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.”Millie still looked shocked.“Wow.That is some really big news.I’m sorry, Jane, if you got your hopes dashed with Johnnie.”I smiled secretly to myself.“I saw Dusty last night, too.”Millie’s head swiveled toward me, and her mouth dropped open.“Dusty Hamilton?”“Do you know any other Dusty?” I replied dryly.Millie rolled her eyes.“Did you talk to him?”“He came over to say hi just as we were leaving.” I tried to sound as if it was just an everyday occurrence.Millie’s brow creased.“So, he remembered you?”“Apparently.” He remembered.And he seemed interested.“Whoa.” Millie giggled.“Is he still looking as hot as ever?”“Hotter than ever.” I fake fanned myself.Millie laughed.“Listen to the two of us.Squealing over boys like we’re still in high school.It’s kind of pathetic.”I knew what she meant, but I was still having fun.“It’s a bit pathetic, but I feel like we didn’t get our time in high school, so let’s just enjoy it now.”“Yeah.So what else did Dusty say?”I had left the best part for last.“He invited me to his house for a party tonight.And he said I could bring you, too.”“Jane!” Millie was bubbling with excitement.“We got invited to Dusty’s party? Holy shit! Tonight? I can get someone to work my hours.Omigod.How are we going to get around your mother?”“I can’t go, Millie.I promised I’d have dinner at Johnnie’s parent’s tonight.” I hated ruining her enthusiasm.Millie groaned.“Don’t do this to me, Jane.You’re kidding, right? You’ve only had the most massive crush on Dusty Hamilton for the last four years.”“That doesn’t mean I can ditch Johnnie.He needs a friend right now.” The truth was I was too damn scared to go to Dusty’s party.Millie jumped off the bench and started pacing.“Jane, what am I going to do with you?”I laughed.“Am I that bad?”“Worse.” Millie gazed out toward the pond where the sunlight was bouncing off the surface.We kept quiet until a jogger ran past our bench and down the footpath, out of earshot.My cheerful mood was slowly deflating.Millie pointed about a hundred yards behind us.“There’s the ‘ole wishing fountain.Do you have any change to toss into it?”I glanced at the tiered fountain, the water cascading down its white stone sides.“I can’t spare any damn change for wishes; I’m flat broke.”Millie turned to me, looking intensely serious.“If you could, what would you wish for?”I thought for a moment.“Oh God.I’d wish I could get unstuck.I feel like I’m trapped in this endless boring life where nothing exciting ever happens to me.I need a job.That pays well.I need a boyfriend.Someone hot as hell, like Dusty, but someone who really cared about me.I want a chance at love.”Millie sighed exasperatedly.“That’s like a million wishes, Jane.I think you can only get one.”I scrunched up my nose.“Well, I don’t have change anyway…”Millie dug into her pocket.“Here.Here’s a dime for you and a penny for me.Maybe a dime will give you more wishes.Let’s toss them in.”I took the dime from Millie and we both walked over to the fountain.The water gurgled softly as we both turned our backs and tossed the change over our shoulders and into the fountain.Millie giggled.“I wished for a gorgeous hunk to sweep me off my feet.”“What is it that Aunt Bettie always says about wishes? ‘If wishes were fishes… how does it go? If wishes were fishes…” I couldn’t remember.Millie looked at me oddly.“I never heard that one.Here’s mine: If wishes were fishes… I’d go fishing.Really, making wishes on a wishing well is silly.You have to go after your dreams.You can’t just sit around waiting for things to happen, and then bitching when nothing does.I need to start looking for my gorgeous hunk.Maybe he’s at Dusty’s party.”“What about Rick?” Rick was Millie’s on-again off-again boyfriend.“We’re taking a break right now.Which means he’s probably fucking some other girl.” Millie sat down on the grass and started picking at the clover.“I’m sorry, Mille.” I sighed and sat down beside her.“You remember what happened the last time we went to a party together? Remember Dusty started those awful rumors about me? Why should I even give him the time of day?”Millie looked dejected as she searched through the clover.She was always searching for one with four leaves.“Fine.We won’t go.In a few days Johnnie will be back in California and you’ll probably never run into Dusty again.Your life will be back to normal then.Just the way you like it.”I felt a twinge of panic at facing the truth behind her harsh words.“Oh God, I am like my mother.Paralyzed by fear into never taking any chances.”Millie peeked up at me through the long brown hair that was hanging over her face.“Girlfriend, you’ve just got to work on allowing yourself to have fun.You’ve just had all the joy of having fun psychologically beaten out of you by your mother.”I snorted.“Who are you? Dr.Phil?”“Remember how scared we were to go to Jordan’s party? We thought we’d get kicked out or something horrible? And when it was all over, we talked about that one party for months.It was the most memorable thing that happened to us in high school.” Millie continued searching the clover, picking a few promising ones and tossing them back down after closer inspection.“Dusty’s party could be another adventure for us, Jane.And I’ve changed a lot since back then.I’m not that scared little mousey girl anymore.”I thought about it.Had I changed at all since high school? I thought I had when I was in college.I felt stronger, more confident then.I finally felt alive.But I had reverted right back to the old days as soon as college was over.Thank God Millie was my friend.“I remember you were the one who convinced me to go to the party that night.I was dead set against it.”Millie tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at me.“It was the night you kissed Dustin Hamilton.Your first kiss.”I already knew in my heart that I had to do this.“Yeah, and I’m still fantasizing about him four years later.And he’s looking better than ever, Millie.But Johnnie warned me that Dusty was no good.”“There’s going to be tons of cute guys there.Besides, we’re older and wiser now- Oh! Look!” Millie held up a clover, grinning ear to ear.“Holy shit! They really do exist! I was beginning to doubt it after all these years of searching.”I leaned in to inspect the green clover resting in her palm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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