the doctor’s here were dressed in those slouchy green scrubs that always looked wrinkled like they had slept in them and then just came to work without changing.The crisp white lab coat made him look younger than he really was.He had to be in his late thirties, but he looked about twenty eight or so, in my opinion.He asked me several questions about how I felt and if I remembered phone numbers and birthdays.He mostly asked random questions about school and home.I answered them correctly and without hesitation.He was apparently pleased with the way I had handled all his questions because he smiled at me in a very approving manner.When he was finished talking to me he asked my mother to go out into the hallway with him for a moment.She agreed and patted my leg before heading out the door.“I’ll be right back sweetie.” I nodded back at her as she went out the door.They spoke for several minutes, each of them glancing in my direction from time to time.As I watched, it seemed the conversation was a good one.I watched as my mother smiled and shook the doctor’s hand.I clearly saw her thanking him as she turned to open the door to my room.Mom came back in happier than she was when she went out.I could tell she was relieved by their conversation.The doctor had told her I could go home in a few hours as long as I was feeling up to it.But, if I had any more problems I was to come straight back to the hospital.Honestly, I wanted to leave right then.After an hour or so of nurses coming in to do their final checks on me and removing the I.V., they said I could get dressed.Mom helped me change out of the hideous hospital gown.She had brought some of my clothes from home.Looking at them, I was thankful that she had a decent sense of my style and the fact that she picked out comfortable clothes was a plus.I put on the black t-shirt and denim jeans.I had to take my time getting them on because my muscles were stiff from being in bed for such a long time.I stopped after getting my jeans on to sit down for a second.My head was still swimming and my arms were heavy from all the fluids I had received.Mom waited patiently for me to put on my shirt.She tied my shoes for me because I was afraid that I would topple over if I bent over to do it.Strangely enough, I felt good when the room was not spinning.I was ready to go but there were still a few things that needed to be taken care of.The nurses gave my mother a small stack of papers.They were instructions for what I can and can’t do when I get home.She held out a clipboard to my mother and explained what the papers were that she needed her to sign.As my mother signed her name on the papers, the sound of the pen against the paper hurt my ears.My hearing was a little overly sensitive at the moment, but I didn’t know why.Maybe I really did hit my head when I fell, I thought to myself.When everything was said and done, the nurse told us that I was free to go.I had never been so happy to leave somewhere in my entire life.I am sure it would have been a lot worse if I had actually been awake the whole time.Weeks passed without any more fainting spells.I didn’t even have so much as a headache.No weird blue lights shot from my skin.To me that was a good thing.I still noticed that my hearing wasn’t quite right.I was able to hear things that a normal person’s ears wouldn’t.Things like the neighbor’s dog eating and his tongue slapping at the side of his metal food bowl and I could hear all this while being in my room with the television going.It was weird, but empowering at the same time and I didn’t want to devote any more time to worrying about it, so I went on about my normal routine as if nothing had happened.School went on as usual.I had been studying for the last of my final exams.History, English, and Physics were the worst of all.My grades weren’t great, but I was pleased with them.It wasn’t like I was flunking out or anything.I just wasn’t the best at taking tests.They had a way of making me nervous.As I left each classroom, I checked the posting for my grade.I made a 92 on the History final.On the Physics exam, I made a 98 and a 96 on the English final.I was happy with those.Nevertheless, I’m sure I could have done better on the History exam.It was never my best subject.No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make all the details of war and discovery stay in my mind.Final exams were awful this year.Thank goodness, it was my last time to take them.I only have one exam left-- Biology.I was sure I was going to pass that one with grace.It was my favorite subject.I hardly made under a 98 on any of the tests or homework assignments.The exam isn’t until Monday and today is Friday, so, there would be plenty of time for me to review the information.It wasn’t like I really needed to study for it and I promised myself a book free weekend.All of my friends are going out of town with their families and I was somewhat proud to have some time to myself, but I felt guilty for being glad they were going.I would miss them without a doubt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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