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.I looked at the Spawn.“You going to take a chance with Were bloodlust?”“Crap.” Clearly he hadn’t thought of that.“Untie me, Rothchild.You know the trouble you guys will get in if someone finds us, and my friends are expecting me back.Cut the rope, and this whole thing will go away like a bad dream.”Boris stepped up behind me.“Enough! Tell us where the Sucker is.” He yanked my arms up nearly over my head.I felt a POP, and white hot fire shot through my shoulder as it dislocated from its socket.I screamed.This wasn’t happening.Their little Monger game had turned into something nasty and unpredictable, and I had the horrible, sinking feeling that the Were was calling the shots now.“What did you do to her!?” Raven’s shriek had a panicked edge to it, and the only thing that gave me comfort through the nausea and pain was the thought that she was freaking.Out.Badly.Except for the part where freaked out people do stupid things.Because apparently, Spawn and his knife were freaking out too.“She’ll tell on us Raven! Should I kill her?”I gritted my teeth through the sheer ball of fiery agony that used to be my shoulder.A jackhammer to the head would have been preferable torture.“Don’t be a moron, Rothchild.Untie me.”Then I heard something outside the shack, and my guts told me it was another Monger.Could the day get any worse?But Boris heard it too with his Were ears.“We’re not alone.”The Spawn swung his knife around toward the door just when it crashed inward and knocked him on his butt, leaving the knife stuck in the rough wood.Adam stood in the opening, grinning like the over-confident idiot he was, and then Boris launched at him.They went flying back outside, and the sounds of fierce and dangerous growling in the woods nearly wilted whatever courage I had left.But then Spawn made a go for his knife.I stuck my feet out, he went down, and I got a kick in for good measure.Spawn and Raven bolted, and the horrendous sounds of fighting carried themselves further away.And then Tom was inside the shack with a worried look and a very big stick.“Saira! Are you okay?”I shook my head.The sweat was starting to bead with the effort to keep from screaming.“Cut the rope.”Tom was behind me in an instant and was working at it.The pain in my shoulder was so intense now that my wrists and hands seemed almost like a tickle in comparison.“It’s too tight, I can’t.”“There’s a knife in the door.”Tom wrenched the blade from the wood and used it to carefully slice through the rope.When my wrists were finally free, gravity pulled my arm down, and with no more strength to give a proper scream I could only manage a gasp.“Raven and Patrick …” I must have scared Tom because he got all busy and bossy with me – usually my job.“Don’t worry about them.We have to get you to Shaw.”“My shoulder’s dislocated.” All I had left was a teary whimper.“I can see that.Come on, I’ll help you walk.”“It’s a Were out there with Adam.We have to help him.”Tom hesitated just a moment, then shook his head decisively.“He has Connor with him.In Wolf form.They’ll be fine.”A sob caught in my throat as Tom eased me to my feet and threw my good arm over his shoulder.He wasn’t big or tall, but he had the strength of a distance runner, and I set my teeth and sucked it up like the tough girl I pretended to be.I couldn’t hear the guys in the woods anymore, and I hoped with all my heart that they were fine and had scared the rabid Were away.Tom told me in a low voice that Adam was shocked when he made it back to school before me.He tried to pull his new trick of seeing like he was in my head, but it was too dark, he said.So then Tom tried.He told me, in the same quiet voice, how easy Mongers were to See in his visions, and because I was with Mongers he was able to zero in on me in that shack.Connor came out in his Wolf form, and between his nose and Tom’s sight they were able to find me pretty quickly.“But something’s different now, Saira.The visions with Mongers.They’re getting … stronger.”“The visions or the Mongers?”Tom sounded worried.“Both.”“Have you told anyone else?”He shook his head gravely.“I can’t … my dad … being a powerful Seer is everything to him.I can’t let anything Monger taint him.”Personally, I thought Phillip Landers was a jerk, but he was Tom’s problem, not mine.And the fact that Tom was even thinking about that told me he knew about the Monger that was mixed in with his Seer blood, even if he didn’t want to admit it.“Tell someone.”He sighed.“I just did.”In a weird way his Monger-directed sight made sense.But only a select few people who had been under the London Bridge the night the Mongers almost got me knew that Tom’s biological father was Seth Walters.He had assaulted Tom’s mother eighteen years ago, but no one on the Immortal Descendants Council, which was our governing body, had ever pursued criminal charges against him because it would have officially outed Tom’s mixed-blood status.I think I was only about half-conscious on the trek back to school, and nearly cried out again when we slipped in through the broken Solarium window.We had been cocky enough to believe no one knew about our unsanctioned free-running classes, but obviously the Mongers were on to us.So at this point, we were busted no matter what, and I very clearly needed Mr.Shaw’s help.The Bear was still in his office when we stumbled inside.He’d been working with my dad’s old microscope, and I think we actually managed to surprise him.He took one look at my face and was across the room with the speed I’ve only heard about with bears in the wild.He eased me down into a chair and started prodding my shoulder with firm, gentle fingers.I whimpered quietly and concentrated on the many colors of red, orange, gold and brown in his unruly hair.“Tom, I need you to hold Saira’s other arm and shoulder down.” His voice made me jump, I’d been concentrating so hard on not vomiting or passing out.“Get behind her and pin her to the chair if you need to, but I need her held steady.”Tom kneeled down and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind the chair.He spoke softly into my ear as he basically pinned me in place.“Sorry.”“It’s okay.Thanks.”Mr.Shaw picked up my arm and rotated it slightly.My shoulder screamed in agony, and tears sprang to my eyes.“Look at me, Saira.” His voice was calm and matter-of-fact, and I had no choice.I met his eyes, and he locked our gazes together.“You’re going to want to scream, but you’ll pass out instead.”There was a massive pop as he jerked my arm, and my world exploded into bright white fiery light.And then I was out.ShawI snapped back to consciousness when Adam’s voice intruded on my blissful blackout.“I don’t know if it was a bite or just a scratch.But the bastard was a Were [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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