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.Every now and then their eyes collided into one another’s through the salon mirrors and she was always the one that had to look away because she swore he was reading into her soul.She couldn’t help but pray to God that someday, He would send her someone like Lover Boy where the mere presence of him made her hands sticky and her panties wet.Someone who, it the mere sight of them, made her heart skip beats like she’d ran a marathon – no touching involved.Of course, that was what every female wanted.A man that would give her everything she dreamt about – and more.Adeline was taking off Marilyn’s cape when Lover Boy was headed on his way out.He was paying at the front desk when she heard the stylist say, “Thank you, Blake.We’ll see you in another month or so.” Blake.You’ve got to be kidding me, Marilyn thought.Of course his name is Blake.What else would it be? It couldn’t be Gertie, or Simon or Bart because those names were just too plain for what this man was packing.Blake – she loved it.How could she have never seen him before? Windsor had a population of about 20,000, give or take some, and it’s not like she didn’t do stuff in town.She went to the festivals and the farmers’ markets and what-not.And now he was leaving and she was probably never going to see him again? Damn it.In a mere instant her heart took over her brain.In that moment, she couldn’t get out of there fast enough.She hurried and paid Adeline, leaving her a more-than-enough tip and followed him straight out the front door.What was she going to do? Follow him? Was she going to talk to him? What was she even going to say? Anything? Nothing? Take me to bed or lose me forever? Meg Ryan’s voice in Top Gun rang in her ears.How about take me home and do wild and crazy things to my body that I haven’t experienced in four years?She walked, practically ran, back to the parking lot and stopped short when she saw that he was standing in between her Jeep and his car.He was talking on the phone and hadn’t noticed her yet, so it gave her a chance to check out his finely sculpted backside.Even from this far away she could see the hard planes of muscle that made up his butt underneath his cargo shorts.Maybe he’s a model, Marilyn thought.A model or a soldier, it has to be one of them, she just knew.“Yeah, I will.Okay.See ya,” Blake shut the phone off and let out a sound of annoyance.Why did his new business partner always have to call him about small matters? He wished he would handle little things himself and then, when something bigger, more important, came up, he could call Blake and they could talk shop.“Rough day?” He glanced behind him and saw the hottie brunette headed towards him.Damn, she looked good, he thought.What was her name? He heard the stylist say it and now her beauty was clogging his brain.“Nothing I can’t handle,” he replied, still a little irritated.Her eyebrows rose up into a well-excuse-me shape and her eyes actually looked a little sad, as if his remark hurt her.Fuck.“I’m sorry, it’s just that I have a new business partner and we’re still at the getting-to-know-each-other stage.Forgive me?” he pleaded with her hazel eyes.Forgive him? Sadly for her, she forgave him long before she even knew he needed to be forgiven.“Of course.Don’t apologize.Look, I couldn’t help but notice you in the salon and the entire time I sat there, I kept thinking that this might be the only time in my entire life that I might see you and I just have to tell you that you are the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on.” Omigod! She couldn’t believe she was actually saying this out loud.It was like her mouth was no longer connected to her body and was speaking on its own free will.And to her horror, it wasn’t done.She continued, “I mean, I have never seen someone with amazing dimples like yours, deep dimples.Nor have I ever seen muscles like that in a man’s forearms.Where did you get them anyway? Even the muscles in your butt are amazing!” Her eyes closed momentarily.“Okay, you must totally think I’m crazy for telling you all these things.and I think I am, not to mention the fact, that I could go on and on about your emerald eyes and your summery-looking hair, but I had to tell you.You are extremely beautiful.It’s not like I’m ever going to see you again, so I thought, why not? Right? I have nothing to lose.Well, except maybe my pride.” She blew out the breath she was holding.Blake stood motionless, staring at this angel from heaven who was saying all these things no one had ever had enough guts to say to his face, and he couldn’t even speak [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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