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.I truly wish I’d been here sooner.” “You are here now.That’s what’s important,” Gwen told him with a smile.“I’m glad that you are here now.I just can’t believe we’ve never met before now.”“It wasn’t our time yet to meet,” he said.Lifting her hand, he turned it, palm up, in his to stroke a finger over her skin.“The universe knew it wasn’t our time to meet.We had to be ready, for one another and for whatever would be tossed before us.I don’t know yet what that might be, but I figure we’ll know soon enough.” He reached out and touched his fingers to her cheek impulsively.“I like how that sounds.” Gwen turned her face into his hand and brushed her lips over the palm.“You do something to me,” she whispered softly.“I like it, a lot.” She moved so that she was closer to him.“I wouldn’t mind it at all if you kissed me right now either.” Bold and brash of her, but he was worth putting herself out there for.For a long moment, he just stared into her eyes before he moved in closer.Lowering his head, he brushed his lips to hers gently, giving her plenty of time to stop him if she was of a mind to.Thankfully, he deepened the kiss and pressed her closer.He pressed his palm flat to her back and drew her impossibly tighter to his body.Gwen’s hands slid up the hard planes of Rhys’s chest and she kissed him back.Her hand moved to the back of his head and she held onto him as he kissed her like a man starved.She kissed him right back with the same amount of passion.Rhys changed the angle of the kiss, sliding his tongue in to duel with hers as he feasted on her.“Rhys! Mama wants you to get the riders out of the trail.She said to hurry up before they eat all the snacks,” Alison yelled from downstairs.When they pulled back, Gwen licked her lips and gave him a half grin.“I guess you were saved by the bellow of your sister.I think that maybe you and I should explore this attraction later, after you have done what your mama wants you to?” Oh, she was very up for him exploring all of her body as well as the attraction.“Agreed,” he said softly.“And after I’ve muzzled my sister too,” he muttered as he lifted his head.“Do you want to come along for a ride, or would you rather stay here? If you come for the ride, I promise you’ll see a lot of great sights.After we get back, if you’re up to it, I have a really wild, bold, and mildly crazy idea of something we could do.”“I would love to come along, if you wouldn’t mind.” Gwen smiled, her curiosity piqued.“And what is it that you have in mind for us to do? What kind of mildly crazy ideas?” Oddly, she was willing to follow this man just about anywhere.Rubbing his thumb to her cheek, he shrugged.“You will just have to wait and see.” Leaning closer, he brushed his lips to hers once more.“Just make sure you’re in something comfortable.It’s an hour trip and it’s going to be hot.So a hat and sunscreen for you.No sunburn or we won’t be exploring anything later.”“Don’t worry about me, Rhys.I’ve actually lived here for a few years.” She brushed her nose to his before kissing him again.When they parted, she licked her lips and took the taste of him into her mouth again.“Mercy.You are a dangerously addictive man.”“Good, because I’m definitely addicted to you already,” he said.He gave her one more hard kiss and then drew back, licking his lips slowly.“I don’t care if you’ve lived here a year or your entire life.I’m just looking out for you, doc.I’ll be saying the same thing to everyone down there that looks like they need it.Besides,” he said, “you have very nice skin.Now, hurry up and be downstairs in two minutes.” Sliding off the bed, he left her room.A moment later, she heard his deep voice and Ali’s much higher pitched one right before Ali shrieked and the thunder of booted feet could be heard before the slamming of the storm door.Gwen laughed, and after pulling out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, she changed clothes quickly and put on a pair of comfy sandals.Once that was all done, she put on a big, floppy hat.Taking her sunblock from her purse, she headed down, applying the cream as she walked and listened to the laughter of Ali and her brother.Leaning against the wall, she watched them and snickered.“Heavens, you might have been apart for several years, but you slipped right back into the role of siblings without missing a beat.I love it.”“Gwen, help, save me!” Ali squealed as she fought the headlock her brother had her in.Then she screeched when he gave her a noogie and fought even harder.But Rhys had several pounds on her and a few other advantages.When he let her go, she wobbled around before punching him in the arm.“I’m telling Mom,” she said before taking off at high speed.“I’m throwing you into the swimming hole later,” he yelled after his sister.Shaking his head, he turned to look at her and then did a much slower double take from top to bottom.“Nice legs, doc,” he said with a small, slightly crooked grin.Gwen winked.“Well it’s all that early morning running I do.” She lifted one of her now bare legs and put it on the chair beside Rhys.She applied the sunblock, her gaze never leaving his as she did so.“Just making sure to put the protectant on them, you know.How about you? Do you want some?” The innuendo was there and it was damn clear.His lips curled slowly as he took the bottle from her, tipping it as if to read the label, though his eyes seemed to stray to her more than not.“Nah, I’m good,” he said.Flipping the bottle, he moved closer to her.“Did you get every inch, doc? I am willing to check if you’re not entirely sure.”“I think that maybe you should check me a little more closely a little later.Perhaps when there aren’t as many people around interested in just how close we are getting or in trying to eavesdrop on our conversation?” She hoped he would get a lot closer.He shot a look to those near the porch where they were standing and nodded.“Good point,” he said softly.Passing her the bottle back, he leaned in a little more, dropping his voice just a bit.“I have plans for later.Be prepared for a very thorough search, doc.” With a wink, he drew back from her.“Rhys! The natives are getting restless.Rhys! Where the hell is that boy?” Kristin muttered.“Oh, there you are,” she said as she stopped at the far corner of the porch.“All right, anyone that’s going for the trail ride, get your asses in gear and mount up.”Catching her arm, Rhys slid his hand down to take her hand and tugged her along.“Come on, doc.We have you a nice mare that should give you a good ride.”Oh damn, his words went straight through her.Just the thought of him and the word ride together had her mouth watering.“I think that sounds like a very good idea.I am a fairly decent horsewoman, so you don’t have to give me a mare that is swayback, just so you know.”Rhys chuckled at that and shook his head.“I wouldn’t do that to you, doc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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